I received a sample from Re-Play for the sole purpose of this review
I just love everything about going green. Although I could definitely improve this in many areas, I like finding new items that are AFFORDABLE and take chemicals out of our lives. One area that I struggle with this is tableware and toys. They are slim pickings when it comes to these items made naturally, but Re-Play makes it easy!!! They make these wonderful items and they are SUPER affordable!
I received 2 divided plates, 2 drinking cups, 1 soft spout cup and 1 teething toy.
All of Re-Play's items are made from recycled Milk Jugs! A great way to diminish the garbage in our landfills. Plus they are super durable, meaning you'll have to buy less often, saving you money AND saving even more garbage! They are rugged!
Teething Keys
Love the divided plate. Perfect for toddlers.
Soft Spout cup is just 3 easy to clean parts.
I'm loving all of these items. The cups are so great I'm thinking of buying a few more and getting rid of our other cups. Perfect for kids, they're small in diameter and easy for hands to hold. My daughter loves them, but I do as well.
The soft spout cup is really soft and durable, but still 100% green and eco-friendly.
The teething toys are just hard plastic, so they're not real comfy on baby's gums, but my infant loves to shake them and has a blast making noise with them!
The plates are perfect! They are deep, so they're great for toddlers learning to feed themselves. Helps prevent spills and they can use the edge to push the food onto their utensil.
Re-Play also makes utensils and bowls as well.
They also have this wonderful Snack Stack
Price: Snack stack is $5.99, drinking cups are $5.99 for 3 of them!! 2 bowls are $4.99, 2 plates are $5.99. They are so CHEAP!!
Overall: *****
For the Hop, Re-Play is offering a Snack Stack for part of the Grand Prize for this event.
Giveaway goes live 9/8!
*Disclaimer* I received an item directly from Re-Play in exchange for a review. I was not paid to try out these products*
A big thank you goes out to Re-Play for allowing me to review this product

Rachel said...
I LOVE that they are made from recycled milk jugs! So awesome!
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