Mommy's Favorite Things: This Place is a Zoo Review & Giveaway & DISCOUNT CODE *CLOSED*

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

This Place is a Zoo Review & Giveaway & DISCOUNT CODE *CLOSED*

Avery loves Stuffed Animals. They are her favorite toy. She has a HUGE toy chest handmade by grandpa and it's filled with stuffed animals. 
I'm afraid to count them because I know it would just blow me away. 

But they are her favorite so we're always buying more. When I found This Place is a Zoo I knew I had to contact them RIGHT AWAY!! Their are some amazing stuffed animals there and I knew we had to have at least one of them!

I was sent a different kind of stuffed animal for this review. I was sent the Breathing Pug. It really breathes!!

He came with an adorable bed, a brush, a cute collar with tag and a Birth Certificate!! 

How adorable! Avery of course named him Boog (after our old Pug) and she's just in heaven with him. He breathes with the help of batteries, Jon thought they'd last just a couple days. However, here we are 3 weeks later and he's still breathing away!

It sounds realistic. The motor that makes him breathe sounds like a snoring dog. It's adorable. She loves this pug and I do too. It looks realistic. Stick this little guy in the corner in his bed and invite some people over, guarantee you fool at least one of them!!

The quality is great, he's soft and even feels real. The bed is super soft and has held up quite well.

There are many animals to choose from on This Place is a Zoo. And we had a difficult time picking. 
I sent him a whole list and let him decide what to send us. Here are the others that were on my list. 
Elephants are her favorite animal, and she also loves tigers, so those were our other 2 choices. We're very happy with the pug though!!

Price: The Breathing Pug is $32.50. 30" Elephant is $50, 15" Standing tiger is $50. Reasonable prices I think. The tiger is a little pricey, but I think the Elephant and Pug are reasonably priced!!

Overall: ***** Love looking at all the animals he has!
HEATHERANDAVERY will give you 10% off until April 30th

This Place is a Zoo has offered one Mommy Of 1 and Counting reader the chance to win an item of choice up to $14.95!

Head over to This Place is a Zoo and let me know what item you'd choose if you were to win.

Please include your e-mail address in format name @ domain dot com so bots can't send you spam! 

1. Follow my Blog via GFC
2. Follow me on Facebook and/or Twitter (1 entry EACH)
4. Blog about this giveaway linking back to this giveaway and the  This Place is a Zoo website
4. Add My NEW Button to your sidebar
5. Tweet this giveaway (DAILY) 
6. Be a Blog Subscriber via Feedburner
7. Vote for me on PicketFence Blogs (Right Sidebar DAILY)
Giveaway Ends April 2nd at 11:59 PM EST
 *Disclaimer* I received these products directly from the company for Review. I was not paid to try out these products*
A Big Thank you goes out to This Place is a Zoo for allowing me to review this product!


slb3334 said...

I like the stuffed cheetah cub.

jen said...

Ok, those are beyond awesome!
I love the BIG ones! The gorillas are fantastic.

Thanks for riding the train today!!
The Survival Mama

Kristen said...

If i won, i'd let my daughter pick one out, but i really like the Sleeping Cat in Basket. Looks so real!

aeris321 at gmail dot com

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Mnemosyne said...

I'd love the Plush Red Fox! Sooo cute!

mnemosynescall @ gmail dot com

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mnemosynescall @ gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I like the Sleeping Cat in Basket

Jen said...

These are SO cool! If I won, I'd choose the Stuffed Standing Okapi Stuffed Standing Okapi.

footejennifer at

Jen said...

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footejennifer at

Anonymous said...

I want the Stuffed Panda
mistylimepink at gmail dot com

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Kristen said...

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aeris321 at gmail dot com

Kristen said...

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aeris321 at gmail dot com

Sadie said...

I would choose the chimpanzee. :)

sadielankford AT ymail DOT com

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Allison said...

I like the plush cownose ray.


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Karen said...

ADORE The Big Gorilla :)

ktgonyea at

Nicole C. said...

I would choose the Magnolia Maltese Dog.


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Unknown said...

I would pick the stuffed chihuahua.

kport207 at gmail dot com

Kristen said...

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Anonymous said...

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starzine2003 at yahoo dot com

anw1107 said...

Kohair Calico Kitten

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McKim said...

I would choose the Plush Red Fox.
kimkmc at

Kristen said...

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aeris321 at gmail dot com

bison61 said...

I picked the Baby Chimp Cuddlekin

tiramisu392 (at)

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tiramisu392 (at)

Kristen said...

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aeris321 at gmail dot com

scottsgal said...

I'd get the large springer spaniel
msboatgal at

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Niecey said...

I'd choose the D1782 8" Kohair Stuffed Pig

Niecey said...

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jakiesmom said...

i like the stuffed floppy hippo
nannypanpan at

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an ika said...

i like GHR1818T 10" Realistic Rabbit - Tan

anna_k67 at yahoo dot com

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an ika said...

voted for Mommy Of 1 and Counting on PicketFence Blogs

anna_k67 at yahoo dot com

an ika said...

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anna_k67 at yahoo dot com

an ika said...

giveaway in my blog-

anna_k67 at yahoo dot com

Denise S. said...

I would get the Stuffed Brachiosaurus for my son.
lazybones344 at gmail dot com

Denise S. said...

I follow you on twitter: @lazybones344

Kristen said...

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aeris321 at gmail dot com

MRWriter said...

I'd choose the Stuffed Asian Elephant

MRWriter said...

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Klemm Family said...

I'd get the plush sheep. So cute!
skklemm at gmail dot com

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scottsgal said...

voted on picket fence
msboatgal at

an ika said...

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an ika said...

voted for Mommy Of 1 and Counting on picketfenceblogs

an ika said...

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anna_k67 at yahoo dot com

Klemm Family said...

Follow you on FB. Stephanie Klemm
skklemm at gmail dot com

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Klemm Family said...

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Kristen said...

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aeris321 at gmail dot com

~ Noelle said...

oh my goodness
i want that breathing yorkie!
how adorable.
closest to the real thing i will ever get! lol
jumpin.beans09 at

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noelle davis

an ika said...

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anna_k67 at yahoo dot com

an ika said...

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anna_k67 at yahoo dot com

Kristen said...

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aeris321 at gmail dot com

scottsgal said...

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msboatgal at

an ika said...

anna_k67 at yahoo dot com

an ika said...

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anna_k67 at yahoo dot com

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anna_k67 at yahoo dot com

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an ika said...

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an ika said...

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an ika said...

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an ika said...

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an ika said...

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an ika said...

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an ika said...

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an ika said...

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anna_k67 at yahoo dot com

an ika said...

15/Voted Circle of Moms last 4 days

anna_k67 at yahoo dot com

Kristen said...

Daily tweet!/aeris321/status/53074552179261440

aeris321 at gmail dot com

Cinderella10383 said...

Oh wow this is an amazing giveaway- it was so hard picking just one
12" Small Seahorse with babies
Jamie Brigham

Cinderella10383 said...

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Jamie Brigham

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Jamie Brigham

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Jamie Brigham

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Jamie Brigham

Cinderella10383 said...

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Jamie Brigham

an ika said...

anna_k67 at yahoo dot com

an ika said...

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anna_k67 at yahoo dot com

Kristen said...

Daily tweet!/aeris321/status/53438369828573185

aeris321 at gmail dot com

scottsgal said...

voted on picket fence
msboatgal at

an ika said...

anna_k67 at yahoo dot com

an ika said...

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anna_k67 at yahoo dot com

Kristen said...

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aeris321 at gmail dot com

Cinderella10383 said...!/Cinderella10383/status/53930499550363648
daily re-tweet 4-1
Jamie Brigham

Crystal said...

the Stuffed Iguana is really cute!

cyclona66 at aol dot com

Crystal said...

i voted for you

cyclona66 at aol dot com

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cyclona66 at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

I would choose the Cuddlekin Sloth. Thanks!

ddenny20110 at gmail dot com

Storm, The Psychotic Housewife said...

We'd pick out the Stuffed Adelie Penguin! I've never seen an all black stuffed penguin before, he's too cute!

stormraven at gmail dot com

Storm, The Psychotic Housewife said...

I follow you over on Twitter (@psychotichouse)

stormraven at gmail dot com

Storm, The Psychotic Housewife said...

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stormraven at gmail dot com

Sarah said...

I like the stuffed dachshund dog.

Sarah said...

GFC follower

an ika said...

anna_k67 at yahoo dot com

an ika said...

voted for Mommy Of 1 and Counting on PicketFence Blogs

anna_k67 at yahoo dot com

ReggieMann said...

I would get the Stuffed Pomeranian

ReggieM1961 [at] gmail [dot] com

ReggieMann said...

I follow your blog publicly with Google Friend Connect as ReggieMann

ReggieM1961 [at] gmail [dot] com

liliesrnice said...

I really like the plush baby duck! liliesrnice at gmail dot com

Kristen said...

Daily tweet!/aeris321/status/54186839296327681

aeris321 at gmail dot com

scottsgal said...

voted on picket fence
msboatgal at

Tylerpants said...

I'd love the 16" Great White Shark for my little boy. tylerpants(at)

Tylerpants said...

I'm a GFC follower. tylerpants(at)

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Tylerpants said...

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susansmoaks said...

if i won, i would get the Stuffed Bush Baby
susansmoaks at gmail dot com

Kathy P said...

id choose the Stuffed Panda


Kathy P said...

google friend klp1965

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Kathy P said...

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Trina said...

I like the Baby Chimp Cuddlekin


Trina said...

I voted at the Fence

Trina said...
