If you truly would like to find a shop that has one of everything you'll ever need in motherhood, then definitely check out Mom4Life. She has Maternity, Labor/Delivery, Nursing, Babies/Kids, Babywearing and SO MANY more categories to choose from.
We received the White Burst BabyLegs
You can see in the last picture that the print continues perfectly on the back and that they match perfectly! Which is nice!
I love these warmers. They're gender neutral but will go with so much. Especially for a boy with the blue. But they are still very neutral.
BabyLegs I have a feeling will be my favorite baby accessory. I didn't discover them with Avery until she was about 2. These will come in handy for the diaper changes and crawling stages for sure.
Mom4Life truly has anything needed for pregnancy and beyond.
Delivery Gowns
Breast Soothers
Milk Storage
And lots more. Baby clothes, blankets, baby carriers, tubs, towels and so so so much more. They have a ton of stuff.
Price: All current styles of BabyLeg Warmers are $12 and discontinued are $9! So it's a great way to get some at a discount.
Overall: ***** I love that Mom4Life has everything.
Merry Fluffy Christmas is December 1st-5th this year and there is ONE package per blog! So lots of goodies.
For MFC Mom4Life is donating a pair of Santa Baby BabyLegs
*Disclaimer* I received an item directly from Mom4Life in exchange for a review. I was not paid to try out these products*
A big thank you goes out to Mom4Life for allowing me to review this product and offering a giveaway

Heather | Mom 4 Life said...
I am so glad you are enjoying your BabyLegs, they are also a favorite at our house with ALL of our kids ages 5 months - 8 years old. :)
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