Mommy's Favorite Things: Scunci Review & Giveaway *CLOSED*

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Scunci Review & Giveaway *CLOSED*

I love finding new things to use in my hair. I like to put it up in a ponytail or leave it down, but I like to find cute clips to use. I was fortunate enough to receive 3 clips from Scunci Bendini for review.

They are cool. I usually bend the clip a little first to get it in my hair easier. But you insert it in and then bend and snap (yes like Legally Blonde!!) 

They are so cute. I wear a part on my side so it's cute when I stick one on the opposite side of my part where more hair is. They're super easy to use. 

I like the bigger gold one and I like the little black ones for Avery. They actually work in her hair well. 
I really like them!!

Price: 4 of them are $20 with shipping on the website right now. Which isn't too terrible. Makes them $5 a piece. 

Overall: ***** Very cute, easy and affordable

GIVEAWAYScunci has offered one Mommy Of 1 and Counting reader the


Brittney Minor said...

I like the kids ones!
babybensmama at yahoo dot com

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Brittney Minor
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NANCY said...

Nice to meet you!! I'm following you now and hope that you will honour me by doing the same!!


TeacherLady said...

Hi! Following from a blog hop. I read your Baby post too. :) Congrats! I hope all goes well!
Please visit me at Stories and Advice for Moms.

anw1107 said...

I like the kid ones

anw1107 said...

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scunci fb fan(ashley nance)

anw1107 said...

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BethElderton said...

I like the one with amber and pearl beads
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

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BethElderton said...

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BethElderton said...

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bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

BethElderton said...

bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

Rebecca Williams said...

I like the kids one! My girls would love them
rebeccaw2005 at gmail dot com

Rebecca Williams said...

I follow your blog via google friend-rebecca williams
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Rebecca Williams said...

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rebeccaw2005 at gmail dot com

markcristy3378 said...

I like the bendi clips for kids:)

markcristy3378 said...

Follow on GFC! Cristy Rogers

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markcristy3378 said...

Email subscriber!

Carrie Phelps said...

I like the silver & crystal Bendini's.

Carrie Phelps said...

I follow Scunci on Twitter; @CarrieDust

Carrie Phelps said...

I follow Scunci on FB; Carrie Phelps

Carrie Phelps said...

I tweeted about this giveaway; @CarrieDust!/CarrieDust/status/59952786611257344

markcristy3378 said...


Brittney Minor said...

Daily vote 4/18
babybensmama at yahoo dot com

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Anonymous said...

I like the second one the best

markcristy3378 said...


Brittney Minor said...

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babybensmama at yahoo dot com

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Audrey said...

My favorite is the elegant jeweled crystal clip.

sweetstrawberryjam at yahoo dot com

Audrey said...

I Follow via GFC as strawberry.

sweetstrawberryjam at yahoo dot com

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sweetstrawberryjam at yahoo dot com

Audrey said...

I already Like Scunci on Facebook as Audrey F.

sweetstrawberryjam at yahoo dot com

Audrey said...

I follow Scunci on Twitter as tartstrawberry.

sweetstrawberryjam at yahoo dot com

Jennifer said...

I like the elegant jeweled ones.

jennylovesjeff (at) hotmail (dot) com

Jennifer said...

Follow on GFC as Jennifer

jennylovesjeff (at) hotmail (dot) com

jennifer57 said...

Jeweled Crystal Clip

jennifer57 said...

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Brittney Minor said...

Daily vote
babybensmama at yahoo dot com

Brittney Minor said...

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markcristy3378 said...


Miss Spoken said...

Like the adult clips with the crystal designs

Miss Spoken said...

GFC Follower

Miss Spoken said...

Twitter follower @gkstratos

Miss Spoken said...

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gkstratos at yahoo dot com

Miss Spoken said...

Scrunci Twitter follower @gkstratos

Anonymous said...

I like the second one the best

Brittney Minor said...

Daily Tweet!/brittleby/status/61247046790807552
babybensmama at yahoo dot com

Brittney Minor said...

Daily vote
babybensmama at yahoo dot com

markcristy3378 said...


Brittney Minor said...

Daily Tweet!/brittleby/status/61532762410192896
babybensmama at yahoo dot com

Brittney Minor said...

Daily Vote
babybensmama at yahoo dot com

Julie said...

I like the second collection from the left-thanks

Julie said...

follow blog jelaws5

Julie said...

like Scunci on fb Julie S Laws

Julie said...

like u on fb Julie S Laws

Julie said...

voted picket fence

Julie said...

email sub

Brittney Minor said...

Daily vote
babybensmama at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

The kids ones are my favorite. garrettsambo@aoldotcom.

cman said...

The 3 bendeni that bend and snap.

cman said...

I'm a GFC follower.

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cman said...

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