For such a MEGA name it deserves a MEGA logo right??
We received a new toy from MEGA Brands for review. It's the Domino Build Game.
Sorry, I can't get these rotated for some reason.
So the animal Bloks are to be taken apart. Each player chooses a card with an animal on it in the beginning. That is the animal you will be assembling.
Then you play dominos, you have a draw pile and each player grabs cards. If there is a card that can be played like a Domino you lay it down. If you can't get a match, you draw again until you can. Each time you make a match you put your pieces together, once an animal is completed that player wins.
Each game can only take about 10 minutes which makes this a quick fun game for toddlers. It says 3+, I would say it's good until age 7 or even 8. They claim 3-6 though!
Avery really enjoys this game. As do I. It's fun. We can get a few good games in. I didn't think she'd get it at first but she does. In order to make it last longer we each put together 2 animals. It takes about 10-15 minutes per game.
I love it because it can easily take up an hour of the day, and that's perfect for winter.
She's been wanting to play it daily, which is great!
MEGA Brands makes lots of other toys your child plays with, like Roseart and MEGA Puzzles. And of course all the other MEGA Bloks. So many things to choose from. They can be purchased on Amazon or any chain retailer.
They have this new program too. It's called Family Club when you sign up (FREE by the way) You get
- A PRINTABLE COUPON for $5 off of any $30 or more Mega Bloks purchase;
- Other exclusive OFFERS, CONTESTS, SWEEPSTAKES and PROMOTIONS on Mega Bloks toys;
- Information on NEW Mega Bloks toys for kids ages 1 to 6
- An EDUCATIONAL and INFORMATIVE BLOG by a leading panel of mom bloggers with articles on the benefits of construction toys, product reviews, pictures and more;
- FREE EMAIL NEWSLETTER with great new building ideas, toys for kids ages 1 and up and more.
Price: This game is $10.99 on Amazon! GREAT!! It's perfect for a Birthday or Christmas gift too.
Overall: ***** It's cheap, something that can be played daily and it's fun for the family.
*Disclaimer* I received these products directly from Team Mom for Review. I was not paid to try out these products*
A Big Thank you goes out to Team Mom and MEGA Brands for allowing me to review this product!
Sonia said...
My daughter would also love the Dora's Royal Adventure Mega Blocks.
soniarp33 @ yahoo dot com
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mverno said...
my grandson would love the smart easel he loves to draw
mverno said...
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David said...
My girls would love the Halo blocks set
mckenziesmother at hotmail dot com
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Nicole C. said...
My daughter would love the Hello Kitty Flower Shop.
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Katrina said...
I also love the yo gabba gabba stuff...especially the boombox
ykatrina at hotmail dot com
Sabrina B Radke said...
I would love some of the Rose art supplies!
sradke1024 at gmail dot com
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Sonia said...
I voted on picket fence 3/2
soniarp33 @ yahoo dot com
Rebecca Williams said...
My daughter would like the hello kitty Flower Shop
rebeccaw2005 at gmail dot com
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jakiesmom said...
he'd love great waterton from thomas and friends
nannypanpan at
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Linda said...
The boy's would love the 3 in 1 Firetruck Ride-On.
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Jessica said...
My son would love any of the CAT block sets. He absolutely loves construction vehicles.
jessharris79 @ gmail dot com
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Ashley H said...
My son would also love to have the All Aboard at Knapford Station Thomas the train set
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anw1107 said...
My daughter would like any of the Dora or Yo Gabba Gabba sets
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Anonymous said...
Mega Bloks Classic Bag 80pc
snodgrassfelicia at gmail dot com
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DiscoverHope7 said...
adam has been really into coloring lately so maybe some new rose art stuff?
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bison61 said...
I'd like the Papa Smurf's House
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Tina Deanette Gower said...
My son really want some of the "Magnexts"
mom2_3boyzz at yahoo dot com
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Sonia said...
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susan said...
My little one would also love the Cat Shaped Puzzle.
susaaan @ gmail dot com
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Barker's Momma said...
My son would like the DJ Lance Boombox.
ziggy28028 at yahoo dot com
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LiamMatty said...
My son would LOVE the alliance troop pack from dragons universe!
ink-ink2010@hotmail dot com
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Sonia said...
I voted on picketfence 3/6
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Jen said...
Another item my daughter would like is the Shaped Puzzles, namely the TinkerBell butterfly.
footejennifer at
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Jessi Gonzalez said...
my little girl would love to have the 6 in 1 animal puzzle!
lovemyhnk at yahoo dot com
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susan said...
susan said...
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Amylynn said...
My son would love the Yo Gabba blocks, especially this one!
beadsidemyself at gmail dot com
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weta1972 said...
My son would love the battle strickers!!
cpullum said...
The Smurfs Carnival
Heather B said...
we would love Papa Smurf's house!
miloannjohnston said...
i like the mega puzzle with tink on it
miloannjohnston at yahoo dot com
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laneand miloannjohnston
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Emillie Rose said...
I like the puzzle paws too.
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Mir said...
My daughter would love the Thomas' Mountain Adventure
mail4rosey said...
I like the Play N Go fire truck.
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Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...
My daughter would like the Hello Kitty Candy Shop.
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Amanda said...
DD would love any of the Yo Gabba Gabba mega blocks sets!
tvpg at aol dot com
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Renee G said...
My boys would love to have the Halo UNSC Pelican Dropship.
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ReggieMann said...
My niece would like Dora's Roller Coaster Adventure
ReggieM1961 [at] gmail [dot] com
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mandala said...
atydec said...
My daughter would also like the Smurfs Carnival playset.
edyta_c01 at yahoo dot com
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Robin T said...
I love their hello kitty Flower Shop
Mary Gardner said...
I really love the Halo blocks set!
jagar0047 at yahoo dot com
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susansmoaks said...
our son would like the mega blocks farm
susansmoaks at gmail dot com
Anonymous said...
magnext blocks
Erin Cook said...
My kids would get a kick out of the Fun Dough Wacky Workshop. they love playing with play dough
Erin Cook said...
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Tylerpants said...
I like the adorable Hello Kitty Candy Shop Playset. tylerpants(at)
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Andrea said...
My daughter would also love the Dora roller coaster adventure set!
sunshine131 at gmail dot com
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sunshine131 at gmail dot ocm
dvice12 said...
We'd like Disney Panorama Jr.
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