I will state this again. I don't exactly call this homeschooling. It's what she should be learning anyway, just more structure, Same time every day. 3 days a week etc. But I will call it homeschooling for the reason that we do plan on homeschooling her all the way through school and don't ever plan on sending her to Private or Public school! So without further ado... Here are the things we have done today!
We started with coloring her ABC book cover page. Every week we will learn about a new letter and add a collage for each letter.
And we did the Letter A collage. I just printed out pictures on the internet and she helped me choose them. Then I cut them out and she glued them on.
Then we did an A workbook page. She traced the A's at the bottom and colored the items that start with A
Then we did 2 pages in another workbook. Well actually 4 pages
Colored the heart red and then circled the red things.
Here is the car she drew. NOT TOO BAD AT ALL for a 3 yr old
Then we did another page
We colored the items blue and then circled the blue things on the next page
This is her butterfly
Then she watched her Rock N Learn Letter Sounds DVD which is an hour long. She's eating lunch now and when she's done we will play a computer game. I think she did really well for her first more structured day and I hope it continues well.
I think it was just the right amount of things for her to do and she had a lot of fun with it all.
I wanted an hour of no interruption. Everything took us about 45 minutes. So I'm happy with that.
I also have all her collage pictures printed off and cut out from magazines through letter E so we're all set for the next few weeks.
I'm just going to print off some printables and we will do those on the days we're not making collages or the letter book. We will do the color workbook almost every day. Collage are every week so every Tuesday we'll do those and the corresponding letter in the workbook. But we need other stuff to do the other 2 days we're doing school. So printables here we come!
I think we're doing Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday right now. Friday is when our Homeschool group gets together so she'll already be hyped up from school in the morning before they get here. And it starts at 1:30 so if we start school at 11 she'll be just finishing up as they're walking in the door or we're leaving to go to someone else's house. It will work perfectly.

Amy Brown said...
Cute! It looks like you're making things fun for her I'm sure that helps keep her interested an retain the information you're teaching her. Well done!
Melissa said...
wow! good job avery!! Those pictures look better then what I can do!!!
Rachel C said...
That's great! Looks like she's great at coloring and tracing :)
If you're looking for some fun hands-on activities to do together, my girls love to do tangrams and also stringing wooden beads in patterns. Good luck!!
Heather S said...
Thanks everyone! Today will be day 2. We'll see! We're doing some printable worksheets today and making a caterpillar as well.
Thanks for the suggestions Rachel. I appreciate it
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