If you're a parent or even a grandparent then you've probably heard of this great company. They have Car Seats and Strollers and are dedicated to the safety of your child while using those products!
I couldn't have been more happy or excited when Britax has told me that yes, indeed they were willing to send me a review item! They sent me the Marathon 70 Car Seat in Onyx color.
First, I'm going to start with the box. It has a missing spot where the seat sits. This saves materials and the amount going to the dump. I'm very happy about this. most boxes are completely square, but Britax has thought of every little detail down to the BOX.
LOVE this seat!!
Here's the color a little closer up
Avery had to try it out right away. That infant insert is NOW GONE! After I read the manual I realized it was for Rear Facing only
The harness adjuster. It is super easy to use. You loosen the harness below and then pull the trigger on this and either lift it or push it down to adjust the harness height.
And the absolute best part is the latch system. Our old seat had the clips that were hard. On our car the latch hooks are far in the seat. Getting them in wasn't the problem, it was removing the seat from the car. I damaged my hands every time!
NOW Britax has these AWESOME clips. They are long and the release button sticks out of the seat making it super easy to maneuver.
Love them!
Britax claims to seat children lower than the average seat. After I took our old Eddie Bauer 3-in-1 out of the car, I measured them against each other. This Britax is HUGE. It's higher up and just bigger all around.
In the car finally!
Now I do have 1 problem with this seat. It is higher up than our last one, so I can't physically get Avery into the seat myself. She has to get up in there herself, otherwise I would bust her head on the roof. There isn't that much room in there and that's the only way this would work. I can't imagine if I'd had this seat Rear Facing or if she was smaller and couldn't climb in there herself. That's my only issue though.
The latch was super easy to use. And those bars on the side of the seat make the latch easy to adjust from RF to FF. The latch harness just slides along them. It also makes it easier to get the seat tight. I got a MUCH better install with this seat then our last one. It was super easy.
So the true test in this seat. We got it 2 days before our vacation. That trip was 2 1/2 hours each way. She did great. She loved the seat and kept boasting about it. She was so happy and comfortable, even with a St. Bernard sharing the back seat with her. She loved it. She's also happy to sit higher because she has a better view!
This seat RF from 5-40 pounds and then FF from 1yr and 20 pounds up to 70 pounds!! This is a great seat for a newborn up until they're 6-7. We will still need to buy a booster after this because our state law is 8 OR 80 pounds. So unless she's 8, 70 pounds and under 49" then we will need a booster for her.
Price: This seat is about $270. This is expensive, but think from 0-6 this is the only seat you'd need? This is our 3rd seat already, we've spent more than $270 combined on the other 2. This would've been a smart way to go.
Overall: ********** and more! Love this seat and we will probably be purchasing a second one for the truck!

«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 724 Newer› Newest»Anonymous said...
I love every thing Britax makes! My fabric choice for the Marathon 70 is Blueprint. And another car seat that I would love to have would be the BOULEVARD 70 CS.
Lona728@ yahoo dot com
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Lona728@ yahoo dot com
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Lona728@ yahoo dot com
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"Like" Britax on FB and posted on their wall.
Lona728@ yahoo dot com
Anonymous said...
I am like totally in LOVE with this seat now! lol Thanks for posting about your review! I am determined to have one! lol So thanks for a chance to win one in a giveaway! You are great Heather!!!
I would choose The Marathon 70 in Crimson or Onyx. I do Love the Allison one... BUT if we decide to have another baby, we are NOT guaranteed to have another girl. so just in case i would want it to be gender neutral!lol
lori_runyan @ hotmail dot com
If I had to choose a different carseat from Britax it would be the Boulevard 70 CS in blueprint.
Anonymous said...
What an awesome giveaway!! How wonderful Heather!! <3
I love the Marathon 70 in Crimson :)
kyeaton05 @ yahoo dot com
Anonymous said...
I follow your blog :)
I love the Marathon 70 in Crimson :)
kyeaton05 @ yahoo dot com
Anonymous said...
I follow you on twitter :)
Thanks Heather!!
I love the Marathon 70 in Crimson :)
kyeaton05 @ yahoo dot com
Anonymous said...
I posted on Britax on FB :)
I love the Marathon 70 in Crimson :)
kyeaton05 @ yahoo dot com
Anonymous said...
I follow Britax on Twitter :)
I love the Marathon 70 in Crimson :)
kyeaton05 @ yahoo dot com
Anonymous said...
And I tweeted about it (Kristannn)
I love the Marathon 70 in Crimson :)
kyeaton05 @ yahoo dot com
Katie said...
I also like the Boulevard 70 seat, and I'd get the Crimson fabric if I won this.
kt1969 at comcast dot net
Unknown said...
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Katie said...
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Katie E.
kt1969 at comcast dot net
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kt1969 at comcast dot net
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I like Britax on Facebook and let them know I entered your giveaway.
Katie E.
kt1969 at comcast dot net
Katie said...
kt1969 at comcast dot net
Unknown said...
and I posted on Britax's fb about your giveaway!
aamowers at gmail dot com
Unknown said...
i would choose the onyx. I also like the chaperone car seat. amypugmire@live.com
Unknown said...
i follow your blog. amypugmire@live.com
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i follow u on twitter. 1amypugmire. amypugmire@live.com
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fb fan of yours.amy bolda pugmire. amypugmire@live.com
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i follow britax on twitter. 1amypugmire. amypugmire@live.com
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tweeted. amypugmire@live.com
Unknown said...
fb fan of britax told them i entered. amy bolda pugmire. amypugmire@live.com
Tina...Mommy of lotsa boys said...
Id choose the infant carseat looks interesting! And I love the "cowmooflage"!
Tina...Mommy of lotsa boys said...
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Tina...Mommy of lotsa boys said...
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mom2_3boyzz at yahoo dot com
(I just noticed I put my full email address on all my entries! UGH!)
Amy Brown said...
The Boulevard 70 also looks like a great seat, and I would choose the Allison print.
Thanks for the chance!
amym_brown @hotmail.com
Amy Brown said...
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amym_brown @hotmail.com
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amym_brown @hotmail.com
Anonymous said...
I like the chaperone car seat. I would choose the Onyx fabrice for the Marathon car seat.
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
Anonymous said...
Follow you on Facebook: Rebecca Honey Graham
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
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Follow you on Twitter; rhoneygee
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
Anonymous said...
Follow Britax on Twitter; rhoneygee
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
lori runyan said...
follow your blog
lori_runyan @ hotmail dot com
lori runyan said...
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lori_runyan @ hotmail dot com
lori runyan said...
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lori_runyan @ hotmail dot com
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lori_runyan @ hotmail dot com
lori said...
follow britax on facebook!
lori_runyan @ hotmail dot com
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lori_runyan @ hotmail dot com
Sue E said...
I also like the Advocate 70CS. I would choose The Onyx fabric. Thanks!
Sue E said...
I follow your blog via GFC-suebabe0704
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McKim said...
I like the Chaperone car seat. I would choose the Onyx fabric.
DiscoverHope7 said...
I think I would pick the crimson one.. but I LOVE the cow one..I dont think my husband would like that one though.
DiscoverHope7 said...
I follow you
Sue E said...
Sue E said...
I follow Britax on Twitter as suebaby05
~*~lilshuga2001~*~ said...
The Marathon 70 in Onyx!
~*~lilshuga2001~*~ said...
~*~lilshuga2001~*~ said...
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~*~lilshuga2001~*~ said...
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~*~lilshuga2001~*~ said...
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Carlee said...
I like the Advocate- and I LOVE the Cowmooflage fabric! I also like Onyx.
carlee dot henry at yahoo dot com
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suzie said...
I like the Chaperone in Moonstone
suzie said...
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Suzquiz E
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Suzquiz E
suzie said...
Jane said...
I love the B-Ready modular stroller for when (God willing) we have number two!
And I'd choose the Marathon in Blueprint!
janerjf at gmail dot com
Jane said...
I follow your blog via email!
Katie S said...
Wow! I'm also interested in the Britax Frontier 75. When my son is ready for a booster seat, I'd love to get him a Britax because I think they are great car seats and the safest ones out there! We have a Britax already and I completely trust this brand! Thanks for a chance to win one! I'd love the Marathon 70 in Onyx.
katiekstewart at gmail dot com
Katie S said...
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katiekstewart at gmail dot com
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katiekstewart at gmail dot com
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katiekstewart at gmail dot com
Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
The best Britax for me right now, would be the marathon 70!
A carseat that can fit up to 70lbs?! WOAH!
and im in love with cowmooflauge! lol
Madeline said...
I am interested in the Roundabout 55 and love the Onyx fabric.
Madeline said...
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madelinemiller at gmail dot com
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madelinemiller at gmail dot com
Audra said...
I love Britax! Another seat I'd like is the infant Chaperone seat. I'd choose the Onyx color for my Marathon seat (even though the cow print is pretty cute too!.
chicagoaudra at gmail dot com
Audra said...
I follow you on twitter (@chicagoaudra)
chicagoaudra at gmail dot com
Madeline said...
I have your button in my sidebar at www.clothdiapergiveaways.com
madelinemiller at gmail dot com
Audra said...
I follow via GFC (miss s)
chicagoaudra at gmail dot com
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chicagoaudra at gmail dot com
Madeline said...
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/MadelineMiller/status/24798543915
madelinemiller at gmail dot com
Ash said...
I would choose the carseat in Waverly, and I like the Blink stroller!
Madeline said...
I like Britax on Facebook and told them I entered.
madelinemiller at gmail dot com
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madelinemiller at gmail dot com
Audra said...
I tweeted this giveaway
chicagoaudra at gmail dot com
one frugal lady said...
I also love the boulevard 70 car seat! If I won, I would pick the cowmooflage print!
one frugal lady said...
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Kaycee said...
What an incredible giveaway, I could really use this if I won! I like the features and color of the Silver Burch Boulevard 70 CS. I would choose the blueprint color if I won.
kayceewilliams at gmail dot com
Kaycee said...
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kayceewilliams at gmail dot com
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I follow britax on twitter (iloveyouhecried)
kayceewilliams at gmail dot com
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I added britax to my facebook and wrote on their wall (kaycee dehennis)
kayceewilliams at gmail dot com
Joy said...
interested in the Frontier and I like the cow print
Joy said...
GFC follower
Jenn @ Beautiful Calling said...
Oh, I love Britax. The 'Cowmooflage' pattern is awesome!!!
{I'm expecting so we are definitely going to need a car set!}
jennifer @ beautifulcalling.ca
Jenn @ Beautiful Calling said...
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Ryan Family said...
I would chose the fronter for my older one!
love the cow print but for practical reasons i would get blue print
Unknown said...
I would love to have the BluePrint Marathon 70!! I love my first Britax and really want to get this one for my baby on the way! Thanks!
kecklund1@gmail dot com
Unknown said...
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kecklund1@gmail dot com
Jenn @ Beautiful Calling said...
Tweeting: http://twitter.com/beautifulcall/status/24806344637
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kecklund1@gmail dot com
Jenn @ Beautiful Calling said...
I just friended you on facebook :)
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kecklund1@gmail dot com
Jenn @ Beautiful Calling said...
I follow Britax on Facebook and let them know you sent me :)
Jenn @ Beautiful Calling said...
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jennifer @ beautifulcalling.ca
Unknown said...
I tweeted about the giveaway!
kecklund1@gmail dot com
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kecklund1@gmail dot com
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kecklund1@gmail dot com
Anonymous said...
I like the Advocate! I would love the Cowmooflage fabric!
Anonymous said...
Your button is on my sidebar
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brandy leigh nelson
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i like britax on fb and wrote on their wall
brandy leigh nelson
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brandy leigh nelson
Amanda said...
I also like the BOULEVARD 70 CS. I like the onyx fabric.
amanda.stauffer81 at gmail dot com
Amanda said...
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amanda.stauffer81 at gmail dot com
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amanda.stauffer81 at gmail dot com
Emily B said...
I also like the Boulevard seat. I'd pick the Onyx fabric!
ebickell at hotmail dot com
Amanda said...
I follow Britax on facebook and posted on their wall.
amanda.stauffer81 at gmail dot com
Emily B said...
I'm following you on twitter (emilyisland)
ebickell at hotmail dot com
Amanda said...
I Follow Britax on Twitter.
amanda.stauffer81 at gmail dot com
Emily B said...
ebickell at hotmail dot com
Emily B said...
I'm following @Britax on twitter (emilyisland)
ebickell at hotmail dot com
Amanda said...
amanda.stauffer81 at gmail dot com
Lynda Del said...
I love the Marathon 70 in Crimson.
lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com
Lynda Del said...
I’m following you publicly via GFC. ID: lyndadawinda1074
lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com
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lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com
Unknown said...
Love the boulevard. And I'd love a marathon in Onyx
Unknown said...
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I follow Britax on facebook (Danielle Simmons)
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curlie girlie said...
I also like the Advocate seat and I'd choose the Onyx fabric.
curliegirlie03 at gmail dot com
curlie girlie said...
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curliegirlie03 at gmail dot com
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Sara Elizabeth
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Sara Elizabeth
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curlie girlie said...
Blogged: http://curliegirlie03.blogspot.com/2010/09/friday-giveaways.html
curliegirlie03 at gmail dot com
curlie girlie said...
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curliegirlie03 at gmail dot com
curlie girlie said...
tweet: http://twitter.com/curliegirlie03/status/24820628574
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curlie girlie said...
I follow Britax on FB and let them know I entered the giveaway
Sara Elizabeth
curliegirlie03 at gmail dot com
curlie girlie said...
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curliegirlie03 at gmail dot com
Stephanie said...
FRONTIER 85 is fantastic as well. would pick onyx
tvollowitz at aol dot com
Lentil said...
I'm also considering the Boulevard 70 CS for our next carseat
I'd choose blueprint for the Marathon.
Lentil said...
blog follower
pabav at aol dot com
wildcat32 said...
I also like the Combination Harness-2-Booster™. My fabic choice would be Waverly.
monster6236 at gmail dot com
wildcat32 said...
follow you on twitter @5memb
monster6236 at gmail dot com
Anonymous said...
Awesome!! I also like the Britax Roundabout 50 carseat. Thanks!
shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com
Anonymous said...
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shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com
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shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com
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shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com
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shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com
Anonymous said...
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shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com
Anonymous said...
I follow Britax on Facebook and told them I entered at your site (Amber H)
shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com
Anonymous said...
I tweeted the giveaway:
shevilkenvil1 at aol dot com
Veann Grigajtis said...
I really like Cowmooflage for how fun it is, but the practical side of me would probably choose Onyx or Blueprint to lessen stain possibility...
I also like the Advocate 70 CS. It looks like a very heavy duty and safe seat for my baby to ride in.
veanng @ gmail . com
Veann Grigajtis said...
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veanng @ gmail . com
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veanng @ gmail . com
Fritter said...
I also really like the Advocate 79 CS...we have a Roundabout and love it. I'll be needing at least another car seat though eventually since we have twins on the way.
Fabric for the Marathon would be the Onyx! Thanks!
farrah dot ritter at gmail dot com
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