Mommy's Favorite Things: Perrigo Review & Giveaway

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Perrigo Review & Giveaway

I received a sample from Perrigo for the sole purpose of this review
I've almost always bought store brand items. To me they taste exactly the same but are usually quite a bit cheaper. I can actually estimate that I save at least $40 each shopping trip just by buying store brand items. $.40 here and $1 there, it adds up quickly! 

I was contacted by Perrigo Nutritionals to do a review on their baby items. 
The loot!

9 Pouches
 4 Yogurt Bites
 and 5 Puffs

My 2 year old still loves all these items, so I knew this would be a big hit around here. Am I the only one who previously thought name brand items were made by the brand name company and relabeled??  I didn't know they were all made by their own company, but I'm definitely happy to know that!!

We received items from Meijer, Kroger, Walmart, Target and Cottontails (Stop N Shop?). All the items match up to the name brands and taste the same, but are significantly cheaper.

My son just devoured all of these. The Yogurt Bites and Pouches are all gone. The puffs are half way there. These are the perfect snack and compliment to breakfast for us. I love the quality of them and since they're cheaper I continue to buy them! But they're almost the exact same thing as name brand.
I also really enjoyed flipping through the book. There's some great inspiration in there!

Price: Varies, but each item is usually $.50-$.75 less than the name brand counterpart on average.

Overall: *****

*Disclaimer* I received an item directly from Perrigo in exchange for a review. I was not paid to try out these products*
A big thank you goes out to Perrigo for allowing me to review this product and for offering a giveaway


Abigail said...

Totally - all the time!

Unknown said...

Yes I do all the time. I have found that there really isn't all that much difference in a lot of products.

Nancy said...

Yes, I frequently buy store brand items!

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

Haydensmommy05 said...

Yes! They are much cheaper and just as good!

one frugal lady said...

If my kids will eat the brand, then yes! totally!

Anonymous said...

Yes if it is a good deal and comparable to the name brand.

Amanda said...

Yep we do! They are always cheaper and taste/perform the same!

Unknown said...

I do buy store brands for some things, but not everything.

MamaStace said...

I buy both, depending on what it is I'm buying, and the difference in price.


bison61 said...

yes I buy store brands about 1/2 the time

tiramisu392 (at)

jakiesmom said...

Yes, buy the store brand puffs all the time

Terri said...

Yes I will buy store brands especially if ingredients are the same.

Rebecca Orr said...

I do for some things. It's about 50/50 for our family.

Unknown said...

I primarily buy store brand, unless I think the name brand tastes better.

Kristy Thiel said...

I usually buy name brand until I have the chance to try store brand.

Lisa V. said...

I have bought store brand items.

petchk79 said...

I sometimes will buy store brands, it depends on the item! If I want brand names I just usually use coupons so it's around the same price as generic.

mecarolks said...

I have bought store brand items.

Crystal K. said...

I often buy store brands.

Unknown said...

Yes, I always try the store brand to save more

Unknown said...

Yes I do buy store brand :)

Alecia Gibson said...

Some items are exactly the same as store brand so I'll buy the store brand to save money. However, some items, such as Oreos, taste way better than store brand so, in that case, I stick with name brand.

Sky Evans said...

I don't buy store brand

J. Gray Rosenblum said...

I sometimes buy store brands.

chickie717 said...

I usually buy store barands especially since I use a lot of coupons

Joshua J said...

I like buying store brand formula because it is so much cheaper for more product!

Carolyn Daley said...

Yes, I do buy store brand for half of my groceries and toiletries.

Unknown said...

Not always, sometimes Name Brands are a better deal. Just depends on sales.

laurie nykaza said...

Depends on the price and are the ingredients the same

Allison said...

i do quite a bit. thanks so much for the chances to win

Unknown said...