I received a sample from National Geographic for the sole purpose of this review
I have worked with National Geographic Kids a few times now and have always been pleased with the books we get. So when they asked me if I wanted to review 3 more, I of course said yes. And with my daughter's birthday coming up on the 9th, it was the perfect timing for an awesome birthday gift.
We got the What in The World?, World Atlas and 100 things to do before you grow up.
The books are just awesome. Ideas, hints and tips for things that you can (and should!) do before you're too old to get away with it! Making a new friend of a different race/religion, apologizing to your friend and starting your own business are just a few of the fun things in this book. I know my daughter will love reading through this and in combination with the other 2 books I know her birthday will be filled with reading fun!The Ultimate Globetrotting World Atlas is a Bold and Vibrant Atlas. Designed to show our child all about our world and it has vibrant pictures of things like wacky hotels and natural to man made wonders. It shows the different animals and people around the world too. A great learning tool for sure!
The What in the World? This is a version of I Spy and it's so much fun! Things like What's Wrong with this Picture, hidden pictures, and camouflaged animals. It's bound to entertain your kids for hours.
I know my daughter will be super indulged in these for the first couple days she gets them. And they're entertaining too and educational so she'll learn while having fun!
Price: 100 things is $9.99. What in the World $16.99.
Overall: *****
*Disclaimer* I received an item directly from National Geographic in exchange for a review. I was not paid to try out these products*
A big thank you goes out to National Geographic for allowing me to review this product and for offering a giveaway

Robin O said...
I also really like the Nat Geo Wild Anteater Bug Vac....so cool!
Debby said...
I like the Wild Anteater Bug Vac!
HilLesha O'Nan said...
My son will probably love the That's Gross! book. :)
Tara said...
The Nat Geo Wild Anteater Bug Vac is so cute!
Abigail said...
My son would love the Weird But True book! And the Anteater Bug Vac too!!
jakiesmom said...
I like national geographic kids just joking book
Kimberly said...
My daughter would enjoy The Book of Animal Poetry
Unknown said...
We love Nat Geo!! I know my kids would love the Weird But True 4 and also the Nat Geo Kinect game for XBox 360... ours kids have a blast one their Kinect :) Thanks for the chance!!!
j1man1r66 said...
We like Really Animals DVD Set 5.
Jennifer Rogers
mecarolks said...
I like The Book of Animal Poetry.
Ty Beth said...
I like the it's gross book and the Nat geo wild Wii game.
latanya t said...
National Geographic Bee 2012 DVD-R
janetfaye said...
I like 2014 National Geographic Awesome Animals Wall Calendar.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
Unknown said...
I really like the National Geographic Shut The Box Game.
Sue Hull said...
I like the Ultimate Animal Gift Set for Kids.My nieces love looking at books like this.Thank you for the great giveaway :)
Michelle said...
My kids would love the Weird But True Collector's Set. Thanks for the chance to win!
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com
Rochel S said...
I like the Ultimate Weird But True book
Pat said...
I like the Snap Circuits Light Set.
DesiredOne said...
I would love to get the Junior Talking Microscope for looking at things this summer.
Unknown said...
The Snap Circuits Lights Kit looks fun.
Cassie Eastman said...
My son would also love the National Geographic Angry Birds!
Lisa said...
I'd like "Everything Big Cats"
Anonymous said...
Something else I really liked from National Geographic Kids is the Ultimate Bugopedia. My son would love this. He is currently leaning towards being an entomologist when he grows up.
Gala said...
My kids would also like Really Wild Animals: Amazing North America DVD
Kathy P said...
I like the
Really Wild Animals 5 DVD Set
Unknown said...
I would love the The Book of Animal Poetry
Tiffany Schmidt said...
The touch pad World map looks like a lot of fun!
lgothard said...
I know my daughter would also love to have the touch interactive world map!!
kris Mihalov said...
my daughter would love these!
Karen said...
The: Treasury of Greek Mythology book is pretty cool.
Melinda said...
I also like Little Passports.
trixx said...
I'd love "5,000 Awesome Facts About Everything". How fun!
Tylerpants said...
I like the National Geographic Kids Almanac 2014 - Hardcover. Lisa L tylerpants(at)gmail.com
AEKZ2 said...
I like the National Geographic ''My World'' Personalized Map - Premium Edition.
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