I received a sample from Knocked-Up Fitness for the sole purpose of this review
Finding the time to work out after baby is really hard. Sometimes it takes months to try and get into a routine and sometimes years. It's hard getting back into that routine and it's even harder if you're starting to work out for the first time. But Knocked-Up Fitness makes it easy and has fun, engaging workouts for you to do at home!
I received the After Baby DVD set
Knocked-Up Fitness has DVDs for prenatal (while pregnant) and postnatal (after baby). They are no impact workouts, not cardio. They are super easy to do and are FUN. The after baby set includes 10 workouts and it's 2 hours long. You can mix and match them from day to day for a fun new workout each time you pull it out. There is also the workout booklet that shows you which exercises to do together.
Even though they are no impact, moving from one thing to the next really gets your heart rate going so it IS still a workout!!
The after baby focuses on toning, sculpting, and conditioning your entire body, with an emphasis on your core and pelvic muscles.
I love the DVD. It's such a fun workout, but is light and easy. Whether it's been months or years since baby has been born, this is a great DVD for all mothers!
Price: The 2 DVD set with bonus booklet is on sale for $29.
Overall: *****
For the hop, Knocked-Up Fitness is offering an After Baby DVD set worth $38!
*Disclaimer* I received an item directly from Knocked-Up in exchange for a review. I was not paid to try out these products*
A big thank you goes out to Knocked-Up for allowing me to review this product

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