Mommy's Favorite Things: Scentsy Review & Giveaway *CLOSED*

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Scentsy Review & Giveaway *CLOSED*

Isn't their slogan the truth too!!

I was contacted by the LOVELY Nicole Garton of Scentsy and she offered me a great kit for review. She sent me the Scentsy Full Size System. Which is a Full size warmer and 3 scent bars of MY choice!!
My warmer, 3 scents of my choice, She also included the March scent of the month sample, Jumpin Jelly Bean and a scent circle for the car.
 Vanilla Walnut, Hazelnut Latte, and Perfectly Pomegranate
 The warmer is powered by a simple lightbulb.
 The Torino Warmer
 Screw in lightbulb.
 Put top on... (HI BELLA)
 Here are the bars. You just break off 1-2 chunks.
 Place in warmer

 Missing piece.
Plug into standard outlet

 It starts to melt!!
 In just a few minutes it's all melted.
SO simple. Easier then candles too. I can Easily let Avery turn it on using the switch on the cord and she can help smell up the house. Much safer then a lighter, or a candle that can easily get knocked over. 

This gets a little bit hot where the light shines through, but not hot enough to burn a hand.

Actually SEMI funny story. We had friends over, the little girl is afraid of Bella. So I put her cage in the entryway to the kitchen and locked her in the kitchen. Well I helped her carry something out to her car and Bella decided to take it upon herself and jump the counter. NOW this is a little island type and there are cabinets above so picture a St. Bernard jumping a counter in about 2.5 feet of clearance space?
Yeah she knocked over the scentsy warmer. She got wax EVERYWHERE. Our carpet is ruined, but she didn't burn herself (although the wax is STILL there) and nothing set on fire. So I'm very thankful for that. 

We are avid candle burners, so this was a nice change for us. 
It says you can use 1-2 chunks for more scent. 1 is enough to do our living space. It lasts a LONG time too. I used that first chunk for 5 days before I wanted to try another scent, but it was still plenty strong. I just turned it on, let it melt and wiped it out with a paper towel as best as possible. Then stuck a different scented chunk in it and I was onto a new scent. 

VERY easy. As you saw screw in lightbulb, place top on, place in chunk and plug in. THAT EASY!! The scents are AMAZING too. They are strong, but not too strong. My favorite is the Perfectly Pomegranate, followed by the Hazelnut Latte and the Vanilla walnut isn't that great, but it's okay. The Jumpin Jelly Bean sample she sent me is GREAT as well. Smells just like a Jelly Bean. That sample lasted me 2 whole days of burning!!

And the Scent Circle is in Twilight Woods. NOT a fan. It's in my truck. It's BARELY peaking out the top of the wrapper (the more you pull out the stronger) and it's SO strong I get an instant headache when I enter the truck. So I removed it. It was bad for me. I'm sure a more tolerable scent would be good though, but because it's not a desirable scent (for me) it wasn't that great and was actually mind blowing. 

They also carry Scentsy Bricks which are MUCH bigger. These are 8 chunks which could easily last you a month, In my opinion.

And they carry small and mid size warmers as well as plug in warmers. Fragrance Foams, Room Sprays, Travel Tins, and Scent Paks (for drawers etc) are in their collection. The new Scentsy Buddy is adorable too. There's a pak you stick in the stuffed animal's back and you can cuddle it!! 
Price: SUPER REASONABLE!! 6 Bars are $25 when you buy them multi, Or $5 each. The scent of the month is usually on sale for $4.50. The Scentsy Buddy is $25. The warmers are $30 individually OR The Full Size System (Warmer and 3 bars) is $40, so you save $5. The Scent Circles are only $3!

Overall: ***** EASY. I just bought 6 more bars!! That good!
GIVEAWAYNicole has offered one Mommy Of 1 and Counting reader the chance to win the Full Size System like I received. You get to choose the warmer and scents of your choice. 


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Ashley H said...

I would choose the Cherry Blossom Full-Size Scentsy Warmer and the flutter scent!

Ashley H said...

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Mary said...

I would pick the Heirloom Full-Size Scentsy Warmer and the Love Story Scentsy Bar!

mearnold115 at yahoo dot com

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Unknown said...

I love this giveaway! I have been wanting to try Scentsy for soooo long!

I would like to win the Zebra print warmer and the 1 scent bar I'd have to have is the Mochadoodle.

Thank you again!
kass102885 @ gmail dot come

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scottsgal said...

I like the university of texas warmer with clean breeze scent
msboatgal at

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cheryl s
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Denise S. said...

I'd choose the Caldera Full Size Warmer and Sticky Cinnamon Bun scent.
lazybones344 at gmail dot com

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lazybones344 at gmail dot com

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Anonymous said...

I would love the Bamboo Tali warmer and Flutter scentsy bar!

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AmberFaith said...

I love the Doodlebud Full-Size Scentsy Warmer. And I'd choose the Flirtacious scentsy bar.

littleamberfaith at yahoo dot com

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GFC follower under AmberFaith

littleamberfaith at yahoo dot com

Jennifer said...

I would pick the Satin Black Full-Size Scentsy Warmer and Cherry Limeade Scentsy Bar.

As for the wax on your carpet, try re-heating it with a hair dryer and dabbing out the melted wax with a paper towel. I have spilled candle wax on my carpet before and dot it all out with this method.

jennylovesjeff (at) hotmail (dot) com

Jennifer said...

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jennylovesjeff (at) hotmail (dot) com

slb3334 said...

I like the cherry blossom warmer and the sticky cinnamon bun bar.

Susan E. said...

I'd choose the Lenox warmer and Mochadoodle scent.


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Melissa R said...

I would chose the Libson Full Size Scentsy warmer and the scent i would chose is Cucumber Lime.

melisa0072 at gmail dot com

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Melissa R
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Brittney Minor said...

I would choose the Montpelier warmer and I would pick Tea Party and Citrus Sun Tea scents.
babybensmama at yahoo dot com

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Tina B. said...

I'd choose the Lisbon warmer & Clean Breeze Scentsy bar!

treneebarker at hotmail dot com

Tina B. said...

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Jessi Gonzalez said...

I would choose "lucky in love" for one scent and "Lisbon" for the warmer.

Jessi Gonzalez said...

GFC follower~jdm2551

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Tina B. said...

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Jessi Gonzalez said...

voted on the fence~

debbie said...

I like the charlemagne full size warmer and the echo scent.

anw1107 said...

Id choose the cream full size warmer with cinnamon bun bar

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mickeyfan said...

I would choose the Nebraska warmer and Satin Sheets.

allenma said...

I love the Celtic love knot

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allenma said...

Black raspberry vanilla sounds interesting!

Michele said...

I would choose Heirloom warmer and want to try French Kiss
rlawrence110 at yahoo dot com

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DRAGONFLY9012 said...

I would like to try the Lisbon Full-Size Scentsy Warmer and the simply irresistible sent.

coliebear said...

I like the green warmer from the classic collection and the cranberry mango sentsy bar.

coliebear said...

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DRAGONFLY9012 said...

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BethElderton said...

I would choose the Charlemagne warmer from the Imperial collection and would love the French Lavender scent
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

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Brandy Nelson said...

Love the Boleyn and I would get the Red Candy Apple, the Vanilla Cream, and not sure on the third!

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Unknown said...

Tweeted @coffeenkisses
kass102885 @ gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I would choose the Boleyn Full-Size Scentsy Warmer and the Lilacs & Violets scent.
kathyluman@gmail dot com

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Michele said...

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rlawrence110 at yahoo dot com

Michele said...

daily picket fence vote
rlawrence110 at yahoo dot com

Carrie Phelps said...

I would pick the Charlemagne Full-Size Scentsy Warmer & a Mochadoodle scent bar.

Carrie Phelps said...

I follow you on GFC; CarrieDust

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BeeCute said...

I love the zebra print warmer, and would love to try the paradise punch bars.

BeeCute said...

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BeeCute said...

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Anonymous said...

I would choose the Arthur Full-Size Scentsy Warmer from the Imperial Collection and the Kahiko Hula scent.

Tammy said...

I would choose the Cherry Blossom full size warmer. The Autumn Sunset scent sounds great!

tamwallis at gmail dot com

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tamwallis at gmail dot com

Nicole C. said...

I would choose the Boleyn Full-Size Scentsy Warmer and Havana Cabana Scentsy Bar.


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Tina Deanette Gower said...

I'd choose the "satin black" warmer

Bars: Blueberry Cheesecake, Sugar, and coconut lemongrass!

mom2_3boyzz at yahoo dot com

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mom2_3boyzz at yahoo dot com

calvad said...

I would choose the Lenox Full-Size Scentsy Warmer with the clean breeze scent! calvad at aol dot com

deb c said...

I like the English Ivy warmer and the Cinnamon Bear scent.

deb c said...

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DiscoverHope7 said...

sweet pea and vanilla for the scent.. and the NEW Fizz warmer for sure.. but the nursery ones are cute too

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Susan E. said...



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Melissa R said...!/MelissaRin/status/57626514564464641
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Brittney Minor said...

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babybensmama at yahoo dot com

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babybensmama at yahoo dot com

jemscout425 said...

I like the cherry blossom full size warmer and i would choose the silhouette scentsy scent

jemscout425 said...

follow on gfc brenda

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Denise Donaldson (MistySunrise) said...

I like the Cherry Blossom Full-Size Scentsy Warmer and Perfectly Pomegranate bar

itsjustme62613 at

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Denise Donaldson (MistySunrise) said...

voted for you at were on the fence

itsjustme62613 at

Anonymous said...

kathyluman@gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

doodlebud and lucky in love
thank you

debijackson said...

I'd really like full size cherry blossom and a flutter scent

debijackson said...


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Heather said...

Heirloom warmer and Twilight scentsy bar.

rsbryswrrl at gmail dot com

Dakotapam said...

I like the Milano Full size warmer.
dakotapam at gmail dot com

Dakotapam said...

I follow you via GFC. (Oh and I forgot to say I would like to try the pear spice scent)

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Brittney Minor said...

Daily Vote 4/12
babybensmama at yahoo dot com

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Susan E. said...



Susan E. said...

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Melissa R said...!/MelissaRin/status/57962058838310914
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melisa0072 at gmail dot com

Michele said...

daily tweet!/rlawrence110/status/58000633571188736
rlawrence110 at yahoo dot com

SondraMama said...

i would get the Boleyn Full-Size Scentsy Warmer & Flirtatious Scentsy Bar for sure.

muloove at yahoo dot com

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muloove at yahoo dot com

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SondraMama said...

You have just voted for Mommy Of 1 and Counting!

muloove at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

kathyluman@gmail dot com

Michele said...

daily tweet!/rlawrence110/status/58165732478955520
rlawrence110 at yahoo dot com

jennifer57 said...

ocean scent

i like the puzzle warmer

chevybelair1 at juno dot com

jennifer57 said...

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Brittney Minor said...

Daily vote 4/13
babybensmama at yahoo dot com

Brittney Minor said...

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babybensmama at yahoo dot com

markcristy3378 said...

I love the Onyx warmer and the Baked Apple Pie bar:)

markcristy3378 said...

Follow you on GFC! Cristy Rogers

markcristy3378 said...


McKim said...

I would choose the Pinecone warmer and the Black Raspberry scent.
kimkmc at

McKim said...

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kimkmc at

scottsgal said...

voted on picket fence
msboatgal at

Emmy Coffee said...

i like the Heirloom Warmer and the Love Story Scentsy

Emmy Coffee said...

we're friends on fb (@emmy coffee)

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Susan E. said...



Susan E. said...

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Melissa R said...!/MelissaRin/status/58350215404584960
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melisa0072 at gmail dot com

Hoa said...

I like the Doodlebud Full-Size Scentsy Warmer and Enchanted Mist Scentsy Bar.


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SaraLee said...

I would get the Boleyn Full-Size Scentsy Warmer & Havana Cabana Scentsy Bar.
s8r8l33 at yahoo dot com

SaraLee said...

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Michele said...

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rlawrence110 at yahoo dot com

Michele said...

Daily Picket Fence vote
rlawrence110 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

kathyluman@gmail dot com

markcristy3378 said...


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