Ever been to a wedding and worn heels and had to take them off in the middle of it because your feet hurt? I have. I don't like it at all. If I had Cityslips then I would've been forever thankful. Cityslips are Foldable Ballet Flats that come with their own little carrying pouch and you can take anywhere.
They are super comfortable. The only thing I didn't like is it looks like they sent me 2 left shoes. The sole is kind of funny, I don't know if they're supposed to be like that or what, but it does look that way. Although in this picture I do see a right and a left (on the wrong sides...oops) but looking at the soles it looks like the same.
I asked for an 8, that's the size I normally wear. They fit me but my toes are RIGHT at the end. They sent me their size 7-8. I think the 9-10 may have been a little better, but a 10 would be HUGE on me so I'm really not sure. But they fit and would be way more comfortable than 4" heels you've been in for hours!
I can't wait to take these to my next wedding or party or whatever! I absolutely can't wait for them to get some use!
Price: The Shoes are $25 a pair. There is Gold, Black and Silver to choose from. This is reasonable. They will only be worn a few hours at a time and probably not that often, so they will last a while.
Overall: **** I wish they had single sizes and not this-this. I don't like that especially in a shoe.
*Disclaimer* I received these products directly from the Company for Review. I was not paid to try out these products!*
Unknown said...
I could have used those about 19 years ago..... at my OWN wedding! I took my heels off right before I walked down the aisle!
Amber said...
I follow CitySlips on Facebook (Amanda Moore) and Twitter (@AmberGoo)
Thank you for the giveaway :)
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Thank you for the giveaway :)
Claude said...
I follow on FB (Claude Campeau) and Twitter (@claudecampeau)
claudecampeau at videotron dot ca
Thanks for the chance to win!
Michelle Krz said...
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deb c said...
Following Cityslips on both:
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mmentor said...
too cute and a great idea
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Anonymous said...
I "like" Cityslips on facebook as Donna Hufman Warrington and I follow Cityslips on Twitter as
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susan said...
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bayctygrl said...
Follow them on FB Jennifer Bee and twitter @bayctygrl
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ohhhfire said...
i am a facebook liker and twitter follower of city slips
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Amy Brown said...
I blogged about this giveaway here
amym_brown @hotmail.com
codi said...
I'm a fan of Cityslips via Facebook. un:codipayne
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Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...
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Elle said...
I like cityslips on fb and I follow citysoles on twitter!
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DanceJamboree said...
I am a friend of City Slips on facebook as Cathy Burnett. I follow City Slips on twitter @dancejamboree.
dancejamboree at gmail dot com
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beckytag said...
Following CitySoles on Twitter (@beckytag)
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Edyta said...
I follow Cityslips on FB (edyta castro) and twitter (@atydec)
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checkers said...
I follow CitySlips on Facebook (checkers casson) and Twitter (checkkers)
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Unknown said...
FB fan (laura g) and follow on twitter (@happishopr). trinitygsd at yahoo dot com
Sherry said...
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