We've been trying to switch to Organic as much as we can as much as possible. It's hard and It's expensive, but where we can, we do. I was happy when I contacted Peter Rabbit Organics and I got the okay to do a review and giveaway!
I was sent the Mango, Banana and Orange, Strawberry Banana, and the Apple and Grape!
I was so happy with all these flavors and Avery had them gone in 2 days. She had one at breakfast and another at her evening snack and she had the third the next morning for breakfast. Little Piggy!
I sampled them all and my favorite was the Mango, Banana and Orange. Avery's was the Strawberry Banana. Our least favorite was Apple Grape, but she still ate it.
These were delicious and to know that they are organic and nothing is added to them is great.
What's inside our pouches?
Made from pure, organic fruit, our BPA-free pouches have no added sugar or preservatives. We only source organic ingredients certified by the USDA, and whenever possible we use local suppliers in Oregon. Our 3 delicious pouches have a thick, smooth texture and aren't diluted with water or juice.Why the pouch?
Similar to squeezable drink pouches, Peter Rabbit Organics pouches are easy to drop into a diaper bag, lunch box or purse without breaking or spilling. Unopened pouches don't need to be refrigerated so they're great for car trips, cycle rides...and for all the family to enjoy.I think this is a great concept. It was easy for Avery to just suck the fruit out of them.
Price: On Amazon a pack of 10 individual flavor is $16.50! Not bad at all. $1.65 a pouch isn't too bad!
Overall: *****
*Disclaimer* I received these products directly from the Company for Review. I was not paid to try out these products!*

Anonymous said...
They're organic and 100% natural--no dyes!
ropp dot 5 at wright dot edu
Anonymous said...
These are great as they are organic, with nothing artificial (no dyes, flavors, etc.)
ropp dot 5 at wright dot edu
Rachel C said...
I learned that there is a full serving of fruit in each pouch - my little ones would love these!
rach62803@yahoo dot com
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ReggieMann said...
Their "delivery van" is a wheelbarrow :)
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Momma Told Me said...
I learned I can buy Peter Rabbit organics at a store 10 miles from my home!
six_one_nine_girlie86 (at) yahoo (dot) com
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Michelle said...
They know their products taste good, because they test them on their grandkids and nephews and such. :) Cute!
michellekrz15 @ gmail dot come
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Anonymous said...
learned that they test their product on family members and they are all natural...would love to try
Stacy said...
I learned that although they are not sold at any retail stores near me, they are available in at Starbucks.
stacy @ recipesformoms dot com
Stacy said...
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stacy @ recipesformoms dot com
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Stacy said...
I posted your giveaway on my sidebar at www.recipesformoms.com - 3
stacy @ recipesformoms dot com
bison61 said...
they list every ingredient so no undeclared colors, flavors or preservatives
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
Denise S. said...
I learned that each pouch equals one serving of fruit.
lazybones344 at gmail dot com
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Kyle Banderman said...
I learned that the company is based in London
indyfree07@hotmail dot com
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Kyle Banderman said...
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Kyle Banderman said...
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Kyle Banderman said...
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indyfree07@hotmail dot com
Ryan Family said...
I found out that they were based in london
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Carole Spring said...
From the Peter Rabbit Organics website I learned that they are a British company based in London and that they refer to their office as “the burrow”.
blondie_31971 @ yahoo dot com
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Louis H said...
I learned that The Orlando Sentinel’s Moms at Work blog chose Peter Rabbit Organics pouches as a great summer snack for kids!
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Anonymous said...
They are 100% natural and organic!
theyyyguy @ yahoo dot com
Karen P said...
I learned it is available at top foods
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Mommy 2 Monkeys said...
They're completely natural and organic.
Edyta said...
I learned that the snacks can be purchased at Starbucks
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Trina said...
tarted in the UK and became such a huge hit we now make them in Oregon and sell them across the US.
Tim said...
I learned this is a very family friendly company, sounds up my alley!
fatally_flayed at yahoo dot com
checkers said...
checkers said...
I learned that The company was founded for the simple reason they found it so hard to buy organic, on-the-go, healthy fruit snacks in the shops.
skyskyaa11 @ gmail dot com
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Anonymous said...
I learned they test their products on family members!
shawnac68 @ hotmail dot com
petitetomate said...
I found out that whenever possible they use local suppliers in Oregon.
diamond5010 @ yahoo dot com
susansmoaks said...
i learned they have the kids in their lives test the products
susansmoaks at gmail dot com
elango said...
I learned that they taste good since they have been testing their products on children in their family!
elangomat at comcast dot net
Leandrea at Coupons Are Great said...
I learned that there is a full serving of fruit in each pouch. Cool! leandrea246(at)hotmail.com
cman said...
Each pouch equals one serving of fruit.
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