I received a sample from Scotties for the sole purpose of this review
It's cold season, no doubt about that. And soon it will be allergy season. Scotties will come in handy in any household this Spring. They make some of the greatest facial tissue and they also have a great mission as well.
We received a large prize pack of Scotties Issues as well as a $25 Target Gift Card.
Scotties adds aloe to most of their tissues, which helps soothe that red, raw nose that comes along with frequent blowing and rubbing. Let Scotties Aloe help soothe that poor nose.
Thankfully, we haven't been sick since receiving the Scotties. But even blowing your nose on a regular day wit Aloe is soothing. We love Scotties Tissues here and have switched to them exclusively since we first tried them last year.
Scotties also has a wonderful sweepstakes going on right now: Like No Other. Tell them why your mom is so unique and you'll be entered to win a very large prize. $10,000 Grand Prize as well as 10 weekly prizes worth $500 each and also 100 instant prizes. Grand Prize winner will be announced on May 11th! Head over and Enter now.
Price: Varies depending on size purchased, but competitive with other brands.
Overall: *****
Disclaimer* I received an item directly from Scotties in exchange for a review. I was not paid to try out these products*
A big thank you goes out to Scotties for allowing me to review this product and for offering a giveaway

JewelWood said...
I can really use the Scotties tissue because My Dad and sister live with me and we always need a tissue in the Winter because of getting a cold! These tissues would keep the cold germs from spreading!
peg42 said...
Our whole family has had a number of colds this winter. Scotties has helped with our stuffy noses, without our noses getting raw. Scotties is gentle and absorbent.
Sandra VanHoey said...
I have had one cold but everyone else here has been sick a lot and been to the doctor with bronchitis, etc.
one frugal lady said...
No one at my house got sick this winter, but allergies have been tough for us!
steve weber said...
I really didn't get sick this winter, which is very nice. My dad however is sick quite often so it would be nice to have Scotties in the house at all times.
Janet W. said...
I luckily didn't get too sick this past winter. However, my grandsons are a different story. They were sick just about every other week because of germs at preschool. Scotties will help us because I'm constantly wiping their noses and we need something sensitive for their skin!
JC said...
Scotties would be helpful for my allergy.
Lynne said...
Praise the Lord, I have not been sick - but my husband has been, several times. Scotties would be a great help, as his nose gets so sore from blowing!
Katherine Donovan said...
I dodged a bullet this year and didn't get sick!! Most of my co-workers had stomach flu this winter. :( Hoping I can stay healthy this spring
sohamolina said...
I have been sick and Scotties would have helped me with the sniffles.
Unknown said...
I am so thankful that we have all been healthy. I would love to donate to my son's teacher where I know Scotties would be helpful to have in the class room.
lil_lady_dz said...
i have terrible allergies, so Scotties could help me a lot!
Unknown said...
Knock wood, I avoided a bad cold, but now it is allergy season and the nose and eyes have started running and it is time for anti histamines and tissues.. LOL
Unknown said...
Both my sons and I got sick recently..one after another all spread out so we spent almost a month like that. :/
scottsgal said...
knock on wood we've been healthy, we did get our flu shot so maybe that helped
Beth R said...
I was able to avoid the worst of it I think, but my youngest was a different story. These would definitely help with wiping little noses and not irritating the sensitive skin
Barbara Montag said...
I had one nasty cold this winter.
Scotties would have be softer on my nose.
thank you
Seyma Bennett Shabbir said...
I had a bad sinus infection this winter. I could have use the tissue napkins!!
Amanda said...
I haven't been too sick this year...only had 2 sinus infections/head colds when it's usually one after another until it warms up! Dd's allergies have been acting up though so she could really use these especially since she wakes up with bad nasal congestion and has to blow her nose several times to clear it all out!
aperry said...
I have a runny nose at the moment. I'd use less toilet paper if I had some tissue.
Maryann D. said...
I have not been sick much this winter, but I do have lots of allergies. My family and I definitely benefit from buying lots of Scotties tissues.
twinkle at optonline dot net
akronugurl said...
i been lucky not getting sick
Julie G. said...
We were sick for about a month srtaight... it was awful. Lots of sniffly noses and tylenol and vicks rub. We were a mess. This would have helped with all those snotty noses!
abfantom said...
I have only gotten one cold this winter for about three days. Scotties could have helped me with my sneezing and running nose.
abfantom at yahoo dot com
Unknown said...
I had a cold but it wasn't too bad this winter. Scotties could help provide relief for my sniffly nose with their super soft tissues! Thanks for the giveaway!
clc408 said...
I was not sick, but the cold weather makes my nose run and Scotties could help with that.
Rebecca Orr said...
My son has been sick. Scottie's would have helped when blowing his nose.
Tarah Manning said...
Between my youngest son & myself - we've used up several boxes of tissues!
Abigail said...
I made it through the winter but now my allergies are killing me and tissues are a must!
Deborah Wellenstein said...
I've not been sick, but I do have some allergies that cause me to sneeze a lot-Scotties would be a blessing to my poor nose!
sweepmom said...
We have actually been quite well this winter. However, I fully expect we will be needing a lot of tissues this allergy season.
crankyyanky1 said...
I have been really luck this winter I didn't get sick once
Shelly Peterson said...
I have a cold for over 2 weeks now. Sure could use this for my poor nose.
LauraJJ said...
Oh we have not been too bad this winter, but did have a nasty cold that seemed to keep circulating us! Finally....we got rid of it. :)
Crystal F said...
I got the flu for Christmas. I felt terrible. My allergies are starting to act up now so I could really use some Scotties tissue for it. Thank you!
crystalfaulkner2000 at yahoo dot com
Laura said...
Right now I am on the tail end of a really bad sinus infection. I went through a box and a half of tissues! I really appreciate scotties and their lotion tissues. They make having to blow my nose a little easier for sure!
bison61 said...
I had a cold 2 weeks ago-Scotties has helped with my stuffy nose
tiramisu392(at) yahoo.com
Elena said...
I had cold this winter and used Scotties
Kristy Thiel said...
Scotties would help keep from making my nose raw when it's running!
jzagarjr said...
I haven't been sick but Scotties could help me when I have allergies.
Joanne said...
I had the worst cold I have had in a long time this past winter. Nice soft tissues would have been appreciated!
Natalie said...
Luckily I never get sick because I wash my hands and use tissue when I sneeze.
llinda29 said...
I have not been sick.Scotties will help me when I get the sniffles
Joyce Ackley said...
I had a bad cold recently. Scotties would have been soothing on my red, raw nose that constantly needed attention.
dlhaley said...
I had a slight cold this winter. It lasted a day.
CindyWindy2003 said...
I had a slight cold that wasn't so bad, didn't even keep me away from work. I was pretty lucky this winter.
Unknown said...
Allergies have been horrible at my house this year.
brandy graham (name on rafflecopter)
Ashley T. said...
No, i haven't been sick this year. Scotties will help for allergy season!
Leidy Ruiz said...
I only got one cold last winter, it wasn't really that bad or for a long time but Scotties was there when I needed a tissue
Leidy R rafflecopter
Unknown said...
I had the flu this winter. Scotties helps me not look like Rudolph with a red nose. Scotties is soft and helps not chafe skin like other tissues can.
Haydensmommy05 said...
I thankfully was not but I know allergy season is coming and these would help to keep my daughter from using her sleeve!!
Sara said...
Yes I have been sick this winter, scotties would help keep my nose more clear and softer during colds
PAIGE said...
I had a bad winter cold and got thru it with a box of Scotties by my side.
No, I have not been sick this winter. Since moving to Florida several years ago, we don't get sick so often anymore.
Unknown said...
horrible allergies! they would help a lot!!
Jackie said...
I've been pretty lucky this winter. We have had our share of little headcolds, and Scotties have helped with the runny noses.
Thank you!
Carrie Phelps said...
Yes, I've had some horrible sinus headaches. This would have been helpful with blowing my nose!
Jessica Cox said...
Yes this past winter my family was always sick we all had the Flu and strep and many many colds
Jessica Cox
jakiesmom said...
They would have helped us when wiping mouths and noses from the stomach bug last week
kjasus said...
whole family was sick this winter! thankfully we are all well {crossing fingers}
Tammy S said...
We have had one cold after another this year. We have been going through tissue like crazy.
d schmidt said...
We moved across the country this year and we seem to have gotten ill ever since. I am sure its because we moved to a different climate but its tiring!
mscoffee77 said...
Yes, we have been sick this year! Scotties would help for sure!
MamaStace said...
We've all been sick on a rotating schedule it seems. These would help!
Terri said...
We all suffer from allergies especially in the spring time so would love having the Scotties on hand. I'm usually get my worst cold in the summer.
Unknown said...
Mostly I have allergies. I use a lot of Scotties during allergy season.
smilekisses said...
I have not been sick this winter. I do have an daughter who suffers badly from allergies. We use tons of tissues.
dolniaks at consolidated dot net
Unknown said...
Scotties is gentle and absorbent. Scotties would help for sure!
LesleyfromWI said...
I was lucky and did not get sick this year but if I did, I would help my nose with its softness
susan1215 said...
I had a cold last week and cotties has helped with my stuffy nose
Melody said...
We were fine during Winter. But once Spring came around we got a terrible cold or flu.
Allison Downes said...
Yes I got sick this winter, and these would help with my allergies.
Thanks for the chance to win!
Unknown said...
I did got sick this winter and Scotties will help me with my allergies, Thank you!
cowboyswife said...
I haven't really been sick, a few allergies and I can always use tissues for the sad movies I like to watch.
Becca said...
I've been sick a few times but I use a lot of Zicam and Vitamin C. Scotties with Aloe would have helped my raw nose! sbcashortie at hotmail dot com
Tracy R said...
I got my flu shot which helped, but I still caught a cold last month where I went through a lot of tissue! Scotties helps with that.
Unknown said...
I wasn't sick at all this winter. The tree pollen this spring is killing me, though.
russrpm said...
We all went through a bout of the flu this winter, and went through several boxes of Scotties.
Unknown said...
Yes I've gotten a cold every month since October, ugh! My mother in law has brought us a lot of tissues, I probably owe her some in return :)
Lisa V. said...
I have not been sick. However, my boyfriend suffers from allergies all year round, so tissue are always a must.
Kellie's Camera said...
I have year round allergies to I always need tissues :)
Unknown said...
No, I have not been really sick this winter. But, spring allergies are here and Scotties tissues help.
Unknown said...
All my kids and my husband have been sick. Scotties would be helpful because they are so easy on the nose!
wildcat32 said...
I had the flu during Christmas and Scottie's would have really helped with my runny nose.
Charlene S. said...
I used a lot of Scotties tissues this winter. I had the flu for 2 weeks & a couple of colds too :(
Robin T said...
I didn't get sick this winter but I had bad allergies this spring and scotties tissue has come in handy.
Katie said...
I had a cold that turned into bronchitis so I'd definitely been able to use Scotts!!
Molly C. said...
I had strep not too long ago
Shelley P said...
I wasn't sick but I do have allergies and having soft tissues is helpful.
terri142 said...
Luckily I only had a cold or two this past winter. Scotties tissues really help keep my nose from getting all red and dry looking.
tderosa142 at gmail dot com
Shayna said...
We usually all get a cold once a year. We could always use tissues :)
MidgeLidge said...
When I travel up north, my allergies are always bothering me. I couldn't wait to get back to the warm weather last time I was there. I had so many tissues in my pocket, it showed up in the X-ray machine at the airport! haha
Sonya said...
We've had a couple of nasty colds run through our house this winter! I'd love to contain germs with tissues.
dreamcleavers said...
I am really sick right now...with strep throat. My daughter gave it to me :( I could use a tissue!
Anne E said...
I've been sick twice this winter - suffering from bronchitis at the moment. :( I could definitely use some Scottie's tissues. I need to restock!
Sky Evans said...
Scotties could help me with my allergies.
esldiane@gmail.com said...
We could greatly use these, as our entire family suffers from allergies.
Diane Baum
imaclutz89 said...
I had two bad colds this winter.
Anonymous said...
I have not been sick this year. However my son would have used a few boxes. His nose can get runney now that spring has started.
Lisa said...
I have not been sick this winter but always good to be stocked up!
Carolyn Daley said...
I have not had any colds, but Scotties would definitely help me through allergy season. I suffer terrible allergies from plants and trees in bloom this time of year.
Keystone Karla said...
I've had a nasty sinus infection all winter. I could definitely use more Scotties tissues!
Anonymous said...
I have been pretty sick this winter, actually! Scotties would definitely help with my sniffles and sneezing.
FIBERONE said...
I have not been really sick this winter. However, I keep Scotties tissues throughout the house.
FIBERONE said...
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Shannon said...
My nose is always runny. My immune system is down because of my illness. Tissues are always needed and thank you for this chance to win.
Brad Merrell said...
I had a pretty annoying cold at the beginning. The tissues I had were pretty rough.
cassandra marquez said...
I got sick twice. I think they would help because the brand is overall soft and gentle. It would be a great relief to a runny nose.
Kathy P said...
I have had a few colds but nothing too serious and these would surely come in handy with those stuffy noses
Unknown said...
i got my flu shot but i did catch a chest cold so it was mega tissue time in our house. Now allergy season is here so I need mucho tissues!
Julieh said...
I had a really bad cold this winter, hese would have helped with my runny nose
petchk79 said...
We haven't been really sick this winter but with two little ones, tissues are a must have item!
mecarolks said...
Yes I was sick and Scotties would have helped me with the sniffles.
Jasmine P said...
I haven't been sick, but my whole family has!
Unknown said...
Favorite kind of tissue~ would certainly come in handy with allergy season here.
Anonymous said...
I got sick once at Christmas but this would definitely help my allergies for the spring!
Clair Shumack said...
Yes both me and my daughter came down with strep this winter!! Thankfully mine was a lot worse and we caught hers early but I definitely went through about a week of pain before I went to the doctor (thought I had just the flu!)
Unknown said...
I did not get sick this year but if I did I'm sure Scotties would help with a cold.
rounder9834 @yahoo.com
Buddy Garrett said...
I haven't been really sick. Scotties would be a great help to my wife. She has allergies.
tina reynolds said...
My daughter and I both have terrible allergies and could use some scotties
Charity/CC said...
I had a really bad cold that lasted for three weeks, and Scotties would have been great to have on hand.
ccboobooy at gmail dot com
Allison said...
I always get a lingering cough and cold each year. I would have loved to try this brand for facial tissues. Thanks so much for the chances to win.
TheresaJenkins said...
allergies. -Spring and Fall Scotties are my go to tissues
slehan said...
Have a cold right now. Need soft for my poor nose.
Thanks for the contest.
slehan at juno dot com
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