This is a nice summer review and giveaway. Ever since I heard that Sunscreen can speed up the process of Skin Cancer I've been extra careful about what I put on Avery and I. So we've switched sunscreens completely. Avery is now using the Sunny-Sunscreen from Episencial.
I really like this sunscreen. Because there's no chemicals and crap in it, it is a little hard to rub on. It's much Thicker than regular sunscreen, but it does the job. Just needs a little extra time to run it in. The whole company is kids products so they all have a very cute Eric Carle caterpillar on them!
I do enjoy this sunscreen. Like I said it does it's job. We went swimming at a friend's house and were in the pool for over 2 hours. This worked JUST fine and Avery didn't even get pink. She ALWAYS gets pink with SPF 50 Target Brand. So for this SPF 35 to not let pink through, I'm HAPPY.
- Protects sensitive skin with natural minerals zinc and titanium (no nano-particles).
- Milky texture creates a protective layer with no harsh chemicals and minimal white residue.
- Fortified with organic green tea extract to prevent sun-damage.
- Organic sesame, safflower and avocado oils to moisturize and nourish the skin.
- Beeswax and organic shea butter increase water resistance and sun protection without the use of petroleum or chemicals.
Price: 4 oz is $15. Which is a little expensive, but it's natural and won't harm in any way and it will probably last all season. So is $15 a year not worth it? I think it is!
Overall: ***** Very happy with it. LOVE it!
*Disclaimer* I received these products directly from the Company for Review. I was not paid to try out these products!*

Jenn @ Beautiful Calling said...
We go through a ton of sunscreen in a summer; several bottles. I've currently been using Badger; an all natural one as well.
Would LOVE to try out Episencial!
renee said...
I would like to try the Protective Face Balm, SPF 6
reneetaylor at sympatico dot ca
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(and for the record, in my first comment I should have said I would also love to try out their bath products as well...the bubbles and shampoo)
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Unknown said...
I like the Playful Foaming Wash
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♥ LLL with Leslie ♥ said...
I would love to try their Sweet Dreams Bubble Bath.
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Rachel C said...
I'd love to try the Better Body Butter!
rach62803@yahoo dot com
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DiscoverHope7 said...
I would want to try the bubble bath b/c Adam takes at least 1 bath a day! he just loves them
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Mama to a Sweet Thing said...
i would like to try the playful foaming wash, need an alternative to the regualar johnson and johnson baby shampoo
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slb3334 said...
the playful foaming wash
mutchkin21 said...
Protective Face Balm, SPF 6
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Amanda said...
I like the Playful Foaming Wash.
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Debbie said...
Body butter always gets me so I'd love their better body butter.
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vboackle said...
i would like to try the Playful Foaming Wash.
bison61 said...
I'd like to try the soothing cream
tiramisu392 (at)
susan said...
I'd like to try the Protective Face Balm, SPF 6.
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orangefukurou said...
I would like to try the Protective Face Balm
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star84vu said...
I would like to try the sweet dreams bubble bath
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weareit said...
I'd love to try their Soothing Cream
*my email is in my profile
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susan1215 said...
I like to try the Playful Foaming Wash
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Unknown said...
sweet dreams bubble bath
dvice12 said...
I'd also like the Soothing Cream
Brian E. said...
Thanks for the giveaway...I think our kids would enjoy the Sweet Dreams Bubble Bath !
senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
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katklaw777 said...
katklaw777 at yahoo dot com
I 'd like to try the Better Body Butter, thanks.
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trixx said...
I'd love the Better Body Butter as well, sounds so soft.
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