I can't believe I'm here already!!!
I delivered Avery 3 weeks from today!
Had an appt yesterday. Gained 1 pound, which is great considering we had 2 Thanksgiving's and I put down 5 slices of 500 something calorie pecan pie in 2.5 days! I'm at 34 pounds gained! At least I'm at a normal weight gain.
My blood pressure was HIGH, but since my swelling is minimal, I'm not spilling protein in my urine and I haven't gained an excessive amount of weight he was NOT concerned, but it was 157/89!!! EEK. My normal not pregnant is 130/68!
I was dilated to 1cm and he said his head was SUPER low. He thinks another 2-3 weeks!
I started Evening Primrose Oil last night to soften up my cervix and get it ready for delivery. It's supposed to aid in softening and dilating the cervix faster for a quick and easy delivery. We'll see if it works.
You can see one new itty bitty stretchmark here on my hip!
That could very well be my last belly sticker photo!
I haven't gotten much bigger in WEEKS! Which I'm perfectly fine with!
Joy M Pablo said...
Joy M Pablo said...
I would love to know how the primrose oil works for you! I am currently 33 weeks pregnant and anything that would help the delivery process along is a blessing!! Good luck to you =)
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