Mommy's Favorite Things: Babymel Review & Giveaway

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Babymel Review & Giveaway

 Now, We don't need a diaper bag anymore, but this company was too cool not to contact. I was originally inquiring about the quilted bag that I would've used as a regular purse, but she only had pink to offer for the review and giveaway, so I turned it down for something a little more unisex.
What company am I talking about? The one and only Babymel and I'm talking about the Babymel X2 in army/sand. I wanted it in black/red, but they were out at the time!

It starts out with one strap and then the other strap is in the second bag. You can then make it 2 different bags.

Inside is very large. Each bag comes with a changing pad as well, so that's 2 changing pads

Then the strap on the side snaps on each side of the bag to hold them together

Very ingenius idea here. I only had one child at the time I was using our diaper bag and by the time another child comes we will have no need for a second diaper bag (unless it's twins!!!) but I'm sure down the road we'll use this and if not it will go to a friend mother in need!! I'm sure this will be a great tool for one with 2 needing a diaper bag or twins. I like that it's two separate bags and you can keep your toddlers stuff separate from your infants, or the boy stuff separate from the girls. I really like this idea  a lot. I also like that mom can carry a bag and dad can carry a bag and they can be separate altogether. 

I'm loving this idea and Jon even said it's very smart to do this. He thinks it's genius as well. I'm very happy with the unisex colors this comes in. The Army/Sand, Red/Black, Solid Black or Camo/Chocolate.

It also has a great stroller strap (it is the regular strap) on the end of it is a neat feature. It's velcro so you slip it on the stroller handle and tighten it down. Same with the other side. Now you can save room in your stroller basket and have more room for clothes!!!

Price: This bag is $98. A little pricey, but it's great quality

 *Disclaimer* I received these products directly from the Company for Review. I was not paid to try out these products!*


susan said...

I follow Babymel on Twitter and I'd love the X2 because both hubby and I could use it and our second one is due any day now!
susaaan @ gmail dot com

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Unknown said...

Follow Babymel on Twitter (LilyBearLove)
We need a x2 because we have a toddler in cloth diapers and we're trying for #2!
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com

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Unknown said...

I follow babymel on twitter. 1amypugmire. I would love to win because I am preggo with baby #2 due next month and need a reliable diaper bag I can take on the go with me.

Michelle Krz said...

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Michelle Krz said...

I should win the X2, because I have THREE children and that means it requires TONS of storage space!
michellekrz15 at gmail dot com

Missybeez said...

I like the Artist Circle Weekender.

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Amanda said...

I Follow Babymel on Twitter. I could use the X2 because I am expecting my first baby and really need a diaper bag, this one looks great!

amanda.stauffer81 at gmail dot com

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Linda R. said...

I follow Babymel on Twitter & I would love this bag because i can carry one bag in one car & the other in the other car too cool

lyromero77 at yahoo dot com

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i follow on networked blogs (linda romero)

lyromero77 at yahoo dot com

Tiffany said...

Follow Babymel via Twitter.

I could SO use this! I LOVE this idea! I have a 4 year old who doesn't need much as far as a diaper bag goes, depending on how long we'll be out. But I also have a little girl who just turned 2 and a baby boy who is 7 months. It would be so nice to keep there stuff "separate" making it easier to find. It would also be nice to just grab 1 of them when I'm not taking both children with me, or when my husband and I each take a child.


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Anonymous said...

following BabyMelbags on twitter (Lona728) and I could use it since I am having twins!

Lona728 @ yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

follow you on twitter (Lona728)

Lona728 @ yahoo dot com

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follow you on FB (Lona Sausman Wibbels)

Lona728 @ yahoo dot com

khaymax said...

I follow BabyMel on Twitter.

I would really like to win this because our diaper bags strap broke. I am currently using a largish purse as one and my husband and older boys refuse to carry it for long periods of time. :)

khaymax at hotmail dot com

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Ashley R said...

I follow Babymel on twitter! (@reynoldsmom) I should win the X2 because I like to carry a lot of things in my diaper bag, so I need lots of space. AND my current diaper bag just broke, and I need a new one quick!
reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com

Ashley R said...

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reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com

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Gina said...

I Follow Babymel on Twitter AND I should win the X2 because I am expecting my first baby this winter & I am sure to need some serious help organizing while on the go.
yummyfaerie at hotmail dot com

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Kimberly said...

I follow on twitter @Aerated and I'd love to win this because it is a bag that both of us could use.
kirbycolby at gmail dot com

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Kimberly said...

tweet! thank you!
kirbycolby at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I'm following BabyMel Diaper Bag on Twitter- ksh123

I need to win because my diaper bag just got ruined. My son's sippy cup leaked milk all inside the bag. We didn't notice until it came leaking out the bottom. The smell would NOT come out. It smelled spoiled. Yuck. I finally gave up and threw it away. Right now I'm using a tote bag but it's small.
hafner611 @ gmail dot com

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Twitter follower- ksh123

hafner611 @ gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win this, 2 smaller bags instead of 1 huge one for both kids sounds good to me!

Anonymous said...

I follow your blog via GFC!

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Jennifer C. said...

I follow on twitter @JCausby and I would love to win so I could give this to my best friend that is due in January!

jennifercausby at hotmail dot com

Jennifer C. said...

I follow you on FB!

jennifer causby at hotmail dot com

Louis H said...

following BabyMelbags on twitter at rosidentevil

I would like to win because the bag is very functional and can easily be transformed from diaper bag to toddler tote bag

Louis H said...

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mail4rosey said...

I follow Babymel on Twitter (mail4rosey) and would love the win because my Army son' wife is expecting their first baby soon.

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Sonya said...

I follow Babymel on Twitter as dewer421. I'd love to win the X2 so I could carry a big or little diaper bag, depending on what I need!

sonya421 @ gmail dot com

Sonya said...

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sonya421 @ gmail dot com

Karine Traverse said...

I follow Babymel on twitter (@SAHMofDQ) and I really need this bag because I have 2 children in diapers, one almost potty trained and a lot to carry around with me. This bag would be perfect for our growing family.

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LuckyTJG said...

I follow Babymel on Twitter and I want this bag so I can give it to my nephew and his wife because they have a baby boy.