Yet another cloth diaper company and review! But this one includes a giveaway!!!
Glow Bug Cloth Diapers was generous to send me a unisex diaper as I didn't know what I was having at the time. I received one of their Logo Diapers for review!
I was sent the Black Logo Diaper
Love the Print
Comes with 2 microfiber inserts
It very closely resembles my all time favorite diaper so I just know I'm going to love it. It has a nice double gussett inside there, which will be great for those breastfed poos. It will prevent them from running and leaking out the sides.
Has a double pocket opening. One in front and one in back. This allows an insert to be agitated out in the wash without needing to be removed first.
Here is both of them
Insert snaps in. It will still agitate out in the wash if you only snap one end in and it will make it so you don't lose your insert too!
Newborn setting
Pretty small leg openings.
Small Setting. I love the black snaps too!
Medium setting
Large setting.
I love that it has 4 rise snap adjustments. Most have 3 and this allows a more custom fit. I like the 2 rows of waist snaps which allows a better fit.
I of course LOVE the double gusset, and the double pocket opening with the snap in insert. It will agitate out in the wash.
I also love the print. It's different and so cute.
With 2 inserts I'm sure this diaper will be plenty absorbent enough. One insert is needed for the newborn and small settings and then 2 inserts for the 2 larger settings or overnight.
I love how customizable to your baby this diaper is. It really makes it a great one!
Price: You can only buy them in packs of 12 and they run $150!! This is AMAZING. That's just $12.50 a diaper. They come in Boy packs, Girl packs or Neutral packs! and each diaper comes with 2 inserts.
Overall: *****

«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 377 Newer› Newest»graceInk said...
I like the Guitar print best
graceink at yahoo dot com
graceInk said...
I follow via GFC as Carolyn H
graceink at yahoo dot com
DiscoverHope7 said...
I like the stars and the skull printed ones!
DiscoverHope7 said...
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graceInk said...
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MamaHunfy said...
SO hard to choose just 1 fave! I love the red plaid (among others)
hun423 at
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hun423 at
sara wood said...
I like the plaid girl diaper.
sarajwood21 at gmail dot com
sara wood said...
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sarajwood21 at gmail dot com
droopy01201 said...
I like the skull print ones
rhiannon hall said...
I like the stars and the robots the best.
rhiannon hall said...
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Anonymous said...
I love the boy skull print diaper
c.mandeville09 @
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c.mandeville09 @
stephanie said...
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tay3502nate2107 at aol dot com
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(CAitlin Ardelle Mandeville)
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stephanie said...
I followed you on facebook too =)
stephanie said...
^^tay3502nate2107 at aol dot com
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c.mandeville09 @
stephanie said...
I LOVE the skulls diaper!!!
tay3502nate2107 at aol dot com
hawkinssidney at yahoo dot com said...
I like most of the prints but the Apple Boy one is my favorite.
Jennifer Allen said...
I like the Ladybug print :)
kittysneeze_88@hotmail dot com
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I added your button to my blog (http://kittysneeze.wordpress dot com)
Anonymous said...
I love the skulls print - so cute!
feelinfroggie (at) ymail (dot) com
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feelinfroggie (at) ymail (dot) com
TheDeanFamily said...
I love the skulls!
kailidean (at) yahoo (dot) come
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tygrr said...
I like the robot print. I would put it on my girl :)
tygrr said...
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Amanda said...
I like the flame print
Andi said...
I love the guitar print. My son loves playing his Dads guitar so would be so cute on him while he's rocking out.
Dana said...
My favorite print is Teal Damsk Girl’s Print danaahudson@gmail dot com
Dana said...
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Felicia R said...
I like the pink/black/white plaid print!
Felicia R said...
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Jeannie Potts said...
CUPCAKES!!!! Love!
hellofacade at gmail dot com
Jeannie Potts said...
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Retweeted @jeannie_lynne
What's your twitter username? And how do I find you on facebook?
JACLYN said...
I really like the robot print!
firstrosegrrl at
Anonymous said...
I love the Robot print!
Kathy_bello at rogers dot com
dailymom said...
I like the ladybugs diaper.
Heididaily at gmail dot com
dailymom said...
I follow you via gfc Heidi daily
Heididaily at gmail dot com
Unknown said...
I like the one with the red and green butterflies best.
mummytocharis at yahoo dot com
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mummytocharis at yahoo dot com
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9/10 Tweeted:!/mummytocharis/status/112638475202871296
mummytocharis at yahoo dot com
Sarah Hull said...
I love the boy prints! Especially the Robots and Rocket Ship Boy’s Prints!
SHull2319 at gmail dot com
Sarah Hull said...
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SHull2319 at gmail dot com
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Katie S said...
I visited Glow Bug Cloth Diapers and I love the white and pink Damask print. So pretty. I also like the pink and black plaid and the two with scrolls and butterflies. Thanks!
katiekstewart at gmail dot com
Katie S said...
I'm following your blog via GFC
katiekstewart at gmail dot com
Katie S said...
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Lisa K said...
I like the greenish colored with the stars in the boys collection.
ldj.1999 at yahoo dot com
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ldj.1999 at yahoo dot com
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ldj.1999 at yahoo dot com
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ldj.1999 at yahoo dot com
Jessi Gonzalez said...
i love the girlie lady bug diaper(as well as all the other ones!)
lovemyhnk at yahoo dot com
Jessi Gonzalez said...
gfc follower~jdm2551
lovemyhnk at yahoo dot com
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lovemyhnk at yahoo dot com
Jessi Gonzalez said...
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Anonymous said...
I like the guitar print!
allisonjoudrey at hotmail dot com
slb3334 said...
I like the teal damask.
LAMusing said...
The cow print is cute
LAMusing said...
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Colleen Maurina said...
My favorite print is the girl's Lady Bug print.
colljerr at comcast dot net
Colleen Maurina said...
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colljerr at comcast dot net
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colljerr at comcast dot net
Breanne said...
I like the heart print
bmweida at yahoo dot com
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bmweida at yahoo dot com
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bmweida at yahoo dot com
Julie G. said...
I love the robot print in the boy package best.
schramm.j @ gmail dot com
Julie G. said...
GFC Follow - Julie G
schramm.j @ gmail dot com
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schramm.j @ gmail dot com
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schramm.j @ gmail dot com
Sissy said...
I like the Hibiscus flower red print. scrane @ videotron. ca
Sissy said...
I subscribe via email! scrane @ videotron . ca
AJ said...
I love the black and white skull diaper print you can see in the boys package.
angella13 at gmail dot com
AJ said...
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angella13 at gmail dot com
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angella13 at gmail dot com
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angella13 at gmail dot com
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Olivia said...
I like the purple butterfly one.
Olivia said...
olicarson at gmail dot com
Amy V said...
love the robot print
Amy V said...
Amy V said...
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Jessica W said...
I like the yellow diaper that has red, blue, and white stars!
jolly_jess_6 at yahoo dot com
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Rachel said...
I really like the boy robots print
dakotaring at yahoo dot com
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MamaHunfy said...
hun423 at
Amylynn said...
My favorite is the Monsters and Robot print.
beadsidemyself at gmail dot com
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Amy S Hint
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graceInk said...
tweet 9/10!/Graceink/status/112728448904073216
graceink at yahoo dot com
Gina F. said...
My favorite print is the Glow Bug Logo print. To Cute!!!
ginaferrell3 at yahoo dot com
Gina F. said...
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Heather said...
I love the cream with the pink flowers and swirly purple
I have a little girl
heather.mentzer at gmail dot com
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heather.mentzer at gmail dot com
Attila & Tamara said...
I really like a lot of the girl (and boy prints) but my favorite is the teal Damsk Girl’s Print, I think.
szogediek at yahoo dot com
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ID: @szogediek
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hhkaufman78 said...
I like the robots
ncprincess96 at yahoo dot com
hhkaufman78 said...
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ncprincess96 at yahoo dot com
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hhkaufman78 said...
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hhkaufman78 said...
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Rachel said...
dakotaring at yahoo dot com
Bridgett said...
I like the brown logo diaper. I saw this diaper in a picture last week and was trying to figure out the brand, now I know!! :)
princessbridgett at hotmail dot com
Bridgett said...
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Bridgett Zaidi
princessbridgett at hotmail dot com
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Bridgett Yoches Zaidi
princessbridgett at hotmail dot com
MamaHunfy said...
9/11 tweet!/MamaHunfy/status/112920455479955457
hun423 at
Amanda said...
I like the flames and the black and white skully faces diapers in the boys package. The logo diapers are cute too!
tvpg at aol dot com
Amanda said...
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tvpg at aol dot com
Amanda said...
tvpg at aol dot com
Jenny said...
I love the purple paisley print.
jennykmoses at yahoo dot com
Jenny said...
email subscriber
jennykmoses at yahoo dot com
mutchkin21 said...
I like the small print butterly that comes next with the lady bug.
clc_little_britches@yahoo dot com
mutchkin21 said...
GFC stephanie mutchkin21
clc_little_britches@yahoo dot com
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FB fan stephanie hodges
clc_little_britches@ yahoo dot com
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clc_little_britches@yahoo dot com
graceInk said...
tweet 9/11!/Graceink/status/113016646255390720
graceink at yahoo dot com
Anonymous said...
I LOVE all of the girl prints (but I don't like the plaid one as much... my FAVE girl order is cupcakes, ladybug, paisley, butterflies, pink & purple flowers, damask, etc.... they are just gorgeous!! I don't care for the skulls in the boy selection.
These look WONDERFUL!! I would LOVe to win them for a friend who just had her 5th baby & has 4 LO in cloth... YES, 4 in cloth (she has twins ;0)!
daddyn4wisechix @ att dot net
Anonymous said...
I subscribe via email.
daddyn4wisechix @ att dot net
boysmama said...
I like the dinosaur diaper
boysmama said...
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Katie S said...
katiekstewart at gmail dot com
AJ said...!/WINitAJ/status/113073890372227074
angella13 at gmail dot com
April G said...
I love the floral one that's the second one down in the girl package!
April G said...
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Unknown said...
9/11 Tweeted:!/mummytocharis/status/113088594855477248
mummytocharis at yahoo dot com
Rachel said...
dakotaring at yahoo dot com
babyjohack said...
I had a really hard time deciding which print I like best. These are cute!!! But, I think my favorite would have to be the girl print in pink and black argyle.
babyjohack said...
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Yesenia said...
Thanks for the giveaway. I love the boy print with the guitars.
morales_y at yahoo dot com
Yesenia said...
GFC follower as Yesenia Morales.
morales_y at yahoo dot com
MamaHunfy said...
9/12 tweet!/MamaHunfy/status/113275559810826240
hun423 at
Unknown said...
9/12 Tweeted:!/mummytocharis/status/113286182338703362
mummytocharis at yahoo dot com
Bonnye said...
I love the multicolor hearts!
bonnyejean at gmail dot com
Bonnye said...
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bonnyejean at gmail dot com
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bonnyejean at gmail dot com
Bonnye said...
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graceInk said...
tweet 9/12!/Graceink/status/113306180050354176
graceink at yahoo dot com
Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...
the skull ones are so sweeet
vmkids3 at msn dot com
Melissa said...
I love the purple damask print!
melissahuie @ gmail dot com
Melissa said...
I follow via GFC!
The Chambers' said...
We are planning to not find out the sex of our lil one so I like the Logo Print ones.
I follow you on facebook, follow your blog, button is on my sidebar and I have added the giveaway to my blog as well.
AJ said...!/WINitAJ/status/113427489640022018
angella13 at gmail dot com
dpschad said...
I like the flowers with the lady bugs. dpschad at yahoo dot com
hhkaufman78 said...
I tweeted hmhkaufman
Rachel said...
dakotaring at yahoo dot com
crystletellerday said...
Lilac said...
I like the flame diaper.
ayakers (at) gmail (dot) com
Anonymous said...
I love the guitar print diaper! So cute!
thegreenhouseboutique at gmail dot com
Anonymous said...
I like you on FB via The Green House.
thegreenhouseboutique at gmail dot com
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thegreenhouseboutique at gmail dot com
Anonymous said...
I twitted this giveaway:!/GreenHouse_blog/status/113634509706100736
thegreenhouseboutique at gmail dot com
coleycoupons said...
i love the cow print in the boys package
coleycoupons at yahoo dot com
coleycoupons said...
i follow you on twitter
coleycoupons at yahoo dot com
coleycoupons said...
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coleycoupons at yahoo dot com
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