This is a 4 part review!!
This is the fourth and last part of the items I received from Loving Naturals. I received a TON of items for review and this review is for Lip Balm
Loving Naturals is a natural products company created out of the desire to provide safe and natural products for our family and yours!
For this one I received the 100% Organic Hemp Lip Balm in the Cherry Flavor! (You also see the Sunscreen balm from Review #3 here)
I've never been a fan of Cherry so Avery has claimed this lip balm as her own. I like that it's clear so it doesn't stain anything and she loves the flavor. I will say though I tried it and it went on smooth and didn't wear away very quick which I love balms that stay and stick around.
It was a great balm, but it's hers now and so far she seems to like it.
I like that it's 100% organic
Here's the ingredients for the Cherry Balm
Sunflower Oil, Beeswax, Hemp Seed Oil, Wild Cherry Oil, Honey, Water
They're all pretty much the same, just different oils. There are 12 flavors to choose from!! YUM
There is also the SPF30 Sunscreen Lip Balm I talked about in the last review (#3).
Price: This 100% hemp balm is $2.99.
Overall: *****
And this concludes our Loving Naturals Reviews!!
*Disclaimer* I received an item directly from Loving Naturals in exchange for a review. I was not paid to try out these products*
A big thank you goes out to Loving Naturals for allowing me to review this product and offering a giveaway
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