Mommy's Favorite Things: Kumon Workbooks Review & Giveaway

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Kumon Workbooks Review & Giveaway

We are starting homeschooling next week and although this isn't TRUE homeschooling at her age, we are adding in more of a routine and make it more like school. For the age of 3 Workbooks are definitely the way to go. I contacted Kumon Books and they generously sent us 2 workbooks for review. One is a little older than Avery's level right now though.
They sent us the My First Book of Tracing for ages 2-4 and the My Book of Mazes Animals which says 3-5 but on the cover it states 5-7. If I had noticed this I wouldn't have asked for this one and would've opted for the Easy Mazes for 2-4 instead

We have done a little bit with the tracing book and so far so good. Avery is doing AMAZING with it. I didn't think she would, but her skills are better than I thought I guess! I think we'll hold off on the Maze book until next year and maybe even the year after that.

They have so many workbooks to choose from. You can search by grade from PreK-6th grade and then by different skills as well. They also have flashcards, Spanish workbooks, books for coloring starting at age 2, Are you ready for kindergarten books to test your child's skills. I think all of these are great!! I'm so excited to do these books more with Avery and see just how she does. I know I'm building her hand eye coordination as well as her form for gripping a pencil with these books. I can't wait to explore them more.

Price: The Books are $6.95 each. Which isn't bad. I also discovered I can buy them at Target, which saves on Shipping!

Overall: ***** Love these and she seems to really get the hang of it.

 *Disclaimer* I received these products directly from the Company for Review. I was not paid to try out these products!*


Jenn @ Beautiful Calling said...

We love Kumon. Our first book ever (and my all time favorite) was At The Zoo Coloring which we started when Chloe was two. I love how it started out simply and then got progressively harder. I loved that each color had not only a coloring page spot but also a related maze. The brightly colored pages are a huge hit and the mazes are challenging but not too much so. It's amazing and delightful to watch how much she has progressed.
We have several books of their and my daughter (3) and son (2) love them!
The other day I read that kindergarten teachers are more concerned about eye/hand coordination and such than they are about whether or not children can write the alphabet when they first start school.
Coloring, tracing, following mazes are not only fun and entertaining, they're essential learning exercises.

Whoops. Comment is kind of long. Can you tell I am completely for these books?!?

Jenn @ Beautiful Calling said...

I also follow your blog as well as follow you on twitter but don't want to take the time to type each comment so I'll take my chances with only two :)

Anonymous said...

I would love to win the Grade 5 Reading and Grade 5 Math Word Problems for my son. He really struggles with comprehension and processing, and I think these would really help him succeed this year! Thanks for the chance!

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slb3334 said...

number games and easy telling time.

Melissa said...

are you ready for kindergarden, mth skills, and countingand umbers.

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Chelsea said...

I went over to the site and I would choose these two books:

My First Book of Tracing
My First Book of Easy Mazes

Carrie said...

I would pick Easy Mazes and Pasting: Jigsaw Puzzles. My girl is all about cutting and pasting right now!

I think the kumon books look really great - several family members have recommended them as excellent books, and I would love to try them out!

dangerouscrayon at gmail dot com

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mutchkin21 said...

My First Book of Tracing
My book of simple sentences

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Anonymous said...

I love these books. We homeschool and I use quite a few of their books for my preschooler. I also like the Tyrannosaurus & Apatosaurus
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Michelle Krz said...

I'd get the number 1-30 book and the rhyming words book, both for Pre-K

michellekrz15 @ gmail dot com

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Tabathia B said...

I would pick Grade 4 Geometry & Measurement and Grade 4 Division
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

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Holly G. said...

I've lost count of how many Kumon workbooks my son's done. We could use Grade 5 Reading and Geometry & Measurement. (email public in profile)

wildcat32 said...

I would choose My Book of Numbers 1-30 and My Book of Writing Words.
monster6236 at gmail dot com

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Royce said...

I would like to have My First Book of Cutting ages 3-5 and My First Book of Mazes 3-5. My son loves these and we have all of the ones that start at age 2. It won't be long until he's ready for the next ones.

royceweil at yahoo dot com

Sonia said...

I would get the Grade 3 Word Problems book and Grade 3 Geometry & Measurement.

soniarp33 @ yahoo dot com

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Tina said...

I love Kumon. I would love to get my preschooler interested in these. I would like to get alphabet games and learning to trace.

Tina M

twomcnews at yahoo dot com

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Jennifer T. said...

I'd get the My Book of Coloring: At the Zoo and the My Book of Mazes: Animals.

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Claude said...

I'd choose Number 1-30 and Lowercase Letters.

claudecampeau at videotron dot ca
Thanks for the chance to win!

Amy Brown said...

I'd choose My First Book of TRACING and My Book of Coloring: At the Zoo

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malleycc said...

I'd love to get grade 2 reading and grade 2 math

sweetsue said...

I would love to get My First Book of Cutting and My First Book of Pasting for my 4 year old granddaughter-she loves loves crafts!
smchester at gmail dot com

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CardioBunny said...

I would love to have My First Book of UPPERCASE LETTERS and My First Book of Coloring: At the Zoo for the twins. Thanks for the opportunity to win :)


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clynsg said...

I would get a couple of the Basic ones--probably the First Book of Coloring: At the Zoo and My First Book of Mazes.

cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com

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Jodi said...

I would love My first book of Tracing and MY first book of Mazes for my 4 year old.


Edyta said...

I would choose the My First Book of Tracing and My Book of numbers 1-30.
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Anonymous said...

Grade 2 and grade 3 reading
Diane Baum

Unknown said...

I would pick the Book of Tracing and the Cat & Dog or Easy Craft.


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Tammy said...

I would choose the grade 5 reading and the grade 6 reading.

Anonymous said...

# My First Book of Mazes
# My First Book of Drawing
11newmom at gmail

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Are You Ready for Kindergarten -- Math Skills and Verbal Skills.
digicat {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net

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chlorinebrain said...

I would get Grade 6 Reading & Grade 6 Word Problems

sarah said...

I would get Grade 1 Geometry & Measurement and Grade 1 Reading

sachidewey at yahoo dot com

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beckytag said...

We'd like Grade 2 Reading and Grade 2 word problems
beckytag618 @ gmail dot com

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Tylerpants said...

I'd love My First Book of Cutting and My First Book of Pasting! tylerpants @ gmail dot com

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Katie said...

I'd get Let's Color and More Let's Color, because my son is almost 2 and I think those would be great for him.

kt1969 at comcast dot net

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Bakersdozen said...

I would get "My Book of NUMBERS 1-120" and "My Book of Writing Words". vidomich at yahoo dot com

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dvice12 said...

I like My Book of EASY CRAFTS and My Book of AMAZING CRAFTS

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trixx said...

My picks would be Cutting & Pasting Paper & My Book of Rhyming Words. peanut at nyc dot rr dot com