I love finding wonderful companies that not only offer great clothes but also have great prices on them. ThredUP is like an eBay, but for children's clothes only and they are GREAT quality. You turn in your kids clothes to them in a pre paid envelope, then when they sell you get a profit of them in the form of a check. It's super easy!! I'm going to send in a huge bag of my kids clothes for them to sell.
ThredUP agreed to let me review their wonderful service! She sent me a code for $20 off and this is what I got (with FREE Shipping)
I got 4 articles of clothing in 18m for a total of $19.96 and the code she gave me included free shipping. The jeans I ordered are lined so they're nice and warm!
It's all so cute!!
Everything came to me in Perfect condition! The 2 sweatshirts and khaki's are Carter's. The jeans are OshKosh
Emerson has worn it all already. The bottoms are a bit big around his waist, but the shirts fit him great.
I love this company. It's so easy to make a purchase with them. The best part is during my order process, once I put in the promo code, this popped up
Which is AWESOME!! Sometimes companies still ask for your CC number even though the order is free, but I love that they don't. It saves me that extra step and then I'm not worried they'll accidentally charge me something.
It was real easy to find the items I was looking for and check out. However, what was hard was finding something I really wanted and deciding which to go with :)
But I love my choices and I'm happy with the items I've received and now Emerson can be nice and warm this winter.
Everything was super easy and I'd recommend this to anyone looking to buy gently used children's clothes.
ThredUP is offering my readers a 10% off coupon code on your first order. TU10
Price: Very reasonable as you see above. Everything was $3.99 except the OshKosh lined jeans which were $7.99 these arrived to me in brand new condition pretty much and since they're lined they are more pricey than regular jeans.
Overall: *****
*Disclaimer* I received an item directly from ThredUP in exchange for a review. I was not paid to try out these products*
A big thank you goes out to ThredUP for allowing me to review this product

Anonymous said...
I would be interested in your experience selling clothes to ThredUP. My experience was frustrating: most of the clothes I sent were rejected, a pair of shoes was listed under someone else's account. So, in all, I received less than $40 and little satisfaction from customer service.
louloula said...
New ThredUP customers can get 35% off + free shipping with code KPC35 through 6/30/13. :)
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