Mommy's Favorite Things: #WhateverGoes Giveaway Hop Ends 3/24

Monday, March 10, 2014

#WhateverGoes Giveaway Hop Ends 3/24

Welcome to the "Whatever Goes" Giveaway Hop hosted by Mommy's Favorite Things and Mama's Baby Cupcakes. This hop is an open theme so whatever the blogger wants to showcase goes!! After visiting my giveaway, make sure you use the linky below to take a look at the other bloggers and see what they have to offer! Each blog has a minimum prize package of $25 per winner. 

The sponsor for Mommy's Favorite Things is Eureka
They are offering 2 winners an AirSpeed All Floors Vacuum

ARV $100 each

Mama's Baby Cupcakes, Mommy's Favorite Things and the "Whatever Goes" participating bloggers are not responsible for sponsors who do not fulfill prize obligations.


lisagee1234 said...

It would be sweet to own a Vacuum.
I don't have one now.

kelly tupick said...

Would love to own this, my vacuum broke so right now i'm just sweeping my carpets clean the best i can.

Unknown said...

yes, i need a new vacuum; my current one has lost suction over these many years.

JewelWood said...

I need a new vacuum very bad. The one I am using is very old and given to me by my brother about 8 years ago! I love this vacuum and would be thrilled to win. Thanks so much for this giveaway!!

Kimberly said...

Oh yes. We need a new vacuum. We seem to be very hard on vacuums.

nitebabe10 said...


Unknown said...

Yes!! We have been borrowing a vacuum for months now and the one we are borrowing is broken. So, it would be sooo nice to win one! Thanks for the giveaway!

Sarah Hayes said...

yes! we just got new floor and this would be perfect to use on them to

Melissa Storms said...

I am in the market for a new vacuum, my old one is dying a slow death.

Mama Blamer said...

No I have a new vacuum but my sister sure could.

Linda Carmical said...

I am vacuumless! I would love to win this! I need this! Hope I'm the lucky one!

Shan said...

My vaccum died so I am desperately in need of one

susan1215 said...

I need a new vacuum very bad, I have 4 dogs and an old vacuum.

Enchanting Reviews said...

my vacuum is on it's last leg!

Janet W. said...

Yes, I really could use a new one. My current vacuum sounds like it's about to die any moment now.

Tiffany Schmidt said...

Well, seeing as how mine spit out more than what I swept up this weekend, and smelled like burning... hahaha

Robyn said...

My husband uses my vacuum when he does any house's starting to get really sad I would LOVE a new house only vacuum

Marti Tabora said...

I so need a new vacuum, mine is really old and worn out. Thank you for the chance.

peg42 said...

Yes, ours has issues and doesn't work too well.

Keara B. said...

I would love a new vacuum.... our current one is quite old and has seen better days! Plus, we're moving to new home and it would be great to start out with a nice, new vacuum.

Sandra VanHoey said...

We are way overdue for a new one

Colleen Maurina said...

Yes, my old vacuum just doesn't have any suction to pick up the dirt!

colljerr at comcast dot net

Carissa joslyn said...

YES! I just moved from a one bedroom apartment to a three bedroom apartment. I just had a tiny light weight vacuum for my one bedroom but here it's three times the size so my little vacuum is not match!

Anonymous said...

My old one is dying. I'd love a new one!

Darlene said...

Yes I could use a new vacuum

Stephanie said...

yes, no suckage!
tvollowitz at aol dot com

Darlene said...

My favorite feature is how the attachments are so easy to use. I also like how great it cleans.

Unknown said...

We need a new vacuum.Thanks for the chance. Hope I'm the lucky one!

michele376 said...

Yes I need a new vacuum. We have a St. Bernard that sheds all the time and he has worn out my old one.

Julie said...

I could use a new vacuum, my old one isn't working so great these days.

Haydensmommy05 said...

I could absolutely use a new one!!

Ashley Bree said...

I do not own a vacuum and I need one for my new home :) My email is

Yvonne W. said...

I am hoping to win this for my young adult son, the one he has is broken and doesn't hardly suction at all anymore and he can't afford a new one. He is on disability income and has severe chronic allergies and severe chronic asthma so having things vacuumed really good is very important to his health. Thank you to you and the sponsor for a chance to win something that would help Jesse so much!

Unknown said...

I definately need a new vacuum. Mine is older than the hills and the suction is not there.

steve weber said...

yes, my vacuum gets clogged easily.. need a new one!

Mama V said...

Yes, we do need a vacuum! Ours doesn't work as well as it once did.

Rafflecopter name: Nicole Vosburgh

abfantom said...

I'd like to win a new vacuum, because my vacuum is falling to pieces. Its cord is frayed and the power switch is broken to name a few problems!

abfantom at yahoo dot com

abfantom said...

I like that you can turn the brush on and off for carpets and hardwood floors

abfantom at yahoo dot com

one frugal lady said...

I need a new vacuum so badly! My current one is on it's last leg... pieces fall off and I have to repair it more than it works! This would be awesome to win!

Ashley-Raye said...

We definitely need a new one! Our current vacuum is just not handling pet hair well any more (and we have two hairy dogs and two cats!)

freddie said...

Oh how I would love a new vacuum. My husband keeps bringing me home used vacuums and they have so many problems. I use them until they die and then he brings home another used one and the cycle goes on...

Unknown said...

I would love to give this to my daughter, who just moved into her own apartment. She needs a vacuum.

Ashley said...

Yes, I need a new vacuum badly!

Unknown said...

Yes I need a new vacuum my old one is one of those cost you an arm and a leg deals and it is so heavy it is a pain to use, and I really need one that this old lady can move around easily. Thank you

Carrie Phelps said...

Yes, I need a vacuum! Mine has been going done hill for the last few years. I'm not in a position to replace it right now but it needs to be replaced!

crankyyanky1 said...

Yes I need a new vacuum mine is missing one front wheel so it is hard to push very frustrating
crankyyanky1 at charter dot net

Unknown said...

I do need a new vacuum.

Unknown said...

My favorite feature is that it never loses suction. Always a problem with my previous vacuums.

Deborah Wellenstein said...

I do need a new vacuum-mine is on its last legs!

Unknown said...

Yes, I need a new one...BAD!

sherylssg said...

I do need a new vacuum. My vacuum doesn't want to pick up dirt anymore.

sflickinger at rocketmail dot com

carol said...

I could use a new vacuum because mine is not working right

Seyma Bennett Shabbir said...

YES! It would be great to have a vacuum that picks up the dirt my 4 and 6 years old leave behind!

Let's Grow said...

my fiance has really bad allergies, this vacuum would help bring up dust and cat hair really good.

Let's Grow said...

yes, i do need a new vacuum. my current one doesn't work very well.

tashamwilkerson said...

OMG yes! Ours is from the 80s and probably not even legal anymore lol

clc408 said...

Yes, I need a new vacuum.

L'ashes. said...

Definitely! Ours is soooo ancient! lol

Crystal F said...

I do! Our vacuums only last about 5 years due to all the hair my girls have. It's time for a new one. Thank you!
crystalfaulkner2000 at yahoo dot com

Katie said...


Kristen said...

Yes, I *really* need a new one...our current one does not work well at all.

Cassie Eastman said...

Yes! I would love a more powerful vacuum that could clean up all the dog hair, and spilled snacks from my kids!

Unknown said...

i totally need a new vaccuum, mine barely has any suction left
sarah hirsch

Unknown said...

Yes, I need a new vacuum desperately! My current one is a piece of junk and I hate shopping for a vacuum because I never know what to buy!

matope said...

a new one? we dont have one and need one! with 3 rabbits 2 babies and my husband and i in 575sqft things get messy fast!!!

Ariana said...

I could definitely use a higher quality vacuum.

Unknown said...

Yes please! We have an old hand me down vacuum that does not work.

polly said...
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polly said...

I need a new vacuum that really picks up dog hair!!!

polly said...
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nickieisis3 said...

yes, I need a new Vacuum, my current one is terrible

shigdon said...

I do need a vacuum as ours is not doing so well.

Betty Roberts said...

Yes! Mine barely suctions at the moment. angelgenius27(at)yahoo(dot)com

Unknown said...

Most definitely. LOL I am putting this off until after we move - just a few more weeks to go! LOL

Courtnie said...

I need a new vacuum, because I'm moving into my apartment next year!

Unknown said...

I would probably give this to a friend who needs one!

Anonymous said...

Yes I do. I have contractors working on my house tracking dirt everywhere.

jakiesmom said...

I don't but I'd love it for my mom

latanya t said...

yes, I need a vacuum

Unknown said...

Yes, desperately. Mine is on its very last legs.

deb c said...

Oh, my gosh, yes. I think mine spits out more than it picks up. Thanks for the chance.

lil_lady_dz said...

yes we have one that like 8 years old and is running on hope.

Unknown said...

Yes, mine is 10 years old and doesn't work well anymore.

maweisberg said...

Could always use a new vacuum cleaner

Jackie said...

Yes....I would love a new vacuum!
Thank you!

Raymon said...


Unknown said...

My vacuum just broke. This would be great to win

Deborah Stinson-editor said...

We probably could use a new vacuum. I am pretty sure the one we have is at least 10 years old!

kellyr78 said...

yes I need a new vacuum, mine keeps breaking.

Shayna said...

We definitely need a new vacuum. Ours is really old.

PAIGE said...

My current vacuum is from college days...the Stone Age...UGH...Help!

auntietina said...

Sorta. I have a good vacuum, but dragging it back and forth when I have to clean my Dad's house is getting to be a pain.

Jessica Schank Snow said...

Yes, we can really use a new vacuum. Ours just went and I really don't have the extra money for it right now.
Thanks for the giveaway! =)

Lala77 said...

Yes, we need a new vacuum because the one we have doesn't work as well as it used to. We've had it for quite a long time.

Unknown said...

I sure do Heather! I'm waiting for mine to die anytime. It's been great for the last 10 years but I need an upgrade. Thanks for the chance to win such a generous giveaway.

Hugs..Tracy @ Cotton Pickin Cute

mendyd said...

I could use a new vacunm. Mine is over ten yrs old. I have to beg it to pick the stuff on the carpet.

LauraJJ said...

Oh we really do need a new one. Ours is older, and does not pick up very well anymore and overheats so easily. I would love a new one!

mobrien said...

Yes, ours is ancient and barely functions anymore.

Unknown said...

Really need a new vacume. My old one broke & my son and I both have dust allergies.


Yes, we can use a new vacuum.

Natasha said...

Yes we do!
Thanks for the chance to win!

price21100 said...

Yes! Then I could let my husband permanently take my current one to his building where I find it sometimes anyways... LOL

Unknown said...

yes we have a super cheap vacuum that does not do the job.

Courtney B said...

i need a new vaccum sooo bad!

Shooting Stars Mag said...

yes, definitely!

lauren51990 at aol dot com

Angela said...

I need a new vacuum, definitely!

smilekisses said...

Yes, my vacuum is old as dirt!!
dolniaks at consolidated dot net

Unknown said...

Oh yes I need a new vacuum, my kids fight over the current one, and having 2 on hand would make my world so much quieter

Unknown said...

Oh yes I need a new vacuum, my kids fight over the current one, and having 2 on hand would make my world so much quieter

Debra Guillen said...

I need a present one is so old that I struggle with it

Debra Guillen said...

I need a present one is so old that I struggle with it

Unknown said...

I could always use a new vacuum!

msrodeobrat said...

I absolutely need a new vacuum!
addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com

Meaghan F. said...

We do need a new vacuum actually as we only have an old one given to us by my boyfriend's mother. It doesn't work very well.

sweepinmomma123 said... and are the links I came to when it said to click those links. However, it said oops it wasn't active. Not sure what to do.

sweepinmomma123 said...

I have one but it doesn't work right. However, I would give it to my sister because she does not have one and really needs it.

Unknown said...

Yes, I Could Use Vacuum, Mine Is So Old

Pauline MIlner said...

I do not need a vacuum cleaner, however our Son is graduating from Culinary College this year and will be getting his own apartment. This would be a perfect gift for him. Thank you for another super giveaway opportunity. Please keep up the terrific blogging.

Lisa V. said...

My dad needs a new vacuum. I do his house work at least once a week and I'm tired of lugging mine to his house.

mysweetiepiepie said...

Yep, I really do!

adagherkin said...

Yes, I need a new one.

Unknown said...

my vacuum died, yes I need a new one

Tabitha said...

Yes,I do need a new one.
THe hose on my is broken and falls off.

Dominique said...

Yes, my current vacuum has seen better days and is hanging on by a thread.

(Nikki Marie on rafflecopter)

Rambles of a SAHM said...

Yes we are using my parent vacuum! Hubby is in school so no extra money for it yet!

Unknown said...

I like not having to worry about bags, works on all floor types and nice attachments.

E. Diane said...

I do need a new vacuum. we only have carpet in one bedroom but it still needs to get cleaned and my vacuum died.
me_juliet AT

Anonymous said...

I do need a new vacuum for my basement area. It is difficult for me to carry the one vacuum I have anymore up and down stairs so I would love to have a new one.

Sarah MomE25 said...

Yes! I really do need a new vacuum!

Linda Kish said...

I could use a new vacuum.

Unknown said...

Looks like a great vacuum! My current one is a broom ;) This would be a major upgrade! Thanks for the chance at the giveaway.

Mer said...

I need a new one badly! My current vacuum just isn't cleaning too well.

guru said...

I would love a new vacuum! Mine was a cheap one I bought 4 years ago.

MizVickik said...

I sure could use a new vacuum!
Miz Vickik

Michaela said...

Oh my gosh, YES, I could really use a new vacuum. I have two kids and two cats, my old one has taken a beating. LOL!

Unknown said...

We could use a new vacuum. I love appliances that are straight-forward and easy to use but still get the job done.

Linda Meyers-Gabbard said...

Yes we are in need of a new vacuum.  Ours is broken and we have 2 dogs and 5 cats that are shedding their winter coats. 

Unknown said...

Yes I need a new vaccuum and so does my boyfriend.

Robin T said...

Yes, I need a new vacuum that can pick up my dog's hair.

Sioux City Sue said...

Great little vacuum for an apartment or dorm room.

Charlene S. said...

Yes, I could use a new vacuum :)

Sky Evans said...

I need a new vacuum

Crystal said...

I don't have a vacuum, so I could definitely use one!

Danalee said...

yes I need a new one. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I'm getting my own apartment, and I could definitely use anew vacuum!

Allison Downes said...

Yes, I am in dire need of a new vacuum!

Thank you for the nice giveaway.

Mona said...

I have one but it would be nice to have a spare so I don't have to lug mine up and down the stairs.

Thanks :)

cowboyswife said...

Yes, I need one. We don't have one at all and we our getting ready to rent our own place.

Dani said...

I do need a new vacuum. I have a furry dog and it seems to be hard on the vacuum cleaner.

Teresa Thompson said...

I really need one. I've had mine for about 10 years. Need an upgrade.

imaclutz89 said...

yes! Ours was a hand-me-down from my sister-in-law since it was so old they needed a new one!

Wendy Mastin said...

I have 2 dogs. I would love to have another vacuum to have upstairs.

Leanne Godfrey said...

Yes, I need a new vacuum. I have a dog and he is a super duper shedder!

tina reynolds said...

Yes I need a new one my old one is not keeping up with my three kids.

Candice said...

Yes, I definitely need a new vacuum
thank you

yellowlabs said...

Yes, I most certainly need a new vacuum.

Kobi said...

We definably need a new vacuum! We vacuumed over the cord and it's duct taped so it works.

Lisa said...

Yes, I do. The one I have right now isn't doing as good of a job as it used to.

Gwen said...

Yes, I do! We have a used one right now and need to get a better vacuum to get the cat dander out of our carpet so my son doesn't have allergy issues.

Breanne said...


Tracey said...

I definitely need a new vacuum. The one I have now barely sucks up the dog hairs.

Unknown said...

yes i do.mine is breaking slowly.its starting not to suck stuff up now

crankyyanky1 said...

I like that AirSpeed technology moves more air for a deeper clean I have 3 dogs & lots of dog hair so this feature would be helpful
crankyyanky1 at charter dot net

Unknown said...

I could use a new vacuum for sure!

Debbie said...

I really do. Mine is old and very heavy. It mostly lives in the basement and I make do with a rechargeable small thing.

amanda whitley said...

i have almost all wood floors so i dont have a vacuum but would love one just for my hallway rug

Gala said...

I so need a new vacuum, mine is really old

lavonne39759 said...


Candie L said...

Yes, I could definatley use one. Thank you


Shelley P said...

Yes, it is much needed!! I would love a new vacuum :)

kat said...

I would love to have a new vacuum!

Nicole said...

Yes yes I do! I'm moving into my new house tomorrow and I don't have a vaccum. I'm going from hardwood to carpet!
Nicole Carter Weasley

Anonymous said...

Yes, we need a new one. Ours is almost 10 years old and worn out!

Anonymous said...

Yes, mine is a quite old and pretty useless.

Brad Merrell said...

Yes, my current one is breaking quickly.

Julieh said...

Yes because my vacuum is on its last legs

corey1971 said...

Yes, my vacuum barely sucks anymore! (CoreyOlomon at gmail dot com)

Unknown said...

My mother is 75 yrs old. This is light & easy to handle. I would like to give her one of these.

Unknown said...

I need a new vacuum so bad! The one I have lost its suction, and the hose has a hole in it! My little baby is about to start crawling and I don't want her crawling on the dirty floors! We have 2 doggies, so dog hair galore in the house. This is awesome, thank you so much for the chance to win!

Michele P. said...

yup, I could use a new vacuum for sure in my house!

Kathy P said...

I sure could use this as I am currently using a shop vac

Carolyn Daley said...

We could definitely use a new vacuum.

Anonymous said...

Yes I badly need a vacuum. My vacuum is from Walmart and it sucks. LOL! :)

Unknown said...

Yes, I badly need a new one for our apartment

lmurley2000 said...

yes I do need one mine just quit working

Jasmine P said...

I don't even have a vacuum right now! I need a new one really bad!

Buddy Garrett said...

I need a new vacuum.

Unknown said...

Yes I need a new vacuum.


Sand said...

Yes, I need a new vacuum.

Unknown said...

Yes, I need a Vaccum cleaner, mine is old and heavy and back breaking, It would be such a treat to have a new one that is light weight.

Unknown said...

My daughter is actually the one who needs a vacuum.

Unknown said...

The feature I Love is it switches over to tools really easily,, I have stairs and this would be great to have so I dont have to lug my heavy old vac up the stairs.

Unknown said...

YES! We need a new vacuum in this household. Thank you for the chance! :)


YES! I new vacuum! Mine is one I got at a garage sale & it makes loud noises!