Mommy's Favorite Things: Greenleaf Review & Giveaway: Holiday Gift *CLOSED*

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Greenleaf Review & Giveaway: Holiday Gift *CLOSED*

I love candles and I love things that smell good. When you have a dog, toddler and a Fiance sometimes it's good to burn a candle all day long!! Which I do, OFTEN! I love burning candles and it puts a slight fragrance throughout the living area and makes it smell good! You never know when someone walks through that door. I'd rather it smell like a candle in here then dirty dog. 

I contacted Greenleaf and I was very happy with the items they sent to me!
I was sent the new Holiday Scents to review. I was sent the Gathering Holiday Candle. The Silver Spruce Room Spray and the Silver Spruce Reed Diffuser Oil and Reed diffuser.
 Reed Diffuser with oil

I love all my items. That room spray is DIVINE!! It really just smells like a pine tree with snow on it. The Diffuser obviously smells the same way. I'm saving it until December though so it's more wintery. I think they are the perfect winter and Christmas smell. 

The Candle  I have burned for a VERY long time now and it's not even half gone. The website says 90-110 hours and I fully believe it. I'd say it's been about 40-50 hours now. Like I said Not quite half gone yet. Maybe 40% gone... So I'm sure I'll get 110 out of it no problem. 

I love the scents they sent me but they have SO many more to choose from!
They have more Holiday scents but they have a lot of regular scents as well.
They have Pomegrante, Lavender, Garden Breeze, Sycamore Fig, Vanilla and MANY MANY more!! Wintercream sounds good too. 

Price: The Holiday Candles are $24. This is a very good price considering how long it lasts. A great Gift too!!! The Room Sprays are $8. Very generous!

Overall: ***** Love my items, love the generous prices. 


Jolly Junker said...

I'd choose a candle in Wintercream.

DiscoverHope7 said...

I would choose a diffuser in the merry memories

Norma said...

I would choose Merry memories spray

LAMusing said...

They all sound lovely. I'd pick Gathering in the spray

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debbie said...

I would like the candle in the gathering scent.

scottsgal said...

I'd choose the diffuser with silver spruce
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deb c said...

I'd choose the Marian Reed Diffuser in Apple Spice and Cinnamon.

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Nicole C. said...

I would choose the candle in Merry Memories.


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Shan said...

I would choose a Wintercream candle if I won
diamond42377 AT gmail DOT com

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littlelatina said...

the gathering candle

tlannan30 said...

I'd choose the gathering diffuser.


Anonymous said...

i woudl chose wintercream
joni(dot)taylor3710 at gmail dot com

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joni taylor
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Rachel C said...

I like the sprays b/c I think it's nice to give a little spray after diaper change time :)
and I think the Gathering scent sounds yummy!
rach62803 at yahoo dot com

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Deborah Wellenstein said...

I would pick a diffuser in Merry Memories. Thanks!

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Unknown said...

I'd love the Gathering Scent!
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com

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Rebecca Smith
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Jen said...

If I won, I would choose the candle in Merry Memories.

footejennifer at

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The Brown Bunch said...

I would choose the Gwendolyn diffuser in Merry Memories

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twinmomoftwins said...

I would choose wintercream.
ortizvelasquez at yahoo dot com

jakiesmom said...

i'd like the wintercream diffuser
nannypanpan at

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bison61 said...

I would like the diffuser in the merry memories

tiramisu392 (at)

Nance Meyer said...

I'd love the Wintercream diffuser! I always forget about candles, so it's safer for me to use diffusers!

nancymeyer1 at gmail dot com

Audrey said...

I would love to have the winter cream, Thankyou :)
audreymorgan1971 @ gmail dot com

Jenn S. said...

I would choose the candle in Winter cream.
jas8929 at gmail dot com

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fozzy331 said...

I'd choose Silver Spruce. Thanks for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

a diffuser in wintercream...mmmm
tattgiff at centurytel dot net

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thank you so much
tattgiff at centurytel dot net

redfuzzycow said...

i like the wintercream scent
redfuzzycow @ yahoo dot com

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jarmes1980 said...

I would choose merry memories scent! lucillemcg at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Awesome blog and thanks for the giveaway!
Would love, love, LOVE to win this!

Unknown said...

I'd pick the candle in Meey memories,please.
fatmeatloaf1 at gmail dot com

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Sarah Matos said...

Id love the candle in Wintercream!

Sarah Matos said...
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Sarah Matos said...

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Anonymous said...

I would like the wintercream.
shawnac68 @ hotmail dot com

Michele said...

Thank you for the giveaway. I'd choose wintercream.
mrsmiki77 (AT) gmail (DOT) com

Carla said...

I would pick Wintercream candle
dominican757 at gmail dot com

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Carla Gee-Gee
dominican757 at gmail dot com

Miranda Ward said...

I would choose the Merry Memories Diffuser

Bobbi said...

Id like the wintercream.

Anonymous said...

I'd choose a diffuser in wintercream. :D

THANK YOU! tripsma at gmail dot com

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THANK YOU! tripsma at gmail dot com

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THANK YOU! tripsma at gmail dot com

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THANK YOU! tripsma at gmail dot com

April said...

I'd like the candle in Silver Spruce.
april dot vrugtman at g mail dot com

Emillie Rose said...

I would choose the wintercream candle.

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Sarah said...

I'd choose the holiday candle in the "gathering" scent.

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Anonymous said...

I would choose a candle with the wintercream scent!

Denise Donaldson (MistySunrise) said...
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Denise Donaldson (MistySunrise) said...

I would choose wintercream room spray

itsjustme62613 at

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Denise Donaldson (MistySunrise) said...


itsjustme62613 at said...

Cinnamon scent and a wintergreen candle-i know they don't go together
Diane Baum

Becky said...

I'm thinking the Merry Memories Holiday Candle.

Unknown said...

Cute and creative website !! Thanks for the giveaway !! :) Look forward to following you in the future !! Happy Holidays.

demmi said...

Gwendolyn diffuser gathering scent

demmi said...

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Susan said...

Wintercream would be my choice. suelee1998 @

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suelee1998 @

MannaB said...

I would choose the Holiday Candle in Merry Memories.

crazypplrok @ gmail dot com

Valerie said...

Wintercream spay
KawaiiNeko2008 at aol dot com

Aleksandra Nearing said...

I would love Wintercream - thanks!
aleksa91 hotmail com

bjerding said...

I like their Spa Bath & Shower Gels! And I would choose the Wintercream scent! Thanks.