Mommy's Favorite Things: TradingCradles Review & Giveaway

Saturday, August 28, 2010

TradingCradles Review & Giveaway

A fun new website for selling your children's old gear and items. I know I have a lot of stuff still lying around from Avery, it would be great to sell on here and get it out of my house for good. 

TradingCradles has made this site super easy to use. It combines Twitter, eBay and  Craigslist in one and it's also the first website to approve all items for sale before they are made available for purchase. I like to know that my item has been checked over by admins before I bought it. Or that my item was checked over so more people are comfortable buying it from me. It could go either way. 

Some tidbits from the Press Release
We want to make parenting more affordable and less stressful. Times are tough. And, while new parents are struggling financially, their closets are full of outgrown car seats, cribs and clothing. That’s valuable stuff. It is essentially brand new and it is collecting dust.” says Jason Tenenbown, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Trading Cradles LLC, “We are giving parents a new way to turn that stuff into dollars and an easy alternative to buying new.

There are no logins, no credit cards, and no hassles. All ads posted are safe-checked by a parental team and distributed across the network of parents that is already 20,000 strong.

I haven't posted anything yet, but I'm sure I will be soon and I'm sure I'll be very pleased with the process. It seems like it would be very smooth operating and I can't wait to see the experience I get from it!

 *Disclaimer* I received these products directly from the Company for Review. I was not paid to try out these products!*


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Beverly said...

Trading Cradles is great because it is not far from where I live and they always have what I am looking for.
I follow on Twitter.

mverno said...

trading cradles is great because its like an online lawn sale

Fritter said...

TradingCradles is great because you are safe from the harassment of scammers on CL! I recently posted an item on TC, and even though there wasn't one in my area- my item got great exposure and was picked as FB's deal of the day. I have since encouraged many people to check out TC- it's a wonderful thing, and I look forward to using it in the future.
farrah dot ritter at gmail dot com

Fritter said...

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Mami2jcn said...

Trading Cradles is great because it combines Twitter, eBay and Craigslist in one and it's also the first website to approve all items for sale before they are made available for purchase.

mami2jcn at gmail dot com

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Mami2jcn said...

I like Trading Cradles on Facebook - Mary Happymommy

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DiscoverHope7 said...

TradingCradles is great because it keeps things from landfills and helps other get gently used things for a discount.

DiscoverHope7 said...

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Michele said...

Trading Cradles is great because it seems easy to use.
mileerom @ yahoo dot com

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Stephanie said...

they promote a green attitude to recycle and take care of our mother earth
tvollowitz at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

Trading Cradles is great because it lets you recycle instead of trashing.

rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...


rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

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Following trading cradles on Twitter; rhoneygee

rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

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Follow you on Twitter; rhoneygee

rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

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Follow you on Facebook: Rebecca Honey Graham

rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

Joy said...

TradingCradles is great because it makes trading clothes so easy

Joy.bennett at live dot com

Shooting Stars Mag said...

trading cradles is great because it makes things easier on a parent and what could be better than that??? Saving time is essential when you can!

lauren51990 at aol dot com

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lauren51990 at aol dot com

Tiffany said...

Trading Cradles is great because it's so simple to buy and sell your baby items as your kids grow (or you have more!) They make it so simple you don't need to sign up or have a log in! I haven't heard of them before, but I'll definitely be using this site in the near future!!

Tiffany said...


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Rebecca W said...

Trading Cradles is great because it helps others get gently used itmes for a discount. Its great to recycle!
rebeccaw2005 at hotmail dot com

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one frugal lady said...

Trading cradles is great because not only is the site super easy to use, it is all for baby items that usually cost a fortune!

one frugal lady said...

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A Lady at 30 said...

TradingCradles is great because it is in my city!!!
teoett at gmail dot com

one frugal lady said...

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A Lady at 30 said...

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one frugal lady said...

I posted an ad on trading cradles

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A Lady at 30 said...

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teoett at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Trading Cradles is great because it approves all items for sale before they are made available to purchase.

rachel_demille @ yahoo dot com

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Ryan Family said...

It is free to post and ad and it is also nation wide!!

Ryan Family said...

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mutchkin21 said...

TradingCradles is great because I got some stuff still that I can try to sell rather than letting expensive, some un-used to practically go for free on CL.

clc_little_britches @ yahoo dot com

cstironkat said...

TradingCradles is great because they help mothers get what they need at great prices and they help mothers make money off of goods that no longer need or want.

mutchkin21 said...

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clc_little_britches @ yahoo dot com

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cstironkat said...

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clc_little_britches @ yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Trading Cradles is great because it gives those purchasing the peace of mind that what they are buying is safe for their child.

bakergurl02 at yahoo dot com

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bakergurl02 @ yahoo dot com

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Liked Trading Cradles on FB @Alisha Lesage

bakergurl0 @ yahoo dot com

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bakergurl0 @ yahoo dot com

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bakergurl0 @ yahoo dot com

Sheila Hickmon said...

Trading Cradles is great because they approve all ads before listing! Also because there are no registrations or log in's to remember!

fineinsanity {at} live {dot} com

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fineinsanity {at} live {dot} com

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fineinsanity {at} live {dot} com

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fineinsanity {at} live {dot} com

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fineinsanity {at} live {dot} com

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fineinsanity {at} live {dot} com

Cujo hmb said...

Trading Cradles is great because it combines Twitter, eBay and Craigslist in one.

Cujo hmb said...

hmb99 follows on twitter.

Cujo hmb said...

tweet -

Unknown said...

trading cradles is great because they make it easy to post an ad- 30 seconds! AND i know it is a safe place to browse thanks to their Parental Team.

Unknown said...

i am a subscriber! hancoci_s at msn dot com 1

Unknown said...

i am a subscriber! hancoci_s at msn dot com 2

Unknown said...

i am a subscriber! hancoci_s at msn dot com 3

Unknown said...

following trading cradles on twitter~ hancoci_s at msn dot com

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fb fan of trading cradles hancoci_s at msn dot com

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i follow your blog 2 hancoci_s at msn dot com

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i follow your blog 3 hancoci_s at msn dot com

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Unknown said...

will try posting an ad if i can get them to add my city! hancoci_s at msn dot com

Anonymous said...

Trading Cradles is great because it's an awesome way to recycle items you don't want anymore, and if you're buying you can find what you need at a good price.

Anonymous said...


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I like Trading Cradles on FB as Felicia King.

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llinda29 said...

they sell used items

Dani said...

Trading Cradles is great because they save parents money and help reduce waste.
danirudolph at gmail dot com

Dani said...

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danirudolph at gmail dot com

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danirudolph at gmail dot com

mmentor said...

sign me up

April said...

Trading Cradles is great because it combines so many different websites into one!

Unknown said...

Great place to find good deals as well as to get rid of things you dont need any more!

Unknown said...

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mogrill said...

You can save money for other things you need.
Thanks for the chance.

Jessica said...

This sounds like a great idea. I like looking for deals on gently used stuff on ebay, but often times with shipping you're paying close to retail for use stuff. It's great that they organize their site by city so you can find what you need within driving distance.
jjak2003 at gmail dot com

Jessica said...

I'm a subscriber 1
jjak2003 at gmail dot com

Jessica said...

I'm a subscriber 2
jjak2003 at gmail dot com

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