We go through way too many plastic bags. I do have to use them for freezing things, but for taking cheerios or grapes to the park? Why should I keep using plastic? I've been going cloth and green with everything else I do and use throughout my daily life, so why not this? Well I have finally tried a cloth snack bag.
SnakSaks was kind enough to send our family a Cherry Wallflower Sandwich Sak. It's beautiful and I'm so happy with it
I had to crop something out of the picture, so here is the stock photo
I think this is such a great useful tool to have around. I put a sandwich in here and put it in a cooler to take to the park. I also put cheerios and fruit in it. I wanted the sandwich snack so it was bigger and I could fit a sandwich in it instead of just a snack size.
I have also put some stuff in here for Jon's lunch as well. It has gotten lots of use around here and I will continue to use it.
I think I'm going to make myself a bunch so I have them on hand. Or I will probably just buy them because I don't have much time for making stuff!!
Price: The Sandwich size is $7 and the snack size is $6. The set of 2 is $12.50. I don't think thes eprices are that good.
Overall: **** I make some stuff and I know she makes these SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper than she sells them for. So I think the price is steep, BUT it is worth not making it yourself!!!
*Disclaimer* I received these products directly from the Company for Review. I was not paid to try out these products!*

Dani said...
They have a cute Apples print!
danirudolph at gmail dot com
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Ryan Family said...
I would get the fire print. I think my son would love that!
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Yippie luck to all!
I think a draw string closeure would be nice for things like goldfish or small crackers
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The pink sweet toohth patern is cute!!
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alien friends is so cute!!
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Michele said...
I like the apples pattern.
mileerom @ yahoo dot com
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Rachel C said...
I think the Tree Time print is cute.
rach62803 at yahoo dot com
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mogrill said...
I like the apples print.
Thanks for the chance.
bison61 said...
I like the TINKERBELL Sandwich Sak
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo dot com
Amy Brown said...
I like the FAIRY PRINCESS print
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curlie girlie said...
I also like the red apple dot print.
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Snowflake07 said...
I also like the Forest Fun Owls print.
hotpepper71 @ bellsouth dot net
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jakiesmom said...
i like owls on a whim
nannypanpan at sbcglobal.net
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Michelle Krz said...
I like Owls on a Whim in pistachio
michellekrz15 at gmail dot com
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Jennifer T. said...
I like the Frogs print.
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Bombtastic Belle said...
i like the retro rocket rascal print
Jenn S. said...
I like the Frogs and Turtles print. Cute! jas8929(at)gmail(dot)com
Ashley R said...
I also like the Fishy print!
reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com
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Anonymous said...
I like the RED APPLE DOT Sandwich and Snack Sak set.
I think these are reasonably priced.
Louis H said...
I definitely love the FLAMES Sandwich Sak
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Unknown said...
I like the owls on a whim fabric.
ridlee09 at gmail dot com
kelley c said...
petal party is very pretty
S Carter said...
I like the traffic jam print
scarter305 at aol dot com
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