I received a sample from SwaddleDesigns for the sole purpose of this review
We just love love love Marquisette blankets. They are so soft (and get softer with washings) and are perfect for swaddling babies and for just covering up. My 2 year old still uses his, so I needed some new ones when Liam was born.
SwaddleDesigns sent me the Safari Fun in Sea Crystal
It's so gorgeous. Beautiful teal and grey.
We of course love this blanket too. I love the colors because they're neutral and not overly boy. But I also just love the blanket in general.
They are very large at 46x46 inches and have so many uses besides swaddling like playing on, covering up, using it as a nursing cover, to shield the sun on car seat or stroller and also a changing 'pad'. They are really soft so are great right against baby's skin.
They have a tag on them that shows exactly how to swaddle which is a really nice feature of the SwaddleDesigns.
They offer so many different items. Regular blankets, Flannel blankets, Baby Clothes, Crib Sheets and so much more.
Price: 1 Marquisette blanket is $15
Overall: ***** We love our blankets!
*Disclaimer* I received an item directly from Swaddle Designs in exchange for a review. I was not paid to try out these products*
A big thank you goes out to Swaddle Designs for allowing me to review this product

Unknown said...
I LOVE this design! Thanks for sharing the review. I might have to try these out!
Unknown said...
I'm always on the lookout for products to swaddle my baby in, I'll have to add this to the list. It looks super soft and cuddly.
Leela R. said...
What an adorable swaddle blanket. I don't think you can have too many swaddles as they are so useful even after you stop swaddling.
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