I received a sample from Silver Dolphin Books for the sole purpose of this review
Silver Dolphin Books is very well known for their books. But they have recently added a Play-Doh series where they collaborated with Play-Doh and created wonderful activity kits.
I had a chance to review their Christmas Set as well as a Shapes and Letters set.
The Christmas one is a wonderful activity book. Each page has crafts that you can make with the Play-Doh
The other 2 are story books and then have a fun little gift set at the end of Play-Doh, Rollers and shapes/stamps.
They have so many other cute craft kits as well like Halloween Fun, they also carry other books alone that don't include play-doh. These are the perfect gift for a child on your Christmas list!!! They are the perfect size, nice and square for wrapping and appeal to many different ages. Their site claims 0-3, but I would say more like 2/3-8 or so. Who doesn't like play-doh? These are perfect for the kids that are hard to shop for.
I will be saving these for my daughter for Christmas, she is going to just love them!! She likes play-doh a lot, but up until this point she never had any play-doh accessories. This is a great gift as well since it's not just another toy that will get shoved to the bottom of the toy chest.
Price: $14.95-$16.95 each
Overall: *****
*Disclaimer* I received an item directly from Play-Doh/Silver Dolphin in exchange for a review. I was not paid to try out these products*
A big thank you goes out to Play-Doh/Silver Dolphin for allowing me to review this product and for offering a giveaway

Unknown said...
Totally Monster: Manners
Emily Reviews said...
I also like slide and discover: space
Seyma Bennett Shabbir said...
I love the PLAY-DOH: Christmas Craft Fun and Read and Play: On the Go
Jen F said...
I like the book Olivia Owl Finds a Friend
Unknown said...
I love the Totally Monster: Manners.
Robin O said...
I also really like the
Olivia Owl Finds a Friend book
Thank you!!
Sylvia said...
I like the Slide and Discover: Space
Darlene said...
Another item I love is the Olivia Owl Finds a Friend
Robichaux said...
I like My First 100 Words!
Unknown said...
I think my son would like the play do books, and he would also like: Learn & Play Floor Puzzle: ABC: Give kids a head start on learning the alphabet with this educational activity set!
Kimberly Bauer said...
I also like the PLAY-DOH: My First 100 Words book.
Kimberly Bauer
Kelly Skibbe said...
I would like to look at the zoo book.
Rochel S said...
I like The A to Z Book of Wild Animals: An Alphabet Adventure
amanda hoffman said...
totally monster manners
Devon F said...
I like the book Five Christmas Penguins
Unknown said...
I like totally monsters manners.
bison61 said...
Olivia Owl Finds a Friend
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
Kimberly said...
the monsters manners book
carol said...
my grandson will like the Robotic T. Rex
Abigail said...
Id like the pretend and play toolbox
kim burnett said...
I would love the A to Z Book of Wild Animals
Unknown said...
I'd love the Learn & Play Floor Puzzle: ABC: Give kids a head start on learning the alphabet with this educational activity set!.
Colleen Maurina said...
I also like their PLAY-DOH: My First 100 Words book.
colljerr at comcast dot net
Amanda said...
I like the Viewfinder: Oceans book.
jenv said...
Jingle Bells
sweetsue said...
My grandson would love Robotic Scorpion!
Lurani said...
Nature's Trails in the Ocean! My son LOVES the ocean critters, he's always looking for books on this! But honestly, when it comes to books... I want them all! >.<
Erika P. said...
I like the Animal World Sticker Book
hhkaufman78 said...
Fun Facts Puzzle: Solar System
Anne N. said...
I like the Slide and Discover: Space book.
jakiesmom said...
I like the slide and discover space book
Laura Ann said...
My 1st 100 words looks good since I have an 18 month old who does not say any words ye,t other then grunt what he wants.
Karen O said...
I like Girligami. Looks like a lot of fun.
Kerry said...
My son would like the Dinosaur World Sticker Book
Danielle said...
My daughter would love the Animal World sticker book.
Carissa joslyn said...
I really like the halloween craft one. but my kids would enjoy and of them :) Play Doh is a big hit in our house :)
Meleakua said...
olivia owl finds a friend looks sweet! i love the pictures! thanks for the giveaway!
SnowflakeDay (Audra) said...
I also like the "Sounds of the Wild: Nighttime" book.
cman said...
PLAY-DOH Let's Create: Letters.
Katie said...
I think my daughter would really enjoy the play-doh first 100 words book.
Amy Franz said...
I love the play-doh my first 100 words set! Those would be a lot of fun for learning vocabulary even for older language learning students :-)
Clarke & Lewis said...
Mama's Little Ducklings looks like fun!
Unknown said...
five christmas penguins looks good. thanks for the opportunity to win!
Janell wagner said...
Totally Monster manners-very cute!
Unknown said...
I like the book Totally Monster: Manners
smilekisses said...
I like Robotic T. Rex.
Unknown said...
My daughter would love the 3-D Explorer: Rain Forest: A Journey from the River to the Treetops book!
Tamar said...
I like play doh my first 100 words.
Sonya said...
I'd love the Robotic T. Rex!
Vikki Billings said...
I also like the Robotic T. Rex
Tylerpants said...
Snaptivity: Ocean would be great for my daughter. tylerpants(at)gmail.com
Unknown said...
I'd also love the Alligator with babies :)
trixx said...
I like the Fun Facts Puzzle: Under the Sea
Francine Anchondo said...
Viewfinder: Oceans book.
Unknown said...
I like the Totally Monster: Manners book.
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