Everybody knows I'm expecting #2 by now. Along with being pregnant is good nutrition. The first step in that is a good Prenatal Vitamin. I was sent the Vitafusion Prenatal Gummy to try out. You all should also know that I can't swallow pills very well either, and it's hard to find a gummy or chewable that has everything in it that you need.
My Dr. had also just told me that I need a DHA supplement as well since I can't take pills and I was doubling up on Avery's chewables (which don't contain DHA) so I was very thankful to receive these which have the full 800mcgs of Folic Acid in them as well as some DHA too. I was thankful that it had everything I needed in a prenatal in just 2 gummies. I was taking 4-6 of Avery's vitamins!! EEK.
I take these every morning when I first wake up, they taste good (like candy), have a great consistency, and go down smooth.
I have no issues taking them. They are 3 flavors, berry, lemon and cherry. I'm not a cherry fan, but when I take it with a lemon or berry I don't even taste it.
Vitafusion also has a TON of others to choose from. They have Fiber gummies, heart vitamins, multi vitamins and they're ALL GUMMY for adults!! Which I LOVE. I can not take a pill worth nothing.
May is also Pregnancy Awareness month. Founder Anna Getty founded Pregnancy Awareness month in 2008 in order to help expectant mothers and their bodies. So if you're thinking about becoming pregnant or are pregnant the Vitafusion Prenatal Gummies are PERFECT for you. Nutrition starts before conception too.
Price: The Prenatals are $10.79 on sale (regularly $11.99) at Target right now for a 45 day supply. Which if you think about it, you need about 6 bottles to get through your pregnancy. That's pretty cheap I think!!! The regular vitamins are $10.99 on sale too for a 75 day supply.
Overall: ***** Love them. They taste great, are affordable and I like them all around. YUMMY

mverno said...
i like the fiber gummies mverno@roadrunner.com i like on fb susan v
Klemm Family said...
Like Vitafusion on Facebook. Stephanie Klemm
My fav is the Power C gummies.
skklemm at gmail dot com
Klemm Family said...
Follow you via gfc. klemm family
skklemm at gmail dot com)
Klemm Family said...
follow you on fb. stephanie klemm
skklemm at gmail dot com
Klemm Family said...
follow you on twitter. @momtoemmett
skklemm at gmail dot com
Klemm Family said...
tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/momtoemmett/status/74224633494249473
skklemm at gmail dot com
Unknown said...
I love the prenatal one, i remember have to take horse pills
Unknown said...
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Veann Grigajtis said...
I like the prenatal vitamins a lot. They taste like candy and I wish I could have more than two per day. :P
Fanned on Facebook too
veanng @ gmail . com
Veann Grigajtis said...
I follow your blog via GFC.
veanng @ gmail . com
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veanng @ gmail . com
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veanng @ gmail . com
Jessica said...
Liked vitafusion on facebook and my fav. is the Vitamin c gummies
xporschex27 @ aol dot com
Jessica said...
Following via GFC
xporschex27 at aol dot com
Jessica said...
following on facebook user name Jessica Barnett
xporschex27 at aol dot com
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following on twitter user name Jessamama
xporschex27 at aol dot com
Jessica said...
subscribed to blog
xporschex27 at aol dot com
Anonymous said...
i would like to try Energy B
always in need of energy with three babies... i liked on facebook as well
Anonymous said...
i Follow you on Facebook
Anonymous said...
i Follow me on twitter @laceyssmile
Ashley said...
I like Vitafusion on facebook and my favorite product is their calcium chews.
navybaby1113 (at) gmail (dot) com
Ashley said...
I follow you on twitter. @brideonbudget
Anonymous said...
I like Vitafusion on Facebook!
My favorite is their prenatal gummies
sassygrrll23 at hotmail dot com
Caitlin Marley said...
I like you on facebook and my favorite Vitafusion is the Prenatals because I love getting the extra folic acid!
katie klein said...
I am a facebook fan of vitafusion and I love their prenatal gummies as well!
Ashley said...
I like Vitafusion on Facebook. And I'm trying to conceive, so I'd love the prenatal vitamins! I can't swallow pills very easily, so these sound like something I would like!
ashley.justforfree @ gmail dot com
katie klein said...
I follow you with GFC. katers2714 at yahoo dot com
Ashley said...
I also like you on Facebook!
katie klein said...
I follow you on facebook. katie klein katers2714@yahoo dot com
m1ch3113 said...
Vitafusion Calcium gummies are my favorite, no more giant calcium pills for me.
mchllrnvnrsdl@gmail dot com
katie klein said...
I follow you on twitter. katers2714@yahoo dot com
Anonymous said...
I like Vitafusion on Facebook.
I love love love the prenatal gummies. I get so sick with pregnancies and these taste like candy.
Braxs Mommy said...
i LIKED vitafusion on FB
I am also expecting (yay) due Dec 17th, 2011, and am having a HARD time with taking vitamins, i have never tried any Vitafusion products, but tried to enter their giveaway a few weeks ago, but was not successful.. i would LOVE to try them though, and im sure i will, even if i dont win.. These Huge HORSE pills im taking now are kicking my BUTT!
Melissa Wilson
Angela said...
I already like Vitafusion on FB and found out about this contest through their page. I just found out I'm expecting #2 and am eager to try the prenatal gummies since I can't swallow pills. angela(dot)obolsky(at)gmail(dot)com
Anonymous said...
If you end up with a c-section, trust me you will have to be able to swallow the pills!
jennifer said...
I like vitafusion on fb & like the prenatal gummies as well right now!
kaiser_tera said...
I like the prenatal gummies. kaiser_tera@yahoo.com
jennifer said...
I follow u on twitter
jennifer said...
I follow u on gfc
Alaskan Forget Me Not said...
Wow, I just learned about VitaFusion this month and I can't believe the wide range of vitamins they have in GUMMY FORM! I really would like the Q10 Vitamins as an Antioxidant supplement. But are gummies really as effective as the pills?
Alaskan Forget Me Not said...
Alaskan Forget Me Not said...
I like Co Q10 Vitamins. I also like VitaFusion on Facebook! emilyjack@gmail dot com
I am expecting my first and I am currently on Nordic Naturals Prenatal DHA - VERY EXPENSIVE STUFF!
Brynn said...
I like Vitafusion on FB and I love the prenatal vitamins. Take them every day!!
Brynn said...
I also became a blog subscriber!
Cerrisse said...
I like the pre-natal gummies. My email is Curtishascerrisse07@yahoo.com
Cerrisse said...
I like vitafusion on FB.
Christine said...
I like Vitafusion on Facebook and my favorite is the Vitamin C Gummies.
Thanks for the chance!
raceracegirl at yahoo dot com
Christine said...
I like Vitafusion on Facebook and my favorite is the Vitamin C Gummies.
Thanks for the chance!
raceracegirl at yahoo dot com
eknoxuk said...
I liked Vitafusion on facebook and since I'm expecting my 6th kid, gummy prenatals are my favorite!
Christine said...
I follow Mommy Of 1 and Counting via GFC.
raceracegirl at yahoo dot com
Christine said...
I like Mommy Of 1 and Counting on Facebook.
raceracegirl at yahoo dot com
Christine said...
I subscribe to your daily emails.
raceracegirl at yahoo dot com
Unknown said...
Hi! I've recently liked vitafusion on Facebook and also recently bought a bottle of gummy prenatals! I love them. I do have to point out... Not that anyone is reading my comments... that there is not calcium or iron in these. So you have to be paying attention to that on your own. I still love them!
Christie said...
Never tried any of their products...but I'd love to try the prenatals! Right now, I'm taking 3 kiddie gummies daily.
Christie said...
voted for you
kimzorshaw@aol.com said...
I like vitafusion on FB. The only trouble with the prenatal is they dont have any iron in them So you will have to take an extra iron supplement I also think they dont have enough DHA so you may to to take extra of that. They taste good.
Jenn said...
Yay! I can't swallow those big vitamins either, so I was taking Flintstone chewables with my last pregnancy. I'll have to check these out next time around. ;) What a great giveaway!
I take Vitafusion calcium and love them. Yum!
Unknown said...
Im a big fan of the omega 3's
Anonymous said...
fb follower
pn vitamins
anw1107 said...
vitafusion fb fan(ashley nance)
Id like to try the fiber gummies
anw1107 said...
gfc follower(anw1107)
anw1107 said...
fb fan(ashley nance)
anw1107 said...
email subscriber
anw1107 said...
voted on picket fence
Erica C. said...
I like Vitafusion on fb :)
I'd love to also try the Multi Vites!
lulu said...
lulu said...
like vitafusion on FB (lulu a-f). Haven't had a chance to try any of their products yet but would love to try their prenatals
lulio163 at hotmail dot com
lulu said...
follow you via GFC (lulu)
lulio163 at hotmail dot com
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lulio163 at hotmail dot com
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follow you on twitter (lulubunny1)
lulio163 at hotmail dot com
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lulio163 at hotmail dot com
Carrie K said...
I like Vitafusion on Facebook - Carrie C. K.
My favorite is the Fiber Gummies.
at gmail
dot com
Carrie K said...
Voted Picket Fence Blogs
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