Mommy's Favorite Things: New Year New Baby Giveaway Hop #newyearnewbaby

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

New Year New Baby Giveaway Hop #newyearnewbaby

Welcome to the New Year, New Baby Giveaway Hop, hosted by Mama's Baby Cupcakes and co-hosted by So Easy Being Green and Viva Veltoro! Join us in celebrating the New Year and Michelle's new baby girl born this December, with this Giveaway Hop!
This hop is focused on items you'd want/need for babies ages newborn to 1yr of age. Whether its bottles, blankets, toys, or clothes, I'm sure you'll enjoy what the bloggers have to offer. After visiting my giveaway, you can use the linky below to hop around the other blogs! Each blog has a minimum prize package of $25 per winner.

Here on Mommy's Favorite Things, Baby's Journey is offering a One Step Baby Gate to a lucky winner worth $89.99

Viva Veltoro, So Easy Being Green, Mama’s Baby Cupcakes, the Blogging Mamas Network, and the New Year New Baby participating bloggers are not responsible for sponsors who do not fulfill prize obligations.


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Starbucks Addict said...

Yes! My youngest is only 2 months old right now but our baby gate broke during our move, so we'll need one for when she's mobile.

Unknown said...

Yes! Everyone with children should have a baby gate! I'd like to have an extra for grandma's too!

petchk79 said...

Yes, I need a baby gate. Our second daughter is due in February, but with our first daughter we were in an upstairs apartment so there weren't any stairs for her to go down/up, but now we own our own home and could really use this!

Diana Chastain said...

I am always in need of a baby gate. I have a three year old, take care of another, & have a baby on the way! :)

Heather said...

I could use a sturdy gate like that to replace the one my son is constantly rocking back and forth when I attempt to do laundry without him.

Christanna Tucker said...

Yes for when my grand nieces come visit.

Pauline MIlner said...

We have a gate to block the stairs into the family room, but we could use an additional one to block off the basement stairs so we could leave the door open. Thank you for the super giveaway opportunity. Keep up the terrific blogging.

Tracy gordon said...

Yes I could use a baby gate.

Emilie Proctor said...

Yes! I definitely need a baby gate! Now to keep the dogs out of certain rooms and in a couple months to keep the baby in a certain spot lol!

Randi S said...

We don't need it just yet, my daughter is only 4 months...but will very soon I'm sure...!

Jennifer said...

I don't but my sister does!! She has a toddler and a new baby coming in March!

jls_wss2003 at yahoo dot com

Julie D. said...

Yes, I will be needing one pretty soon.

Ashley-Raye said...

Yes! We definitely need a good one for one of the doorways in our living room. We are using a cheap tension one and it's starting to not cut it with my clever toddler.

Unknown said...

Yes! I have a 2 year old and 1 year old boy that I am attempting to transition to toddler beds since I am pregnant for our 3rd little one :) I'm having little I bought a cheap gate, but am having more and more trouble hurdling it as the pregnancy progresses ;) ....would LOVE to win this!!

amy hart said...

I need a baby gate very bad! My.little guy is into everything!
Amy Hart

Anonymous said...

Definitely need a baby gate & this one looks perfect! Shari Alligood

dailymom said...

I do not need one but I have a friend who does.

Robyn said...

We definitely need a baby gate, we have two stair wells right next to each other and a baby on the way in June

Anonymous said...

Yes, we have a 5 1/2 month old who in a short amount of time will be up on all fours crawling around and with 2 flights of stairs, we will need to get 2 gates to prevent him from falling and hurting himself.

Dee Mauser

Jessica said...

A baby gate would come in super handy - our daughter is 9 months old & starting to really get around. She just took her first steps yesterday!

Unknown said...

With three kids and one on the way, I could always use another baby gate!

Courtney B said...

yes 2 babies under the age of 2 totally need one!

Nicole said...

YES we def need one.

Unknown said...

Yes, I need a baby gate for sure.

Samantha penrod said...

I will need one soon, my daughter is 5 months.

Bri Sherman said...

Yep! We just bought a house and can definitely put a baby gate to good use. If not at our house, my parents could probably use one. :)

S. Rowan Tackett said...

Yes! We still use on on our three year old's room and I want to add one to my almost two year old's room. Sometimes they need time away from eachother.

Unknown said...

I have an 8 month old and just found out I'm pregnant with my second. My 8 month old is also starting to crawl and can walk with support. It's time for some baby gates!!

Bianca @ The Pierogie Mama said...


Em Mahr said...

Yes, we definitely need a baby gate - out little one is just about to start crawling

Joanna R. said...

We definitely need one or two, especially at the foot of the stairs.

Amber smego said...

Yes i do actually....have a little one due in May and have two sets of steps in the house and need a gate for the kitchen.

Amber smego said...

Yes actually I do. I have a little one due in May....and I have two sets of steps that need gates and need one for the kitchen too :/

Unknown said...

Im working on re baby proofing my apartment so yes.

Marissa M said...

I don't but my cousin who is expecting does!!

April M said...

I know someone who does.

Joshua J said...

We just had a baby in Nov 2013. Right now, we do not need a baby gate but we will in a few months. Thank you!

elisesmom922 said...

I need a toddler proofgate!

J. Olson said...

Yes! We need a gate! We have a split level home so the stairs need to be blocked off!
jbang0331 at yahoo dot com

Darlene said...

Yes we need a gate for when my grandchildren come visit to keep them from going up and down the stairs.

Lizzwisniewski said...

Yes I need one to block the basement

Unknown said...

Yes! We need one that my son can't climb and this gate looks perfect!

Jes said...

I will soon! LO is 7 months, so crawling / walking is just around the corner!

Laura B said...

My baby is 3 weeks old so we will need baby gates in a few months!

daniellehall30 said...

yes with all the lil ones that come and go at my house its hard to keep them away from the steps

Keara B. said...

We definitely need a baby gate! We decided to turn our home into a rental and left our old baby gates up at the request of our renters- meaning we need new gates for our new home!

Jaime Weis said...

I definitely need one! My little man is super curious, and our new place has stairs!

Unknown said...

Yes, we have been barricading the stairs with chairs for the past month since he got mobile.

Beth said...

My SIL does need one. I don't need one currently but it would be nice to have when she gets older.

Rafflecopter Beth W

Mayla Moore said...

My son just broke our gate last week. I could really use this to keep him off of my countertops!

Unknown said...

I don't need one personally, but my friend needs one! Perfect baby gift. :)

Unknown said...

Yes! We have a 2 year old who doesn't manage stairs well

hhkaufman78 said...

yes, for the top of our stairs!

Rachel said...

As soon as I have a mobile little one, I'm going to need AT LEAST 3 baby gates!

Danielle Porter said...

We will need a gate at the bottom of our stairs! So yes!

Jessica said...

Yes we need a gate to separate our living room and kitchen. Open concepts sound great till you have a toddler and a hot stove!

Hannah Avery said...

I don't really need one presently in this house, but might if we move this summer. I'm not sure if we will be or not.

-Hannah Avery

MommyMandi said...

Yes, we have a new addition in March!

Beki Lozano said...

yes baby should start being mobile soon and don't want him in the kitchen can also use it at granny's house so he wont go up stairs

toastersareflying said...

We need a taller one. My son is getting tall and is starting to climb.

Unknown said...

Hopefully, we will soon! (still trying) We would need it to gate off the kitchen for when mom and dad are cooking! :)

wcaligirl said...

Yes I could use one. It would be great to put at bottom of stairs

Natalie F said...

Yes! My youngest is 6 months old and we will need one soon!

ide2678 said...

Yes, for my 11 month old :)

AshleyRue said...

Anyone who has stairs needs one lol! I guess that would be me.

one frugal lady said...

I would love to win this for my house- my toddler is in everything!

Unknown said...

Yes I do to keep my son from getting into the kitchen or bathroom! :)

aperry said...

Yes .. more like a toddler gate.

Phelank said...

Yes. I have a soon to be mobile daughter.

Anonymous said...

Yes we need a new one.

knickgirl_3 at yahoo dot com

Colleen Maurina said...

I take care of my little grandchildren during the work week and I could sure use a safety gate!

colljerr at comcast dot net

Carrie Phelps said...

Yes, I do need a baby gate. As a child care provider I would use it often.

Shannon Gould said...

Yes! My baby recently learned to crawl and is getting into everything!

Unknown said...

Yes, I need one for the stairs

jfritzges said...

I need this so bad! My baby is starting to walk. I had it in my head to get a short wood one we could step over... well, I wasn't tall enough and broke it trying to get over. And the bf is too tall for reg sized gates.

lisa said...

Yes we need one badly.
We have 16 month twin Grand Daughters that love the stairs and we are not quick enough to keep them upstairs they are fast!

auschick said...

I have two right now - one on my daughter's bedroom door (it used to be on the stairs), and the other now in storage (it used to be in the kitchen). Baby #2 will be here soon though, so we may have to reinstate the kitchen one, and then put one on his bedroom door!

Michele P. said...

actually I do, my grandsons like to come upstairs however I worry that they will fall down the stairs so this would be perfect on the landing blocking the way to the stairs so there won't be any accidents.

ivyvine1977 said...

I definitely need one, badly.

Unknown said...

yes I need one

Halation said...

I sure do. My 11 month old is cruising and getting into trouble non stop! We've been using an empty cardboard box as a baby gate so far. Doesn't work to well! :(

Puddles and Poop said...

Yes! We moved into our new home less than a year ago. It has 2 floors and we have a 3 year old, 20 month old, and a baby expected to arrive in Feb. We have two sets of stairs. We need gates!

Erin Knack (

Unknown said...

Desperately! I need something to prevent my little guy from "exploring" the kitchen!

amber925 said...

I'll need a gate soon- I've got a two month old!

Nikki said...

Yes, I do! I need one for me to keep my dogs out of the cat's food room. If I won, though, I'd give it to my brother. He just had his first baby and they will need a good gate.

Unknown said...

Yes I do. I just broke one of my baby gates the other day.

Unknown said...

Yes we do!

Unknown said...

we are going to need one when the baby comes in a couple of months!

BorrowedAngel said...

Yes we need a baby gate. We have one but it's starting to break. I have two grand sons who live with us and like so many other grandparents who are raising grand children, I sure could use it.

Unknown said...

oh boy do i my little man is gonna start crawling any day now

Heather B said...

We could definitely use a new baby gate!

jeanette sheets said...

yes really bad

Unknown said...

Oh boy do I! Open plan seems like a great idea for a home until yoy start having kids!

Unknown said...

We have 3 baby gates that we use, but my sister needs one.

bbrittbrat1398 said...

Yes, I babysit my niece and my house is def. not child proof.
Brittney House

Rebecca said...

Yes! The one we have at the top of the stairs is awful and difficult to use.

Wench said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

Wench said...

Yup... we have a nice tall wooden staircase in our apartment!

Shooting Stars Mag said...

Yes, the one I currently have is broken so it's not very handy.

Oodles of Teaching Fun said...

Sure do!

Unknown said...

Yes I need one .. my baby goes everywhere and sometimes need to leave her in one spot to stay playing ..

las930 said...

My daughter does with her one year old so this would really help her

The Smart Savvy Mama said...

Yes! For the bottom of our staircase. We have one at the top....but are quickly learning that we need one for the bottom too! Julie

allison said...

We have a 3 story townhouse and only 2 gates! Yes we could use... a few more!

Brooke Showalter said...

Oh yes! My toddler is outta control ;)

Unknown said...

I have three grandkids who are all 2. They could all use a great quality child gate. My daughter just moved out of our house and they need a safer gate for their apartment. Wow, moving into a house not safety child proofed is NOT good. She will need to do all sorts of things to make this safe. The gate is the most important in keeping baby away from a spiral staircase...whoa. And then just simple things like containing her in a room while they are so busy unpacking or safeguarding her to not be able to walk out the doors. Scares me. We are also looking for a gate that is Very very skinny with the 'bars' as our little dog is a Yorkie and can wiggle through. Going to look at this gate specs to see if it would work or another one sold by this company. Thanks so much!

Ash said...

Yes we really do! My daughter is getting into everything


clc408 said...

My niece needs one for her baby.

Edna08 said...

Oh yes my toddler is getting into everything now a days and there are rooms in the house that at times are not so baby friendly and the baby gate would be great to have

Brandi said...

We are foster parents to ages 0-3 so we CERTAINLY need another baby gate!

Tamar said...

Fortunately not for this one but it has varied by child.

Unknown said...

I am always in need of a baby gate. I have my stairs currently blocked off with a pack n play filled with heavy objects to weigh it down. We don't have money to purchase an expensive, better quality gate so we stick with what we can afford and they break.

Unknown said...

YES! we never had one before but really need one for the upcoming baby!

Unknown said...

yes we do! we have 2 sets of stairs in the house and baby is almost crawling

E. Diane said...

Definitely! we primarily heat our house with a wood-stove and I will really need a way to keep baby out of harms way. There is a door to the room but that stops the air flow, a sturdy gate would be perfect!
me_juliet AT hotmail DOT com

Unknown said...

SO many hallways in my house to block off from the new baby!

matope said...

yes we do! our house has a lot of steps and with another little one on the way we have more places to block off!

Bonnie Cantrell said...

Yes we need baby gates! Mostly to keep the kids from harassing the dogs. lol

Kat said...

We don't have a baby get but will most likely need at least one.

Taylor Schell said...

of course!!! my new apartment has a huge set of stairs right off the hallway! baby gate is def a necessity

Unknown said...

I absolutely need a baby gate. My sister is expecting twins, and I will be keeping them frequently. We have to keep them safe.

lisa said...

Yes! a sturdy one

Joelle said...

Yes! Baby on the way!

Michelle Holmstrom said...

Yes, I'd love a sturdy gate to replace the cheap one the toddler can already climb.

Cserafini said...

Yes I really need a baby gate.

Scrubs said...

I am having my first child and will need a baby gate eventually. What better way to get one than to win one here!

deniseyweesy said...

I don't NEED a babygate, but I do WANT one!

kroch said...

We have three dogs and a gate is needed especially when we are away to keep them from having the run of the house.

Lisa B. said...

Absolutely! The one I have right now is older and doesn't look very nice. A new one would be great!

MidgeLidge said...

We don't need one right now, but eventually we will need one!

Unknown said...

Definitely yes I have a toddler and a baby due in June!

Amanda said...

We don't right now but my sister does! She has twin 2 yos and a 6 month old!

SexyBrat said...

Yes, we could use one.

polly said...

Yes we will shortly....our grandson is 5 months old

Brooke said...

yes!! we have a 10 week old!!

Lilac said...

Yes! We've got one mounted for the basement stairs, but I need one to keep the children out of Daddy's office/the bathroom/our bedroom where they interrupt his work day and get into trouble.

Unknown said...

Yes! We live in an apartment that's upstairs with the stairs inside. We also have two curious little dogs who like to get into things so it's a good way to section them out away from baby.

Unknown said...

I am in need of a baby gate in my kitchen!

Julia said...

We could really use a baby gate. We have steps and a cat. Both need to be kept away from the kid.

Holly said...

We could definitely use a baby gate at our place. We had a very curious toddler.

mogrill said...

Yes we could! But not for a baby- for our new puppy :)
Thanks for the chance.

AmishCountryMama said...

yup. We're moving to a new place soon with stairs, so we will certainly need it!

Shauna said...

YES I am gonna be a grandma soon!!! :)

Unknown said...

Definitely. Baby is crawling!

Gena @ Life With Captain Fussybuckets said...

Yes! We just had a baby and don't have a gate to fit our hall!

Unknown said...

My little guy thinks he has mastered the sairs but he isnt ready! i have one at the top but i move/share the one at the bottom! I could use this gate!

Krystal said...

We could definitely use one!

Unknown said...

yes i need a baby gate i have one now and my boys just knock it down with my oldest being two and a monkey he can get in the top shelf of the upper cabinets that scares me

One Southern Girl said...

I think any parent could use a baby gate. They're so amazingly handy!!

terrajunebug said...

yes, we will need one when the baby comes.

Amy Lumley said...

My little one just started crawling and wants to walk. A baby gate would be awesome!

Amy Lumley said...

My little one just started crawling and is about to walk. A baby gate would be aWESOME!

Unknown said...

Yes! I am going to convert my daughters crib to a toddler bed and I want to put a baby gate at her door so she can't roam the house...suggestion by another mom!

Unknown said...

Yes! I am going to convert my daughters crib to a toddler bed and I want to put a baby gate at her door so she can't roam the house...suggestion by another mom!

loveshine said...

YES! Our 22 month old daughter just started climbing out of her bed and we need to gate her bedroom so we can keep her safe.

loveshine said...

YES! Our 22 month old daughter just started climbing out of her bed and we need to gate her bedroom so we can keep her safe.

Caroline B said...

Yes, I do need a baby gate!

Unknown said...

Yes - we do.

Jillian Too said...

I need it to keep my nephew from falling down the stairs.

Ashley Kerekes said...

I REALLY need a gate. or two

Unknown said...

Yes! Need little ones to stay out of the bathroom. lol

Unknown said...

We do. In fact, we really need two baby gates, one for the top of the stairs and one from the kitchen to the hallway

Emi said...

I probably need something that they use in state prisons since they have already destroyed one baby gate so I am looking for a better one than the one that I have.

Unknown said...

I have two little ones and steps and all sorts of things to keep them out of! Thanks!

Kate said...

Yes, our daughter is almost 6 months old and will be crawling soon!

Unknown said...

Yes! I need one to keep my daughter in her room for naptime. :)

Unknown said...

Yes! I need one to keep my daughter in her room for naptime. :)

Beth Ann said...

We do and we don't. We do because it would be nice to not have to get up and run around chasing my ALMOST walking 14 month old, but at the same time . . . I could use the exercise. I won't be completely heartbroken if I don't win this, but I would appreciate it!

Thank you for the giveaway! :D

Laura Russell said...

Yes, we need a baby gate!
Baby girl will arrive this Spring, so exited! :-)

charychild said...

Absolutely! Our last one was recalled. :P

Patricia Wojnar Crowley said...

I do need one!

Victoria Nyquist said...

Yes! We don't have any children yet but we will eventually and for our nieces and nephews, our stairs are super safe so a gate is necessary!

jakiesmom said...

Yes, I have a baby that is going to crawl soon

Amanda Jacobs said...

Most definitely! We have a pro walker and 3 sets of stairs!

Unknown said...

i will very soon, we are expecting@!

mecarolks said...

Yes I could use a baby gate.

Stephanie said...

I absolutely do need a baby gate. My daughter has managed to figure out how to unlatch or otherwise get around every baby gate I've purchased.

Andrea said...

Yes! My youngest is 13 months & is climbing on everything! :)

Kristi said...

Yes! My toddler is in to everything!

Yipperbear said...

Yes. My grand baby is only 5 months so it won't be long.

K & K Reviews & Giveaways! said...

Sure do

Jackie said...

Yes, we need a gate.. Badly!

Sarah said...

I could use one now for the dog, and later for any children!

Abigail said...

Yes! My tiny ninjas manage to get into EVERYTHING!!!

Raquel said...

I could definitely use a baby gate! We have stairs that are open and need a way to keep the baby off of them. She will be crawling soon and stairs are the next great challenge for her.

weta1972 said...

Yes!!! I have my first grandbaby coming in June!!

Unknown said...

yes, we are just learning to crawl and will be walking soon!

heymissvirginia said...

Yes, I really need this. It would be great to have so when the grandkids come over, I don't have to worry about them falling down the porch stairs.
heymissvirginia at embarqmail dot com

Wendy ArtsyChaos said...

We could totally use a gate to block off our back hallway to the laundry room. :)

Anonymous said...

I don't but my niece does for her little one.

Unknown said...

We need a baby gate to keep our Labrador away from the nursery while we refinish the wood floors and paint the walls. It will also be good to keep the baby away from the stairs.

Adrienne said...

A baby gate would be great.

Terri said...

Yes we need a baby gate because we have a door in the kitchen that has a steep flight of stairs down to the cement basement floor. Want it to be safe for the little ones.

Unknown said...

Oh yes!!! :) Especially one this nice!

sweetsue said...

I need a baby gate for my new grandbaby who is due in the spring.

Carla said...

Yes for my 4 month old. I have a feeling when he starts to crawl that he will be all over the place.

latanya t said...

yes, we do.

Unknown said...

yes defnitely! on kid #4!

kelly said...

Yes. My daughter is only 3 months right now, but this will be great to have for when she does start moving around.

Sam C said...

Yes we would love a baby gate. My little guy is so close to being able to crawl and I haven't baby-proofed at all!

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