Mommy's Favorite Things: 30 Meals in One Day Review & Giveaway

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

30 Meals in One Day Review & Giveaway

I think this is my FAVORITE review yet. Honestly. 30 Meals in One Day is a great new program. 

How many times a month do you say "What's for dinner?" Or you're out and about, don't want to eat out, but you get home and say "What's for Dinner?" Does this sound like you? Do you get take out often? Or delivered pizza? Because I know we used to! We used to get take out, eat out, or delivery about 12 times a month!!! WOW! I know. It was costly, but I didn't have to cook.

Well now with this AMAZING software, you don't have to get delivery ever again (unless you want to)
We received the Software as well as the Dinner is Ready, Lunch is Ready, and On The Side. I couldn't be more happier with this program. 

Day before we planned on shopping I put the software into the computer, and started looking through the meals. Here's the thing. The books are cookbooks, GREAT for every day cooking if that's what you want to do. With 150 freezer ready dinner recipes you won't get bored. The software has it all in one place. You can click on a recipe and it pulls up how it's prepared. You can sort by oven, assembled, stovetop, or crockpot. It's super easy. Also once you figure out what you want you hit the plus sign at the bottom and it adds it to your previously setup menu. 

When it does this it also AUTOMATICALLY creates a shopping list for you!
Let's say you need your weekly Milk, Bananas, Bread etc you can add that to your list. AND you can remove items you already have off the list. This is an awesome program and I don't know how I functioned without it before. Then you can print off your menu and it prints 2 recipes per page. Once you've printed them once SAVE them so you can make them again.

So day after payday we set out to the grocery store. We needed some staples for ourselves, but most of it was shopping for this program. Now we spent $260 for the WHOLE MONTH dinner's and our staples. We had $15 in cereal. So that's pretty cheap. I know before with take out and all we were spending at least $400 a month on dinner's. So I just saved money!

I didn't have 15 recipes though, I had 14 and 2 of those were lunch's and 1 we didn't make because I don't have a deep fryer. Corn Dogs, YUM

When I got home I left everything I needed on the counter. WHY put it all away just to take it out again? I didn't. They also have GREAT tips in the books like leave a paper bag at all work stations for garbage. Put all pasta by stove, put all cans by opener. I didn't do this, but it probably would've saved some time. 

So that night before bed I put one meal on low for 8 hours in the crockpot. Our crockpot automatically goes to warm when it shuts off so I knew the meal would be good. When I woke up I already had 2 meals done! (Each recipe makes 2 meals) Then I threw my other crockpot recipe in there and got started. 

At one time I had 2 in oven, 2 on stove and 1 in crockpot. How easy is that? Next time though more oven recipes. I only did 2-3 over recipes so by the time they were done I was limited to 1-2 things going at a time on the stove. It would've sped up the process. 

Jon didn't help me AT ALL and I was done in 6 hours! EXACTLY 6 hours. It was fun, easy and now I have a freezer stocked full of food for the whole month.

Now we still like eating out so we do once in a while, but it's now a twice weekly thing! My stocked Freezer
It helps to have a deep freezer for this as you need room. Also these are the BEST recipes I've ever had before. Cream Cheese Chicken is to die for!

These are all the recipes that I made that day
Spring Rolls, Lasagna, Cream Cheese Chicken, French Bread Pizza (just froze it all, NO COOKING), Cornflake Chicken, Jack Soup, Ravioli Soup, Chicken Mushroom and Tomato Soup, Taco Bean Salad, Beef and Broccoli, Italian Shells, Honey Lime Chicken, Cola Chicken, Cheesy Meatloaf, and Chicken Cacciatore (wasn't the best) I guess I did make 15. I has 16 on the list, but we didn't make corn dogs. So I guess I did!!! It's all yummy so far though.

I started all this July 13th and we have like 6-7recipes left. Here's the thing though, Each recipe makes 2 meals? Not for us. They are all 4-6 servings. Well Between the 3 of us we go through 6 servings. I guess we need to work on that, but we get 1 meal out of all these (except Cream Cheese Chicken so far)

My longest post yet!! WooHoo

Price: All 3 books and the 3-in-1 software is $75 on sale. NOT BAD AT ALL

Overall: ***** Love the whole process

 *Disclaimer* I received these products directly from the Company for Review. I was not paid to try out these products!*


Heidi said...

I learned that their recipe software will print labels and recipes.
heidikittelson @ gmail dot com.

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There are more than 700 recipes to choose from!

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Tiffany said...

I learned the Dinner is Ready Cookbook has more than 150 freezer recipes!

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imavera said...

If you get the single version of the software, there are more than 700 recipes!

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Rachel C said...

I learned that you can edit or adjust the recipes on the software, or add your own.
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Keisha's Giveaways and Things said...

i learned you can add your own recipes on the software

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Rebecca W said...

I learned that you can adjust the recipes on the software! Shipping is $3.95 for any size order, thats cheap for shipping. I can't wait to try the Honey Lime Chicken!
rebeccaw2005 at hotmail dot com

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Venus Montoya said...

I learned that they have $3.95 shipping on any order within the United States.

DiscoverHope7 said...

I learned they have over 700 recipies!

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ohstac said...

I like that you can add your own recipes to the cookbook.

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clenna said...

The Honey Lime Chicken sounds awesome and I think my grandkids would love it too.
There is a pklace to add recipes - I have a few favorites but I'd probably use the ones listed instead!

clenna at aol dot com

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khaymax said...

I learned that there are 700+ recipes in the program.

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susan said...

I learned that they have sample recipes you can try out at their site.
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Anonymous said...

Learned that they ship within the US for only $3.95 for any size order.
talonsmom731 @ gmail dot com

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Jennifer said...

I learned that I can add my own recipes to the software. This sounds like exactly what I've been looking for!

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Jenn S. said...

I learned that they have a side dish cookbook called On the Side .

Anonymous said...

I learned how to make cheesy ham and
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loni broesch said...

I learned that Each cookbook is packed with instructions plus delicious, simple, family friendly recipes.

trippyjanet at hotmail dot com

rah267 said...

higgs.rachel @ gmail dot com
I learned you can get labels 2" x 4" white recipe labels (10 to a page) for use with 30 Meals in One Day software. Each label has room for recipe name, instructions, and date.

Louis H said...

fun fact:
The cookbook On the Side is a collection of recipes that are simple, fun and fabulous that will add delicious variety to any meal—including your freezer meals!.

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msrodeobrat said...

i learned that they offer over 700 recipes
addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com

theolotto said...

I learned you can add your own recipes on the software.

Katie R. said...

I learned that you cans earch for recipes by ingredient, category or title.

thatlittlehouse said...

I learned the software will let you automatically adjust the recipe amounts to fit your family's size.

nblexp @ gmail dot com

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degood said...

I love that the software has more than 150 meals choices. It sure would get me out of my 10 meals I always make rut.

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Anonymous said...

One's own recipes can be added to the software!

Tammy said...

I learned there are over 700 recipes WOW!

jemr2 said...

I learned that you can use the software to create a shopping list and also print recipe labels for each finished frozen dish! Cool!

jemr2 @ aol dot com

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jemr2 @ aol dot com

Anonymous said...

I learned their recipe software will print labels and recipes.

Tanya from HometownExpert.ORG said...

I read through the website and the testimonials, and learned that many people do their cooking all in one day by sharing the work with a friend or sisters. Sounds like a great idea!
(and I LOVE that the program will help print labels!)

Thanks for a great giveaway :)
spiderdevo8 AT hotmail DOT com

Tanya from HometownExpert.ORG said...

I follow your blog #1 :)

spiderdevo8 AT hotmail DOT com

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spiderdevo8 AT hotmail DOT com

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Tanya C
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