Mommy's Favorite Things: Giani Granite Review & Giveaway

Monday, July 26, 2010

Giani Granite Review & Giveaway

This is the absolute coolest thing. It's a paint for your countertops that make them look like granite. How could it be right? I honestly think this is the coolest thing EVER invented and I think this is one of my favorite review items. And it's from Giani Granite We got the Sicilian Sand

 It's a kit. It comes with a black base coat, 3 colors of paint and a top clear coat. It also comes with a huge sponge, that you cut up into the pieces you'll need. It has very detailed instructions. I thought I would screw it up. But after doing it I realized that it is REAL hard to mess this up as all granite isn't the same ever. So it's super easy and VERY hard to mess up.

I am absolutely kicking myself that I didn't take a before picture of my bathrooms. WHY??? I have no idea. but I'm kicking. Let me see if I can find one that has our before bathroom counter in it. Here's the best I could do. It's from when we moved in. It was an UGLY beige formica.
So here's all the during and after's. This is all of our spare bath NOT the master above
First you tape everything off and paint it the black base coat!!
Then you paint on your layers. ONE layer at a time. It says the step numbers right on the can so it's super hard to mess up. Do a small section and then grab the next color and do over that section. In this small bathroom I did the entire counter one color and then went over it. In our master I did small sections. But it was harder to see which color I'd just used where and I think it was easier to do the whole counter at once. 
This was after it was all done. I didn't have time to take pictures after each color...Sorry
So you can see I have more white on the right side there. I did go back and touch that up later. That's the great part, you can touch back up after it's all dry. It was also hard to get right around the sink as you can see. but I too touched that up later. So this was before the last clear coat.
Here is a RIGHT now picture of this bathroom counter. Sorry the lighting isn't the best
I absolutely love this product. It is simply amazing!! Oh we did get some paint on the wall, but I'm planning on painting this bathroom soon. And we did in the other bathroom as well, but I have some of that paint leftover so I'll paint over the few paint spots. 

Overall this product was amazing. We did this bathroom one weekend. You have to wait a few hours for the black to dry and then a few more for all the paint to dry before you paint the clear coat. So each bathroom took us one full day. We did our master the following weekend.

So in the manual it says you have to wait 2 weeks before cleaning the counter. Yesterday I cleaned this bathroom for the first time (counter) since then. It has been 3 weeks for this bathroom. It cleaned up so nicely everything wiped right off it. I was amazed. 

Jon used to work for a tile shop and he said this looks like Granite. If you're up close you can tell it's not. But who cares right?

I think we're going to buy a kit for our kitchen! I think we need 2 kits, but it would be nice to get rid of our green formica in there. I hope we can do it!

Price: Each kit is $50. I think this is so reasonable!! Let's see, I can replace my countertops with a formica that looks like granite for about $300 for my whole kitchen. Which would require a LOT of labor. OR I can paint it for about $100? YES please paint!

Overall: ********** I'm so pleased with this product. I would recommend this to ANYONE

 *Disclaimer* I received these products directly from the Company for Review. I was not paid to try out these products!*


star84vu said...

I like the Sicilian sand

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I would get the Sicilian Sand.
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Benita said...

I'd get the Sicilian Sand.


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Tina B. said...

Sicilian Sand would be best for my
home! Love it!!!
treneebarker at hotmail dot com

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debbie said...

I like the silicone sand kit.
twoofakind12 AT yahoo DOT com

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cookiert said...

I'd pick the Sicilian sand!

cookiert at yahoo

sweepmom said...

I would get the Chocolate BrownTM Granite Countertop Paint Kit.

Ryan Family said...

awesome! We'd love to get a grey kit to do a table!

I know a friend who used a similar product from home depot in thier motor home and it looks fab!

Unknown said...

I need the Chocolate kitchen counter is that old green laminate that is positively hideous. What a great alternative to having to replace the whole thing.

shel704 at aol dot com

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Anonymous said...

The Sicilian Sand would be my favorite, followed closely by the Chocolate Brown.

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Rachel C said...

I think the Sicilian Sand would go best in our bathroom. Pretty much everything is white!
rach62803 at yahoo dot com

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409cope said...

I like the Sicilian Sand the most.cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com

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Anonymous said...

I like the Sand color


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Miranda @ Keeper of the Cheerios said...

I would LOVE the Sicilian Sand kit for my upstairs bathroom. It's a pinkish countertop (from the previous owners of our home) and I can't stand it! LOL I would LOVE to paint over it and this product looks so easy to use and looks so nice.

smilekisses said...

I'd pick the Sicilian Sand Granite Countertop Paint Kit

one frugal lady said...

Genius! I love the chocolate brown

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mogrill said...

I like the silicone sand kit.
Thanks for the chance.

Jenn @ Beautiful Calling said...

The black or chocolate brown...not sure which. Looks very intriguing.

sweetsue said...

Wow-your project turned out great! I like the Sicialian Sand for my little washroom.
smchester at gmail dot com

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Kimberly said...

I'd like the Sicilian Sand kit.
kirbycolby at gmail dot com

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Anonymous said...

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Sicilian sand or chocolate


saloncuts said...

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Sicilian sand or chocolate

saloncuts said...

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sicilian sand or chocolate

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sicilian sand or chocolate

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sicilian sand or chocolate

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sicilian sand or chocolate

LOVE YOUR BLOG.......LOVE the Giani

loni broesch said...

I like the Emerald Green Kit

trippyjanet at hotmail dot com

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Hoa said...

I'd get the Chocolate Brown kit.


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guru said...

I would get the Sicilian sand. One kit would do my kitchen counter (which is very ugly)

rah267 said...

higgs.rachel @ gmail dot com
I would get bombay black
Thanks for the chance to win

Anonymous said...

I would love the chocolate brown for our nasty yellow bathroom countertops.
shawnac68 @ hotmail dot com

Valancia said...

Sicilian sand I pick.
skyxsky27 @ gmail dot com

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Edyta said...

I would choose the Sicilian Sand kit
edyta_c01 at yahoo dot com

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Anonymous said...

I love the sicilian sand
Diane Baum

Gloria's Bits and Pieces said...

The Sicilian Sand color would be great for me.

kngmckellar @ hotmail dot com

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Unknown said...

would choose the Roma Red Granite Countertop Paint Kit

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kelley c said...

I NEED this. I would get the sicilian sand.


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Sand said...

I'd choose the Sicilian SandTM Granite Countertop Paint Kit.

Anonymous said...

I would get the Sapphire Blue.

mail4rosey said...

I would choose the Sicilian Sand.

msurosey at yahoo dot com

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cman said...

Sapphire Blue.

WendyWoo said...

I like the brown.