The easiest possible way to do laundry, can you think of it? Well think no further then Dropps detergent. It's a little pac like the ones you stick in the dishwasher and it dissolves in the washer!! Very easy to do. I received a sample of the Fresh scent and the Scent and Dye free ones.
They also have a baby one as well.I wish it had a smell to it, but I'm sure it works great!
I might just buy the Dropps Baby detergent. But they are kind of pricey. But it's SUPER easy.
I had a good experience with both the detergents I tried. The fresh scent was fresh coming out of the package and a little smell lingered after washing, but the dryer completely removed the scent. Kind of disappointed. And the Scent and Dye free obviously had no smell, but when my clothes came out they just smelled clean!
Price: an 80 load Pack is $24. This is a little pricey, but I think it's great for those first few weeks after baby is born and you're just so tired you can't even function.
Overall: **** pricey!
*Disclaimer* I received these products directly from the Company for Review. I was not paid to try out these products!*

«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 265 Newer› Newest»Kim said...
I learned that this product doesn't leave any waste behind!
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can use in my he
Unknown said...
I learned that the 'pac' dissolves in hot or cold water, it's biodegradable and drains out of the washer in the rinse cycle.
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Anonymous said...
that Dropps is a more eco-friendly way to use/package/ship laundry detergent.rob,
Ryan Family said...
No waste is eco friendly, so easy and sold in safeway stores across the west!
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Melissa Bailey said...
I learned that Dropps is environmentally friendly because they use less packaging.
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Denise S. said...
I learned that this product dissolves in both hot and cold water.
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one frugal lady said...
On their website, they offer a free trial offer- very cool.
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Anonymous said...
I learn that the simple switch from giant jug detergent to Dropps laundry detergent
pacs immediately shrinks the footprint you leave behind on the
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Benita said...
I learned that dropps are premeasured and it only takes one to do a small or average sized load.
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Ashley R said...
I learned that the Dropps Baby formula is enzyme-free.
reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com
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Annie1 said...
Dropps are concentrated X6 which means all of the water is out of the product!
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Michelle Krz said...
They are 6x more potent because they removed the water.
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Rachel C said...
I learned that you can use it on all colors, all fabrics, all washers, and all temperatures.
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jakiesmom said...
they also sell t-shirts and bags
nannypanpan at
A Lady at 30 said...
It was good to read that since the product is smaller and lighter it takes less packaging, less space/weight in shipping, and just simply leaves less "footprint" behind =)
Thanks for the giveaway!!!
teoett @ gmail dot com
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Amanda said...
I learned that they are completely biodegradable and environmentally friend and use less packaging.
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bison61 said...
they are compatible in HE & standard washers
tiramisu392 (at)
Debbie C said...
I learned that Dropps has a fade-free formula. I would appreciate that so I could keep my clothes wearable longer.
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Anonymous said...
I learned it can dissolve in hot OR cold water, which is great.
Rebecca Orr said...
I learned that the dropps will dissolve in both cold or hot water and they they do not leave any waste material behind. Thanks!
bekki1820cb at gmail dot com
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Michele said...
I learned that they are biodegradable.
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5webs said...
I learned that their products were profiled in both Oprah Magazine and Instyle magazine.
Alicia Webster
Anonymous said...
good luck to everyone
clynsg said...
I learned that the product is sized for small>average sized loads.
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Unknown said...
Dropps work in cold water!
Thanks for entering me! Great Contest!
Janna Johnson
~Becca~ said...
learned that this product is eco friendly which is good when ur trying to go green!
Suz said...
I learned there is a free trial offer.
txhottie_86 at yahoo dot com
terri142 said...
I learned that Dropps are Chlorine Free and HE machine compatible.
tderosa142 at gmail dot com
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Allison said...
I learned that they will work in cold water.
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Michael said...
Dropps are 6X concentrated - can't find that in a liquid detergent!
taxchyk said...
Biodegradable, and we all know what a bonus that is!
Joy said...
premeasured that's nice
joy.bennett@live dot com
Amanda said...
I learned that they were featured in In Style magazine and were on Lipstick Jungle!
winnieayala at yahoo dot com
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Emmy Coffee said...
they are biodegradable!
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twinmomoftwins said...
Ecofriendly and premeasured. Ortizvelasquez @ yahoo dot com
Edyta said...
I learned that Dropps are safe for all fabrics from silk to fine cotton .
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Jessica said...
I learned that this product was designed to not get as sudsy as a traditional detergent because suds leaves behind residues.
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
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Brian E. said...
Thanks for the giveaway...Dropps uses an enzyme-free formula that is gentle for colors, does not contain any fabric softener to overload & breakdown clothes' fibers, and is a low sudsing detergent that does not leave a residue after rinsing.
senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
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taylorbagels said...
Dropps unleashes its magic
as soon as it hits the water it says.
Susan said...
I learned that the pack dissolves in hot or cold water. suelee1998 @
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