I have done a review on Smartipants before on their OS diaper and their Smart Fit OS cover! I loved both of them with Avery.
But this time I received their newest product. The Little Smarti Newborn diaper. I chose the Aqua Breeze Color as I didn't know what we were having then, but they only have 3 colors anyway. Pink, white and Aqua, so it was the best choice.
The only other thing I didn't like is the price. The OS diaper is $13.95 for one, but the Newborn which uses less materials? Is $17.95? EEK!!! $4 more for a newborn diaper that will last maybe a month or two?
I didn't get that.
OTHER than that, I like this diaper. It's an AIO with a Microfiber pad sewn inside the diaper and it's just an everyday diaper besides that. There's nothing too special about it, but I can't wait to use it on baby boy!
Price: Already mentioned $17.95 for the Newborn which is a bit high.
Overall: **** I'm sure the function is great, but it seems big and is more expensive then the OS.
*Disclaimer* I received an item directly from Smartipants in exchange for a review. I was not paid to try out these products*
A big thank you goes out to Smartipants for allowing me to review this product and offering a giveaway

«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 305 Newer› Newest»Michelle and Lakeon said...
I'm interested in their wet bags since I already have a couple of their diapers.
I would choose Aqua!
mrs_bardos at yahoo dot com
Michelle and Lakeon said...
tweet for 8-24
mrs_bardos at yahoo dot com
orangefukurou said...
I would like to try their Smart-Fit Covers
tomokofive at gmail dot com
orangefukurou said...
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tomokofive at gmail dot com
orangefukurou said...
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Melissa E. said...
I'd love to try the Smart Fit Cover and I would go with White if I won
edz.mels at yahoo dot com
Melissa E. said...
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edz.mels at yahoo dot com
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edz.mels at yahoo dot com
Melissa E. said...
DT on 8/24: http://twitter.com/#!/shmel424/status/106467348705329153
edz.mels at yahoo dot com
Jenny said...
I love the smart covers in clever clover.
jennykmoses at yahoo dot com
Jenny said...
I am GFC follower Jenny Moses
jennykmoses at yahoo dot com
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jennykmoses at yahoo dot com
Felicia R said...
I would also like to try their regular diaper in jet black! I would choose aqua!
Unknown said...
I agree with you. I don't get the price difference, but oh well. I'd pick aqua (more gender neutral). And I'd like to try the Fire Engine Red one size diaper.
mummytocharis at yahoo dot com
Unknown said...
GFC follower as mummytocharis.
mummytocharis at yahoo dot com
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mummytocharis at yahoo dot com
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mummytocharis at yahoo dot com
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mummytocharis at yahoo dot com
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mummytocharis at yahoo dot com
Unknown said...
8/24 Tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/mummytocharis/status/106494228175138816
Felicia R said...
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Felicia R said...
Tammy said...
I'd like to try the "perfectly portable wet bag", and I'd probably choose the Pink newborn diaper.
tamwallis at gmail dot com
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tamwallis at gmail dot com
Carrie Phelps said...
I would love to get the Smart Tote & my color would be Bubble Gum Pink in honor of my first granddaughter due in October.
Carrie Phelps said...
I publicly follow you on GFC; Carriedust
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I tweeted about this giveaway; @CarrieDust
mutchkin21 said...
I would choose the portable wet bag. I would choose white to go either gender as our planned next child will also be "unknown" til birth.
clc_little_britches @ yahoo dot com
mutchkin21 said...
GFC stephanie mutchkin21
clc_little_britches@yahoo dot com
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clc_little_britches @yahoo dot com
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clc_little_britches @yahoo dot com
orangefukurou said...
tomokofive at gmail dot com
Gina F. said...
I like their wet bags.
I would choose Aqua!
ginaferrell3 at yahoo dot com
Gina F. said...
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ginaferrell3 at yahoo dot com
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ginaferrell3 at yahoo dot com
Sarah Hull said...
I'm interested in their wet bags! If I won, I would love the Aqua diaper.
SHull2319 at gmail dot com
Sarah Hull said...
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SHull2319 at gmail dot com
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SHull2319 at gmail dot com
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SHull2319 at gmail dot com
Katie S said...
Another item at Smartipants that I'd love to try is the Smart Pail, and if I were to win, I'd choose the Little Smarti in Aqua! Thanks!
katiekstewart at gmail dot com
Katie S said...
I'm following your blog via GFC
katiekstewart at gmail dot com
Michelle and Lakeon said...
i follow via gfc
mrs_bardos at yahoo dot com
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michelle bardos
mrs_bardos at yahoo dot com
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mrs_bardos at yahoo dot com
Michelle and Lakeon said...
tweet for 8/25
mrs_bardos at yahoo dot com
coleycoupons said...
I would love to try the smart tote and I would like a bright white one!
coleycoupons at yahoo dot com
coleycoupons said...
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coleycoupons at yahoo dot com
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coleycoupons at yahoo dot com
coleycoupons said...
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coleycoupons at yahoo dot com
ashley said...
ashley said...
I would like to try the wet bag.
Ashley Hess
andrewndash at yahoo dot com
ashley said...
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andrewndash at yahoo dot com
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andrewndash at yahoo dot com
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andrewndash at yahoo dot com
Then Comes Baby K said...
I would like to try the Smarti tote.
I would choose aqua if I won.
materialgirlgreen at gmail dot com
Then Comes Baby K said...
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materialgirlgreen at gmail dot com
Then Comes Baby K said...
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sharon mclaughlin
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sharon mclaughlin
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Katie S said...
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katiekstewart at gmail dot com
Melissa E. said...
DT on 8/25: http://twitter.com/#!/shmel424/status/106746026349690880
edz.mels at yahoo dot com
Katie S said...
I have your button on my right sidebar
katiekstewart at gmail dot com
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katiekstewart at gmail dot com
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katiekstewart at gmail dot com
Katie S said...
katiekstewart at gmail dot com
Jessica said...
I would also love the Smart Pail. I would love the diaper in Aqua Breeze
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
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jjak2003 at gmail dot com
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jjak2003 at gmail dot com
Karen said...
LOVE the wet bags and I would go with Aqua.
Karen Gonyea
ktgonyea at gmail.com
orangefukurou said...
tomokofive at gmail dot com
Olivia said...
I like the aqua color and I really want to try their pocket diapers
olivia dot haedt at gmail dot com
Olivia said...
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olivia dot haedt at gmail dot com
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olivia dot haedt at gmail dot com
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olivia dot haedt at gmail dot com
Anonymous said...
I like their os diapers and I like the aqua breeze color
Anonymous said...
I like the aqua breeze color and I also like their wet bags
Anonymous said...
I follow via gfc
Sissy said...
Would be interested in their wet bags. And would pick Aqua for the diaper color!
The Trophy Wife said...
I would love to try their wetbag. I would pick Pink for the NB diaper!
obsessionsottw at gmail.com
The Trophy Wife said...
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obsessionsottw at gmail.com
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obsessionsottw at gmail.com
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obsessionsottw at gmail.com
The Trophy Wife said...
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obsessionsottw at gmail.com
The Trophy Wife said...
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obsessionsottw at gmail.com
rebecca said...
I would like to try their regular smartipants diaper. If I won the newborn diaper I'd like the aqua color.
rebecca dot keunen @ gmail dot com
rebecca said...
I also liked Smartipants on facebook
rebecca dot keunen @ gmail dot com
Julie G. said...
Julie G. said...
I would like to try their OS diaper in the Clever Clover Color! If I won I would choose white for my color
schramm.j at gmail dot com
Julie G. said...
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schramm.j at gmail dot com
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schramm.j at gmail dot com
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like smartipants on FB: Julie Ghrist
schramm.j at gmail dot com
Melissa E. said...
DT on 8/26: http://twitter.com/#!/shmel424/status/107106118630785024
edz.mels at yahoo dot com
caedmen said...
I would also like to try their one size diaper and I would choose aqua
richardrachel at hotmail dot com
caedmen said...
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richardrachel at hotmail dot com
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richardrachel at hotmail dot com
caedmen said...
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Katie S said...
Daily Tweet
katiekstewart at gmail dot com
Miranda Smith said...
Miranda smith
Jet Black Smartipants and I would like a wet bag :)
Miranda Smith said...
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Miranda Smith
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Miranda Smith
Liz M. said...
I would also like to try their OS diaper. As for the newborn diaper, I would choose it in aqua!
lizsamples at live dot com
Liz M. said...
i follow via GFC!
lizsamples at live dot com
Kristin said...
gfc follower kgross954 at gmail dot com
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Liz M. said...
i added you on FB (liz mccarthy)
lizsamples at live dot com
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lizsamples at live dot com
Kristin said...
like smartipants on fb kgross954 at gmail dot com kristin g
Liz M. said...
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lizsamples at live dot com
Kristin said...
tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/Kristin344/status/107315366774046720 kgross954 at gmail dot com
Liz M. said...
i like smartipants on FB (liz mccarthy)
lizsamples at live dot com
orangefukurou said...
tomokofive at gmail dot com
hhkaufman78 said...
I like the smart pails & I would choose Aqua
ncprincess96 at yahoo dot com
hhkaufman78 said...
GFC hhkaufman78
ncprincess96 at yahoo dot com
hhkaufman78 said...
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ncprincess96 at yahoo dot com
hhkaufman78 said...
I like SP onFB EG Kaufman
ncprincess96 at yahoo dot com
Jessica said...
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
Vanessa said...
I'd like to try the smart sleeve inserts and I'd choose the newborn diaper in aqua breeze. momlovesdeals at gmail dot com
Vanessa said...
I follow via GFC as momlovesdeals. momlovesdeals at gmail dot com
caedmen said...
richardrachel at hotmail dot com
Katie S said...
katiekstewart at gmail dot com
AleonBlythe said...
We would love to have some more of their one size diapers!
For the Newborn Color we would like the Aqua Breeze
aleonblythe at yahoo dot com
AleonBlythe said...
Following via GFC as Samantha M
aleonblythe at yahoo dot com
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aleonblythe at yahoo dot com
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aleonblythe at yahoo dot com
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aleonblythe at yahoo dot com
myricksl6 said...
I would like to try their “Smart Fit” One-size Diaper Cover in Clever clover!
I would choose the Aqua color
myricksl6 @ hotmail dot com
myricksl6 said...
I follow via GFC- Sara M
myricksl6 @ hotmail dot com
myricksl6 said...
I like smartipants on FB- sara myrick
myricksl6 @ hotmail dot com
dailymom said...
I love the true blue color and would also really like their smart pail
heididaily at gmail dot com
dailymom said...
I follow you via gfc heidi daily
heididaily at gmail dot com
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heididaily at gmail dot com
Kristin said...
tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/Kristin344/status/107617919504097280 kgross954 at gmail dot com
Sherry said...
I would love to have the Smart Tote
and I would choose the white
sstrode at scrtc dot com
Sherry said...
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sstrode at scrtc dot com
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sstrode at scrtc dot com
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sstrode at scrtc dot com
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sstrode at scrtc dot com
Amanda said...
I'd like to try one of their OS diapers in the Jet Black or Fire Engine Red. I'd get the newborn diaper in aqua.
tvpg at aol dot com
Amanda said...
Follow via GFC - amanda alvarado
tvpg at aol dot com
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tvpg at aol dot com
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tvpg at aol dot com
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tvpg at aol dot com
Amanda said...
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tvpg at aol dot com
Amanda said...
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/Dolphin4176/status/107645718013034496
tvpg at aol dot com
Allison said...
i would try the smart tote and i would choose white
allisonmdodge at gmail dot com
Allison said...
blog: http://allisongiveaway.blogspot.com/2011/08/lovable-labels-leave-me-b-smartipants.html
allisonmdodge at gmail dot com
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allisonmdodge at gmail dot com
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allisonmdodge at gmail dot com
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allisonmdodge at gmail dot com
orangefukurou said...
tomokofive at gmail dot com
caedmen said...
richardrachel at hotmail dot com
Anonymous said...
I like the Smart Tote. And I would choose white.
Anonymous said...
Follow on GFC - Joe Caplinger
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Katie S said...
katiekstewart at gmail dot com
steffie said...
id love to get the smart start 3 pack, and extra inserts! also id love to win the aqua one! steph at steffiessweetsinsations@gmail(dot)com
steffie said...
follower via gfc, steph at steffiessweetsinsations@gmail(dot)com
steffie said...
facebook fan, stephanie rowe miller,
steph at steffiessweetsinsations@gmail(dot)com
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