When Avery was little we didn't eat organic anything. We were on food stamps and just got by on whatever we could. Our dinners usually consisted of easy like hamburger helper or side dish meals. Once we moved into this house I got a lot better. Making meals, then making them mostly from scratch. And now about 30% of what we buy is organic. If I can try my hardest for my family in making them healthier I will.
A good start is Peter Rabbit Organics for your toddlers. I have received a couple samplers from them in the past and I just got another one. I couldn't refuse it. Avery still loves these pouches and this was no exception.
We received one in each of their 6 flavors. Actually, now I see that they have a Peach and Apple flavor as well that we didn't get. Sounds yummy!
Avery devours these though. They have fruit ones and then they have veggie/fruit flavors. These are great ways for her to get in her daily intake, especially of the veggies. I loved giving her one of the veggie ones at lunch time along with her sandwich.
She loves them and these were all gone within a week. She had one a day.
I think these are great for an older infant who is trying to be more independent and doesn't want to eat from a spoon, they can just slurp them up. Or you can squeeze it onto a spoon for a younger infant and feed them.
I think these are great all the way up to school age children and they're perfect for a lunch box, snack in the car on the way home or great for an after school activity snack. They are small and compact, but pack a healthy punch!
All the pouches are 100% organic fruits and/or vegetables and nothing else. They all have Lemon Juice concentrate in them to remain their colors and flavors, but other than that just fruits and vegetables.
These are sold in Starbucks Locations. Buy Buy Baby, Publix, Whole Foods and more. And also online at Babies R Us, Amazon and Diapers.com
Price: Babies R Us online has 10 packs for $11.98 on sale from $17.99 so this is a great sale!
Overall: *****
*Disclaimer* I received an item directly from Peter Rabbit in exchange for a review. I was not paid to try out these products*
A big thank you goes out to Peter Rabbit for allowing me to review this product and offering a giveaway

Chris said...
carrot squash and apple sounds like it would be my son's favorite
christina.brundick at gmail dot com
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gfc follower Christina Brundick
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Brittney Minor said...
My kids would like the apple grape and the sweet potato, corn and apple!
babybensmama at yahoo dot com
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Brittney Minor
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Devon F said...
Sweet Potato, corn & apple sounds like would be my daughters favorite. She LOVES sweet potatos!
2bufa4u at cox dot net
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Devon Franco
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Devon Franco
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bored2quickly said...
I think my son would love the carrot squash and apple! Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
Renee Walters
bored2quickly said...
I like you on Facebook! Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
Renee Walters
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I follow you on Twitter! Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
Renee Walters
bored2quickly said...
I follow you on GFC! Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
Renee Walters
Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...
think apple and grape would be a hit here
vmkids3 at msn dot com
Chris said...
crystletellerday said...
sweet potato corn and apple crystletellerday@yahoo.com
Bonnye said...
My daughter loves peter rabbit organics. her favorite is the carrot, squash apple flavor!
bonnyejean at gmail dot com
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Jo said...
the apple grape
jofo120 at yahoo dot com
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Katie S said...
I think my son would like the Strawberry and Banana the most! Thanks
katiekstewart at gmail dot com
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Anastasia said...
my toddler would love the Mango, Banana, and Orange
ecoblogz at gmail dot com
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Simone said...
I learned that the Peter Rabbit Organics office tries to be as sustainable and environmentally conscious as possible by recycling, using hand towels instead of hand driers, and using low energy light bulbs. This seems like a very admirable company.
Rachel C said...
apple grape sounds great!
rach62803 at yahoo dot com
Brittney Minor said...
Daily Tweet
babybensmama at yahoo dot com
Colleen Maurina said...
I think our little guy would like Peas, Spinach and Apple flavor.
colljerr at comcast dot net
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Shannon Egan said...
They would definitely like the Strawberry and Banana flavor the most!
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Jenny said...
apple and grape fruit snacks
jennykmoses at yahoo dot com
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jennykmoses at yahoo dot com
Rebecca Williams said...
My daughter would like the apple grape
rebeccaw2005 at gmail dot com
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rebeccaw2005 at gmail dot com
Colleen said...
I think carrot Squash and apple would be my daughter's favorite
Colleen said...
The website says that they are nut free from a nut free facility so I can also give them to my home daycare kids. They will love the sweet potato corn and apple!
Colleen said...
I added your button to my sidebar :)http://raisingabookworm.blogspot.com/
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Chris said...
Colleen said...
I blogged about your giveaway too :) http://raisingabookworm.blogspot.com/2011/10/peter-rabbit-organics.html moore.colleen at rocketmail dot com
Colleen said...
I posted on FB about your giveaway http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=1810065624
Katie S said...
katiekstewart at gmail dot com
Brittney Minor said...
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babybensmama at yahoo dot com
graceInk said...
I like my little guy would like Mango, Banana & Orange flavor best!
graceink at yahoo dot com
graceInk said...
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Devon F said...
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2bufa4u at cox dot net
Chris said...
Devon F said...
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2bufa4u at cox dot net
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babybensmama at yahoo dot com
Bonnye said...
daily tweet https://twitter.com/#!/grateful_mom/status/130846998449487873
bonnyejean at gmail dot com
Katie S said...
katiekstewart at gmail dot com
Amanda said...
Dd will like the Strawberry and Bananda.
tvpg at aol dot com
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Chris said...
Devon F said...
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2bufa4u at cox dot net
AJ said...
My son would love strawberry/banana and the sweet potato/corn/apple combos!
angella13 at gmail dot com
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angella13 at gmail dot com
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angella13 at gmail dot com
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Katie S said...
katiekstewart at gmail dot com
Chris said...
Jen lleras said...
the sweet potatoe corn and apple would be my daughters favorite!
AJ said...
angella13 at gmail dot com
Devon F said...
Daily tweet
2bufa4u at cox dot net
Brittney Minor said...
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babybensmama at yahoo dot com
Katie S said...
katiekstewart at gmail dot com
hhkaufman78 said...
GFC hhkaufman78
ncprincess96 at yahoo dot com
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ncprincess96 at yahoo dot com
hhkaufman78 said...
My son would love peach
ncprincess96 at yahoo dot com
Chris said...
Bonnye said...
tweet https://twitter.com/#!/grateful_mom/status/131732318749605888
bonnyejean at gmail dot com
Devon F said...
2bufa4u at cox dot net
AJ said...
angella13 at gmail dot com
Terra said...
Carrot, squash and apple sounds delicious
mystik2005 at hotmail dot com
graceInk said...
tweet 11/2
graceink at yahoo dot com
Brittney Minor said...
Daily Tweet
babybensmama at yahoo dot com
Katie S said...
katiekstewart at gmail dot com
Allison B. said...
My lil one would love the Mango, Banana and Orange!
anbeckwith at gmail dot com
tatertot374 said...
thank you
Kyndra said...
My daughter would most like the apple and grape flavor!
themeimlookingfor at yahoo dot com
Kyndra said...
I like you on facebook!
themeimlookingfor at yahoo dot com
Devon F said...
2bufa4u at cox dot net
Chris said...
AJ said...
angella13 at gmail dot com
Caryn said...
Mine would like the sweet potato, corn, and apple
caryn9802 at yahoo dot com
SavingsInSeconds said...
My son would love strawberry/banana!
Dianna at www.savingsinsecons.com
d_gardenhour @yahoo.com
graceInk said...
tweet 11/3
graceink at yahoo dot com
Bonnye said...
tweet https://twitter.com/#!/grateful_mom/status/132161061196541953
bonnyejean at gmail dot com
Katie S said...
katiekstewart at gmail dot com
Nikki said...
I think my daughter would like the Apple and Grape. ngiraldi at gmail dot com
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Brittney Minor said...
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babybensmama at yahoo dot com
Hoa said...
My granddaughter would like the peach & apple flavor.
Hoa said...
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bbrittbrat1398 said...
The strawberry and banana looks like something my daughter would love.
bbrittbrat1398 said...
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Anonymous said...
Ny daughter would love the carrot squash and apple
jenzen69 said...
Chris said...
Devon F said...
2bufa4u at cox dot net
AJ said...
angella13 at gmail dot com
Brittney Minor said...
Daily Tweet
babybensmama at yahoo dot com
graceInk said...
tweet 11/4
graceink at yahoo dot com
Anonymous said...
peach and apple
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anne N. said...
My child would love mango, banana, and orange! calgrl76 at hotmail
Anne N. said...
following your blog via GFC, calgrl76 at hotmail
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Anne N. said...
subscribe to this blog via feedburner, calgrl76 at hotmail
Mir said...
I think my daughter would like the strawberry and banana flavor.
Katie S said...
katiekstewart at gmail dot com
Anonymous said...
The Carrot, Squash, Apple would be a hit.
Desiree Dunbar
Roberta said...
Mango Banana & Orange
roberta (at) yahoo (dot) com
Roberta said...
GFC with you
roberta (at) yahoo (dot) com
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roberta (at) yahoo (dot) com
Yona Williams said...
Strawberry & Banana is something my nephew would like. Email: yona(at)pricelesswriters.com
Yona Williams said...
Im a Google Connect Friend. Email: yona(at)pricelesswriters.com
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Anonymous said...
Definitely the Mango banana orange
frugalslhf@hotmail dot com
ReggieMann said...
My niece would like Apple and Grape the most
ReggieM1961 at gmail dot com
ReggieMann said...
I follow your blog publicly with Google Friend Connect as ReggieMann
ReggieM1961 at gmail dot com
degood said...
My daughter would like the apple and grape.
degood said...
I like you on facebook as kerrie mayans.
Chris said...
Carole Spring said...
I think my grandson would like the sweet potato, corn, and apple combination.
Carole Spring said...
I follow your blog publicly via GFC as Carole Spring (using my gmail email address)
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jenzen69 said...
Katie S said...
katiekstewart at gmail dot com
AJ said...
angella13 at gmail dot com
Devon F said...
2bufa4u at cox dot net
Brittney Minor said...
Daily Tweet
babybensmama at yahoo dot com
Mommy 2 Monkeys said...
We like carrot, squash and apple.
jnmacdonald at hotmail dot com
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