I had originally contacted Malimoo Baby about their maternity since I'm lacking Long Sleeve shirts. But they had other plans! They decided to send us the Flower Match Garden Patch for review.
It's made by Guidecraft and we already have some things of theirs. I know it will be long lasting and durable.
We are saving this for Christmas, but just look at it? I know Avery will use this a TON. It has 6 double sided easy to follow laminated flower guides. Each one and each side has a different pattern follower on it and this is great for her cognitive skills.
I know that in the beginning she'll probably be a bit frustrated with this. But it will grow on her I'm sure. Pattern recognition will be a great skill for her to get started on before Kindergarten starts next September. While she's not in preschool now I'm still trying to teach her the things she needs to know to prep her for Kindergarten. This is a perfect tool for that.
The board has pegs and embedded magnets so the pieces stay up there easily! I like that the storage case is plenty big enough to store it all but it also doubles as the play area. So nothing SHOULD get lost!
Malimoo has a TON of other things to choose from. They carry maternity and baby clothes, shoes, gear, toys, organic items and lots more!
Price: The Flower Match Garden Patch is $45! But it's SO worth it!
Overall: *****
*Disclaimer* I received an item directly from Malimoo Baby in exchange for a review. I was not paid to try out these products*
A big thank you goes out to Malimoo Baby for allowing me to review this product and offering a giveaway

slb3334 said...
I like the sound box.
Anastasia said...
I like the Kiwi Cashmere Baby Blanket
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bored2quickly said...
I love the Alyssa bedding! It is gorgeous! Happy holidays! Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
Renee Walters
bored2quickly said...
I follow you on GFC! Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
Renee Walters
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Renee Walters
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Renee Walters
Sharon Schoepe said...
I like the Table Top Castle Blocks
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Allison said...
i love their selection of delivery gowns!
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Courtney B said...
i love the mudpie princess minky outfit!
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Anonymous said...
I like the SwaddleDesigns - Marquisette Swaddling Blanket - True Blue Cute & Wild.
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
Ash said...
I'd love to get the SwaddleDesigns Organic Ultimate Receiving Blanket in Ivory with Fuchsia Trim
Courtney B said...
11/27 tweet
vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com
Sharon Schoepe said...
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HilLesha O'Nan said...
I love the California Dreaming Maternity Swimsuit.
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LissaL said...
I like the Baby Lovie - Lavender Satin with Plush Dot
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Carrie Phelps said...
I love the Cupcake Flarey Longall 12-18M.
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Brittney Minor said...
I would get the hold on handles for my kids!
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hhkaufman78 said...
I love the birthday plates.
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Amanda said...
I like the I Love Santa Girls Rhinestone Tee Shirt.
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ncprincess96 at yahoo dot com
jennem said...
I like the SwaddleDesigns - Long Sleeve Bodysuit - Pastel with Mocha Dots.
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Erica C. said...
I like the Mud Pie Football Sleeper.
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Anne N. said...
love this candy cane sweatshirt, http://malimoobaby.com/item_1417/Sequin-Candy-Cane-Maribou-Trimmed-Sweatshirt.htm
calgrl76 at hotmail
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jakiesmom said...
i like the fraction cups
nannypanpan at gmail.com
jakiesmom said...
jakiesmom said...
hhkaufman78 said...
ncprincess96 at yahoo dot com
Bonnye said...
I love the 34 Piece Unit Block Set
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Niecey said...
I like the Texture Dominoes
Brittney Minor said...
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erma said...
I love the Baby Lovie. Lavender Satin with Plush Dot
Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...
Pirate Collection Rocking Chair
vmkids3 at msn dot com
Anne N. said...
tweeted, https://twitter.com/#!/CA4muse/status/142747655330742272
calgrl76 at hotmail
Anonymous said...
I like the MINIATURE Ballerina Piggy Bank in her own TUTU!
Anonymous said...
I like the silver plated cross baby cup.
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barb hunt said...
Thanks for the great contest!
Brittney Minor said...
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babybensmama at yahoo dot com
Courtney B said...
12/3 tweet
vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com
Breanne said...
I like the SwaddleDesigns - Short Sleeve Bodysuit - Pastel with Mocha Dots
bmweida at yahoo dot com
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atydec said...
I like the Pink Leopard Princess Dancing Dress
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Heidi said...
I like the Fresh Pastels bodysuit!
textbookmommy at gmail dot com
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daveshir2005 said...
I like the sound box.
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Tylerpants said...
I like the adorable "Caterpillar Crawlers" Baby Socks Gift Set. tylerpants(at)gmail.com
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missreneer said...
I am in love with the Black and White Bow Headband. Thanks for the cute giveaway :)
fattybumpkins at yahoo dot com
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