Mommy's Favorite Things: Piggy Paint Review & Giveaway: Holiday Gift

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Piggy Paint Review & Giveaway: Holiday Gift

You may remember my Review for Piggy Paint. Well this time they wanted to send me the new Project Earth nail polishes. I received the LOL and Radioactive!
We tried the LOL

Isn't that a great color for a toddler? I love it. Then we went to see Santa so I painted her nails red, we haven't gotten a chance to try out the glow in the dark yet. Although I may add some polka dots to her red nails now to make them glow. 

Yet again the polish has NO smell whatsoever. It smells like water more than it does polish. It smells like nothing I love that. It's great and easy to paint her nails in the bathroom without it stinking up the whole place. I don't have to well ventilate while I'm painting Avery's nails. 

It's not runny, it's not too thick. Piggy Paint is the right consistency, and because it's water based it's natural and is as "natural as mud"

Piggy Paint has so many colors to choose from. They have 6 from the Project Earth line alone and 15 from their regular line! I love all their polishes. 

Spend over $35 and domestic shipping is FREE

What littler girl wouldn't love to see Piggy Paint in her stocking this year?

Price: $8.99 each. Not too bad, because they are water based they last a long time especially on little kid nails! 

Overall: ***** Love Piggy Paint and will buy more. 

 *Disclaimer* I received these products directly from the Company for Review. I was not paid to try out these products!*


Cory said...

i would buy the 3d star and heart nail arts
mychancetowin at gmail dot com

Attila & Tamara said...

I think I'd get the Forever Fancy polish and a bottle of nail polish remover

szogediek at yahoo dot com

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slb3334 said...

on a snowflake fairy gift set.

Denise Donaldson (MistySunrise) said...

I would get the dragon tears and clouds of candy polish

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Unknown said...

I would get Project Earth: Drama Fingernail polish (it just sounds like my daughter) and maybe 3-D Heart Nail Set

danellejohns at gmail dot com

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mutchkin21 said...

3D heart nail art and radio active!

clc_little_britches @ yahoo dot com

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DiscoverHope7 said...

I know a little girl who would love the snowflake fairy gift set

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Kiara said...

I would get the Forever Fancy polish.

vboackle said...

i would get the forever dancy shade for my grandaughters.

bison61 said...

I like the clouds of candy polish

tiramisu392 (at)

Jenn @ Beautiful Calling said...

Angel Kisses or Glass Slippers would be my choice since we like light colors for Chloe right now!

Melissa said...

i would put it towards a girls rule! girlset!

Melissa said...

i would put it towards a girls rule! girlset!

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Ashley R said...

I would put it towards the Toe-Tally Fancy Gift Set!
reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com

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Pam Koop said...

I would probably get some 3D nail art and a gift set like the Lovebug! pamela.koop at gmail dot com

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Amber said...

I would get piggy paint in the colors Girls rule and Forever Fancy.

amber8880 at yahoo dot com

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Sheila Hickmon said...

I would get the Tea Party For Two nail polish and a package of nail art!

fineinsanity {at} live {dot} com

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fineinsanity {at} live {dot} com

Carrie said...

I would get girls rule and candy coated. my girl loves pink!
dangerouscrayon @ gmail dot com

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Anonymous said...

I would like the candy coated gift set.
shawnac68 @ hotmail dot com

Tamara said...

I would put it toward a fight breast cancer pack!
wazzuroo at gmail dot com

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Tammy said...

Clouds of Candy!

Tiffany @ No Ordinary Homestead said...

I'd get bottles of the Angel Kisses and Twinkle Toes nail polish. :)

Loving these products!!

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Anonymous said...

I'd choose Project Earth: Radioactive (Glows-in-the-dark!) & some of the 3-D Star Nail Art-NEW.

THANKS! tripsma at gmail dot com

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THANKS! tripsma at gmail dot com

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THANKS! tripsma at gmail dot com

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THANKS! tripsma at gmail dot com

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THANKS! tripsma at gmail dot com

Emillie Rose said...

I would get forever fancy and the 3d heart nail art.

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Stacey said...

Snowflake fairy!

staceyplaisance at yahoo dot com

Elena G said...

I would get the Frenchy Manicure Gift Set.

Elena G said...

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kelley c said...

I'd get the clouds of candy paint.


trixx said...

I'd get my daughter Forever Fancy, so pretty! peanut at nyc dot rr dot com

trixx said...

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honeybee gardens nail enamel said...

It is great to read some of the information and feedback, here. I hope to read more ideas in the future!!!