George Foreman. The famous grills... Now he has a Cleaning product out. It's meant for cleaning grills and stainless steel, but I used it on EVERYTHING!
The smaller bottle is the refill bottle. You fill the large bottle up to just about the neck with water and then add a couple oz of the refill to it to make a strong cleaner. The refill makes 8 large bottles. That will last a long time.
Until I pulled up this picture I forgot they came with scrubbers. I have been using this stuff on my counters, stove, microwave, and even the inside of the fridge. It smells so good and leaves a nice aroma in the air.
If I were to clean our grill outside I would for sure need the scrubber. That thing is NASTY.
These cleaners are non toxic, family safe, earth friendly,biodegradable, and endorsed by the one and only George Foreman (ok not really. All 5 of his sons are named George Foreman also).
This cleaner cleaned my laminate counters very nicely. And now thinking about it I could probably use this on my laminate wood floors as well (Hmmm) It cleaned the grease off the stove and microwave as well. Also did a good job at the inside of my fridge. Some meat had leaked blood and this wiped right through it.
Overall I'm very pleased with this cleaner. It has a nice airy lime smell to it and makes the house smell good.
Price: $20 for the kit you see above (also includes a little funnel) Very nice price. That's like getting 8, 32 oz bottles of cleaner... About the same price as in the store.
Overall: ***** Love this stuff
*Disclaimer* I received these products directly from the Company for Review. I was not paid to try out these products!*

Tiffany said...
I'd like to try the Multi Surface & More cleaner.
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Benita said...
I can use Interiors and More Auto Cleaner.
Anonymous said...
we could definatly use the auto interior and more.
it seems like we are always needing to clean the car out
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one frugal lady said...
The car interiors and more looks awesome!
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Carol Harrity said...
Count on George Foreman to come up with new products. I am the owner of 2 George Foreman Grills and they are great. I would like to try Multi Surface & More cleaner.
Momma Told Me said...
I'd use the auto polish cleaner! Follow me back?
six_one_nine_girlie86 (at) yahoo (dot) com
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I subscribe! (can't stand word verifications so I'm only using one entry here)
six_one_nine_girlie86 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Rachel C said...
I'd love to try the carpet stain spray.
rach62803@yahoo dot com
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Anonymous said...
I'd love the multi-surface and more cleaner!
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Sarah said...
With 2 kids I could definitely use the Carpet Stains & More!
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bison61 said...
I'd like to try the Interiors & More for cars
tiramisu392 (at)
Anonymous said...
I would like the stains and more with 5 young kids it would be so useful
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Jennifer Neal said...
The auto interior, nice!
Jessica said...
I would also like the Carpet Stains & More
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
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Louis H said...
I really like the Laundry Stains & More Cleaner
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rah267 said...
crazyred61 @ yahoo dot com
I like Multi-Surface & More
~*~lilshuga2001~*~ said...
Auto interior sounds interesting!
~*~lilshuga2001~*~ said...
~*~lilshuga2001~*~ said...
~*~lilshuga2001~*~ said...
~*~lilshuga2001~*~ said...
shivaeb1 said...
The multi-surface and more cleaner
JSColdwell said...
I could really use the Laundry Cleaner and More!
JSColdwell said...
I'm following you on Twitter- SteCold
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Stephanie Coldwell
katklaw777 said...
I'd like to try the Interiors and more auto cleaner. katklaw777 at yahoo dot com
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Anonymous said...
I would like the auto interiors and more cleaner.
sue14625 said...
i would like to try the Multi-Purpose and more Cleaner ty for hosting this very useful giveaway
Melanie Montgomery said...
I could use the Kitchen Cleaner.
Hbomb said...
I could also use the Car Refresher
xbeautifulcoma at yahoo dot com
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cman said...
Interiors and More Auto Cleaner.
Brian E. said...
Thanks for the giveaway...we would love to give the "Bathrooms & More" a try.
senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
Brian E. said...
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senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
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Pamela S said...
I'd also like to try the Bathrooms and More. Thanks so much! pamelashockley(AT)aol(DOT)com
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