Mommy's Favorite Things: SHOE EXTRAVAGANZA Tsukihoshi Review & Giveaway

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

SHOE EXTRAVAGANZA Tsukihoshi Review & Giveaway

This sponsor was very kind and sent us a beautiful pair of children's shoes from Tsukihoshi

We received the Child 28 in Fuchsia/Mint
The bottom soles have a cool look to them
So at first they sent them in a size 8 because that's the size Avery wears comfortably. They JUST fit her and were a little tough getting on. So I returned them and they sent an 8.5 Those fit perfectly. So these tend to run a little small. 

Other than that I really enjoy them. Because of the hot weather Avery has only worn them once. To the zoo on a nice cool day. She didn't complain about them hurting her or anything and she thinks they're comfortable. 
They are real light and have good range of motion. We are enjoying them so far and I love those colors together. Most of Avery's closet is pink and green so these match everything very well.

Best part? Machine Washable!!!!!! Need I say more?

They have baby shoes from size 4-7 and children's shoes from size 7-1. So they have a great range!

Price: These are $54 on but they all range from $54-$62 on

Overall:**** they run a little small but other than that, I'm very happy with these shoes!

 *Disclaimer* I received these products directly from the Company for Review. I was not paid to try out these products!*


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imavera said...

I really like the Child08 style.

I like your suggestion- I'd get the steel/orange color

imavera said...

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Katie S said...

I also really like the Child 15 in Gray/Blue. My favorite of the Child 28 is also Steel/Orange! the girls colors are adorable, but I have a son!

Shanna said...

I like them in Navy/White for BOYS, &
I also like the Child 08 in Navy/Royal

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one frugal lady said...

I love the child 14 style

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Rachel C said...

I like the TSUKIHOSHI CHILD 32 in gold! If I won, I'd choose the steel and orange shoes for my son - cute!
rach62803@yahoo dot com

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Cherie Garner said...

I liked the TSUKIHOSHI BABY 03 in Purple. Very cute!

Tara said...

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Stephanie said...

TSUKIHOSHI CHILD 30 - good lookin' shoe!
tvollowitz at aol dot com

Beth said...

I also like the Child 14 shoe. If I won, I'd choose the Fuchsia/Mint color.

Anonymous said...

I like the TSUKIHOSHI BABY 04. I like the steel/orange color.

rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

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sweepmom said...

I like the youth 01 in the black.

Denise S. said...

I like the Tsukihoshi Child 10 shoes.

McKim said...

I like the TSUKIHOSHI BABY 04. I'd choose the steel/orange colors.

Denise S. said...

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Heather said...

I really like that TSUKIHOSHI CHILD3.

I would choose the steel/orange combo for my son.

ourkidsmom @ gmail dot com

miriama said...

I would choose fuschia/mint and I also like the baby 14

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susan said...

I like the TSUKIHOSHI CHILD08 too.
susaaan @ gmail dot com

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Jen M said...

I love the steel/orange combo for my son. I also really like the grey/blue Child 15.

stashing jen @ gmail . com

wildcat32 said...

I liked the child 20. I would choose the Navy/White.
monster6236 at gmail dot com

wildcat32 said...

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Bao said...

Me too! I'd get the Steel/Orange shoes...even though I'll have a girl :) @ gmail dot com

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bison61 said...

I picked the child 05 and I like the navy/white

tiramisu392 (at)

Jennifer T. said...

I like the Child 34 in Lt. Blue/White.

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Joie said...

I also like the TSUKIHOSHI BABY 03 in brown.
And I agree with you the Steel/Orange looks great!

Anonymous said...

love this:
SIZE : 8-1

autumn398 at yahoo dot com

jenv said...

I like the TSUKIHOSHI CHILD 07. thanks! jenalber @ hotmail dot com

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Amanda said...

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star84vu said...

I like the Child08 style! I have a boy and I love the steel/orange!

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Sheila Hickmon said...

I also like the TSUKIHOSHI CHILD 33! I would choose the same ones you got, the Fuchsia/Mint.

fineinsanity {at} live {dot} com

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Tiffany said...

I like the TSUKIHOSHI BABY06 in pink.

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Abe and April said...

I like the child style 31.

I would choose steel/orange

ashby_april at hotmail dot com

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Steph said...

I love the child08 style and I would choose the fuchsia/mint

AEK said...

I like the Child33 style for girls.
I would choose the white/rose shoe for a girl.

angiedkelly@gmail dot com

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Edyta said...

I like the Child 33 in Brown/Ume and I would choose the same color you reviewed - Fuchsia/Mint
edyta_c01 at yahoo dot com

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clynsg said...

I also like the Child 32 style, and if I were to win would choose the Black/silver color.

cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com

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Dawn S. said...

I would choose the Navy and white
I also like the TSUKIHOSHI CHILD 30 in Silver/Light Blue

Unknown said...



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loni broesch said...

I like the Navy and white for the boys shoes...

I would also like the TSUKIHOSHI CHILD 32

trippyjanet at hotmail dot com

Ashley R said...

I also love the TSUKIHOSHI CHILD15 style for my son. I would choose the Navy/White for my son!
reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com

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Melodic Mom said...

I love the TSUKIHOSHI BABY 03 shoes. I'd get the shoes in the White/Rose color. Thank you!

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Anonymous said...

I would like the TSUKIHOSHI YOUTH 05 in silver/pink.
shawnac68 @ hotmail dot com

Crystal F said...

I like the TSUKIHOSHI CHILD34 shoe. I would choose the pink and green shoes like the ones you received. Thank you!
crystalfaulkner2000 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I like the TSUKIHOSHI YOUTH 05 in blue/white in a size 5
digicat {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net

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Mishia said...

I love the Child08 style. The Pink/White is my fave.

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