I just love love love unique products! You don't find things in the store that you'll find over at Me Giant that's for sure!
I received a baby Creeper which came in a Metal Lunchbox (they all do)
Nice handle on it!
Yes, That Elephant IS saying 'Chirp Chirp'
Logo on Back
This creeper is THICK! It's not one of your thin little onesies. It's a nice quality and it feels nice. We got this onesie in a 3-6 month long sleeve.
It's a bit big on E for right now. It fits okay because of the cloth diapers, but it's a little wide and I have to roll the sleeves up, but he's been wearing it. It won't be cold forever here so I've been putting it on him. It fits okay with the cloth diapers one so I'd say it's true to size. With Disposables on he's in a 0-3 month comfortably, so very true to size.
I've washed it about 4-5 times now and it hasn't shrunk at all. Another thing I like is the ink hasn't cracked on it! It still looks great despite being washed, worn and spit up on multiple times! I hope it continues to last us into the spring (or until he outgrows it).
They have a ton of unique products like this. They have creepers, bibs, hats and Kids t-shirts as well.
They have some regular items too like
Definitely some adorable stuff!
Price: The Creepers, which come with that cool lunchbox are $25! Reasonable!!!
Overall: *****

slb3334 said...
I like the ants in my pants t.
The Trophy Wife said...
I would HAVE to get the Peanut onesie for Peanut....and then I'd have to splurge and get the Bubba shirt for Little Man because that's the nickname he had while I was pregnant and it stuck. http://www.megiant.com/mgp/peanut-baby-creeper/
Jackie said...
I'd get the Oui Oui Says the Poodle Baby Creeper in long sleeve, size 6 months for my little pumpkin :)
Ashley Wright said...
I would get the cock-a-doodle-doo with the giraff!
Nicole C. said...
I would choose the Oui Oui Says the Poodle Baby Creeper.
ashley said...
I like the toothless fairy baby creeper.
Tiffany and the Munchkins said...
Junk in the trunk creeper
SHAYNA said...
I WOULD CHOOSE THE Peanut Baby Creeper :)
Alex Liz R. said...
I like the woof said the bird long sleeve creeper.
Breanne said...
Moo Says The Rooster Baby Creeper
Gena @ Life With Captain Fussybuckets said...
I like the buried treasure shirt!
Brittney said...
twinkle stinkle tee
brittneydejajason at gmail dot com
Anne N. said...
I like this bib, dog says oink http://www.megiant.com/mgp/oink-says-the-dog-baby-bi/
Jade Rahl said...
<3 the twinkle stinkle kids shirt
Melissa said...
I'd choose the "Meow Says the Pig" baby creeper!
huntermb3 @ gmail dot com
Jesllee said...
Ribbit Says The Dinosaur Baby Creeper!
Melissa Shirley said...
Junk in the Trunk Baby Creeper
Sarah Hull said...
I like the Silly Goose Kids T-Shirt
cupcake mama said...
I would pick the Bird says Woof kids tshirt. Cute!
GFC: Mechele Johnson
Lori's Place said...
The Twinkle Stinkle Baby Creeper
is so cute, that is what I would choose. loriagalbraith at gmail dot com
Unknown said...
I would choose either the boy or girl buried treasure creepers :)
Anonymous said...
the junk in the trunk got me!Id have to get that!!hiselbobbie@ yahoo .com
Kathy said...
I like the Oink Says The Dog Baby Bib. Neat idea.
Kathy said...
Email subscriber
Maria K said...
Silly goose creeper
Heather Kelly said...
My favorite is the Buried Treasure Heart toddler shirt.
mysticbutterfly 37 at yahoo.com
Anonymous said...
Bed Bug creeper
Gina F. said...
I would choose the Twinkle Stinkle Baby Creeper.
ginaferrell3 at yahoo dot com
Unknown said...
I'd choose Buried Treasure Heart Baby Creeper in 2T long.
April G said...
I'd choose the Moo says the Rooster shirt!
Shaky Mommy said...
I love Twinkle Stinkle!
coleycoupons said...
i just love the peanut onesis!
meganmariemorgan said...
I would like to choose the Cock-A-Doodle-Doo Baby Creeper. Thankyou :)
megan.morgan8749 at gmail dot com
Jenny said...
Love the dog that says OINK!
jennykmoses at yahoo dot com
Anonymous said...
rooster baby creepers
tcogbill at live dot com
Anonymous said...
rooster baby creepers
tcogbill at live dot com
Bridgett said...
Peanut creeper
Veann Grigajtis said...
I would probably get the dinosaur t-shirt or the Peanut t-shirt.
veanng @ gmail . com
Amy V said...
i love the 'junk in the trunk' tee
annae07 at aol dot com
Amanda said...
I think I'd get the Ants in My Pants tee. Perfect for dd who can't sit still!
tvpg at aol dot com
Rebecca Williams said...
Buried Treasure Heart Creeper
Gladys Parker said...
Buried Treasure Heart Creeper
Gladys P
sps1113 at yahoo dot com
Beth R said...
I love the bubba kids tshirt
Unknown said...
I would pick the kid's Goofball Tee.
Paula Michele Hafner
jenzen69 said...
Meow says the baby pig is my fave
Jessica B. said...
I'd get the Bubba shirt. jj250 at aol dot com
Fiddlin' Dandi said...
I'd get Quack Says The Rhinoceros Baby Creeper
honingharmony at gmail dot com
Unknown said...
I would get the Toothless Fairy Baby Creeper
Carrie Phelps said...
My grandson adores his cat & would find "Meow say the Pig Kids T-shirt" to be very funny! I would select this.
bison61 said...
Silly Goose Kids T-shirt
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
Anonymous said...
I love ants in my pants t
Allison said...
junk in the truck kids tshirt
allisonmdodge at gmail dot com
Erica C. said...
I like the Oink Says the Dog creeper and the Chirp Chirp Says the Elephant creeper.
Julie said...
I like the Woof Says The Bird creeper.
Kelly D. said...
I like the elephant tee~
Nina H said...
I love the silly goose t-shirt!
hungrymonkey09 at gmail dot com
Anonymous said...
I like the Hat Meow say the Pig Infant Hat
Desiree Dunbar
Hoa said...
I like the Meow say the Pig Kids T-shirt.
hhkaufman78 said...
I like the junk in the trunk romper
eg kaufman
lisa said...
I like the
Buried Treasure Heart Creeper ..
lmkay630 at gmail dot com
Caryn said...
I would choose the Silly Goose Kids T-Shirt
caryn9802 at yahoo dot com
Unknown said...
like the twinkle stinkle t shirt
luckyseattlemom at gmail dot com
AmberFaith said...
I'd choose the Oui Oui Says the Poodle Baby Creeper
samf36 said...
Oink Says The Dog Baby Bib
monte said...
love the giraff one
bbrittbrat1398 said...
I love the ants in my pants shirt.
Kimberly said...
I love the Oui Oui Poodle Creeper.
kirbycolby at gmail dot com
weta1972 said...
Bubba Kids T-shirt
lisamataylor said...
Toothless Fairy creeper lezanac2@yahoo.com
Unknown said...
Love the Oui Oui t-shirt
Ana said...
I woul choose the silly Goose kids t shirt for my DS. Since he IS a silly Goose :)
Unknown said...
I would get the Bed Bug Baby Creeper, it is too cute :)
Melanie Montgomery said...
i like the twinkle stinkkle shirt.
Kathy P said...
i like the Droopy Drawers Baby Creeper
mail4rosey said...
Ribbit says the Dinosaur t-shirt.
d schmidt said...
I love Meow say the Pig Baby Creeper
barb said...
The meow says the pig baby bib is adorable!
giggling kids said...
I'D choose the Silly Goose Baby Creeper
xraygirl said...
I would choose the Toothless Fairy baby creeper.
xraygirl2008 at hotmail dot com
cassandra marquez said...
I would love the oui oui says the pole baby creeper.
fb: rab pom
Betty C said...
I'd like to get the Droopy Drawers Baby Creeper
willitara [at] gmail [dot] com
cman said...
Moo says the Rooster Baby
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