WOW!! This is HUGE!
We have a couple Oreck purifiers, they did AMAZING for us the first 3 1/2 years, but it was definitely time for a new purifier. They still work, but they are slowing down and getting dirtier faster and you can just tell they were dieing.
We still have one in our bedroom, but the VERY kind folks over at Rabbit Air were very generous enough to send us the BIO GS-SPA 421A Ultra Quiet purifier! We got it in the Metallic Blue
So it is MUCH bigger than the Oreck we had. The Oreck had to sit up on a table, well on a storage bin, and this can sit right on the floor. That's awesome!
It's also very light so we can move it room to room if needed. I almost burned down the house the other day, okay not quite, but my oven was burning. I moved it into the kitchen. Put it on the turbo feature and my room was completely cleared out in 3 minutes!! If I would've just used open windows alone, it probably would've taken 20 minutes or longer. And the smell was gone in that same amount of time.
I love this purifier. It has an indicator for particles coming into the machine and an indicator for smells!! When I was clearing out smoke the smell was All the way lit up. It was stinky!
It has a lot of features on it that our Oreck didn't have. It has a timer. It has 4 speeds AND turbo. Turbo lasts 30 minutes and then shuts off. Our Oreck nly had 3 speeds. It also has a pollen mode, letting you know when there is pollen in the air. A light will come on letting you know when the machine needs to be cleaned and another light for when the filter needs to be replaced. The best part? It has a REMOTE!!! I can control it from my couch! How awesome is that!!
So to clean it, you just need a vacuum and some water. Our Oreck? It required a special cleaner which was $14 and lasted 2-4 cleanings. Well we had 2 machines, so once a month or so we were spending $14. This machine is easy to clean and once every 1.5 years the filter needs to be replaced and it is $30!!! And the Hepa Filter needs to be replaced every 3 years and it is $46. UM, WORTH IT!
So here is the Dog fur I peeled off the pre filter right before Avery's party so just over a week ago
Here is our pre filter about 4 weeks after having it in the house
And here it is after vacuumed and how it's supposed to look
So I'm surprised it actually wasn't DIRTY and was just dog hair filled. Bella's cage is right next to this purifier. I want it that way until she's completely out of the cage. This is bad. I'm so glad we don't have all that fur flying through the house. It collects in my kitchen enough as it is!
I'm so happy with this purifier.
And I will say since we've moved into this house over 2 years ago, I haven't dusted once. WOW!! Never needed too.
Price: This unit that I reviewed is normally $550, but is on sale for $330. This is generous. We paid $500 for our Oreck!
Overall: ********** Most definitely the BEST product I have ever reviewed. I am so pleased with this product!
*Disclaimer* I received these products directly from the Company for Review. I was not paid to try out these products!*

«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 614 Newer› Newest»Ryan Family said...
I love love love the lime green one! We have a rainbow and love it but always have the change the water inside ):
ps happy birthday!
Kelly said...
I would pick the chrome silver and I love the fact that I would have the choice of Germ Defense, Pet Allergy, Toxin Absorber or Odor Remover.
manelook @ yahoo dot com or wyocamper @ gmail dot com
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Nicole Larsen said...
I love the plain silver one and my favorite feature is the timer on it :)
pittsy82 at hotmail dot com
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Anonymous said...
I'd choose the chrome silver but all the colors are nice! I like that it's quiet, some are so noisy, and the turbo setting sounds great for getting and keeping all those allergens out of the air.
hrtsdzyer @ aol dot com
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Ms. Deeds said...
I like the silver. I also like that they offer 5 year warranties on their products.
melissa.becker @ gmail dot com
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Anonymous said...
I like the Metallic Blue one and I like the fact that it is ultra quiet.
M_A_Workman @ Yahoo dot com
peg42 said...
I like the Metallic blue. The feature I like most is that it cost less to run, "The long life filter of the BioGS air purifier can last up to 3 years before replacement is needed. Replacement costs are reasonable at around $41 a year"
Thanks so much.
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coliebear said...
I would chose the metallic blue and I like that it has a pollen indicator function.
Sarah G. said...
I like Metallic Blue. I like that it's easy to clean with just a vacuum and some water.
Mysharona said...
I'd choose the chrome silver. I like that it is quiet.
scottsgal said...
I like the chrome silver. That's great that it filters out 99.97% of allergens in the air
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Anonymous said...
I love the Filter replacement indicator feature. and I would love to have the Metallic Blue
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I would choose the Metallic Blue.
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mstyle10 said...
I like the lime green one.
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Anonymous said...
I would choose the green one and love that they have a pet defense.
Diane Baum
Tonya Dean said...
Metallic Blue = amazing 5 year warranty.
tdlsfm @ gmail dot com
one frugal lady said...
I love the green! My favorite feature is that is cost less to run, of course!
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Pete said...
Great for the kids room. Fallowing
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Rusthawk said...
I would choose the Pearl White, and I really like the odor remover feature and energy efficiency.
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clm153 said...
I like the fact that it has a pre-filter and I would choose chrome silver.
wildcat32 said...
My favorite color is the Pearl White. My favorite feature is the remote because I am lazy.
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debiwelbon said...
I would have to go with the white - I have so much silver it gets to be too much. And I love that it has a 5 yr warranty
Anonymous said...
I would take the silver one. My favorite feature is it's noise level. gbloganx(AT)aol(DOT)com
stella said...
I would choose the silver one. Love that it has a remote! Thanks for sharing!
stellachang @ gmail dot com
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hale2005 said...
I would like the white color. The power consumption looks to be my favorite feature.
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Liz said...
I'd get the metallic blue. With allergies, I'd enjoy the pollen mode!
Kevin said...
I would choose the white or blue colors. My Mother has been talking about buying an Oreck so this would be for her. I believe that she would appreciate the quietness, timer and ease of cleaning. Thanks!
Anonymous said...
I would pick the chrome silver color.
constancelavery at msn dot com
Anonymous said...
I would want the metallic blue color. I like the fact that it has a remote control.
toughturtles said...
metallic blue
Unknown said...
I would like the metallic blue, and I love that it has a pollen mode, letting you know when there is pollen in the air.
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littlelatina said...
I love the silver this would be wonderful
Tarah said...
I would pick Lime Green & I love that the long life filter of the BioGS air purifier can last up to 3 years before replacement is needed.
Hannah Igoe said...
I like the metallic blue and my favorite feature is the fact its ultra quiet!
hannahgoodneighbour at hotmail dot com
Sunnyvale said...
I like the lime green
mogrill said...
I like Metallic Blue.
Thanks for the chance.
sksweeps said...
I like the Pearl White color, and my favorite feature is the easy, easy cleaning!
sksweeps (at) earthlink (dot) net
deb c said...
I love the Lime Green color and I like that it had an indicator light to let you know when the filter needs to be cleaned.
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jemscout425 said...
the metallic blue and the negative ion indicator
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Rachel C said...
I'd probably get the green, and I love that it's "practically silent!"
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mobrien said...
Like the white best, though silver is nice too.
Debbie said...
I like the Chrome Silver and I like that the filter is good for 1 1/2 to 3 years!
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Anonymous said...
I want the Metallic Blue- very unique.
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chromiumman said...
i'd chooses pearl white, my fave feature is the negative ion indicator
chromiumman (at) mail (dot) com
sustahl said...
I would definitely buy this in the Lime Green and I think it is really great that it has air drawn in from 5 different spots!
rsmstahley @ adelphia dot net
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David Johnson said...
Silver would be good, like that it runs quietly, thanks.
Deborah said...
I'd choose the chrome silver; a feature I like is the five year warranty. asthenight at gmail dot com
Melanie said...
the air is so dry and dirty out here in AZ. This would be great! I would choose the chrome
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Anonymous said...
i'd get chrome silver & my favorite feature is that it is supposed to be really quiet - sometimes these things are SO loud!
autumn398 @
thaeter7 said...
I liked the green and love that the filter lasts a few years!
Amanda said...
I like the lime green. I like the Brushless Direct Current Motor which makes is a lot quieter.
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bison61 said...
The BioGS air purifier emits ZERO ozone and is absolutely safe to use for asthma and allergy suffers. I like the chrome silver
tiramisu392 (at)
Anonymous said...
Their Chrome Silver is classic!
I love how it's so quiet it's "nearly silent"!
Thank You RabbitAir, i have enough noise in my household.
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kayte71 said...
Silver please! I love the different settings, specifically the one for odors and pet allergy. My allergies seem to have gotten worse with age-blah!
kaytewatts AT aol DOT com
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kjmaje said...
I would choose the metallic blue one! I love the fact that it emits ZERO ozone!
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magic5905 said...
plain silver and I love that its good for pet allergy. Thanks.
Anonymous said...
Metallic blue and the turbo setting sounds great for getting and keeping all those allergens out of the air.
anamlgrl said...
I love the lime green color!! And love that the main filter is made from the most advanced bio-engineered fiber material, which trap and destroys allergens and contaminants.
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Denise S. said...
I really like the metallic blue color and love the fact that its quiet!
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sweetsue said...
I want this so bad! I would choose it in Pearl White. My favorite feature is that it is ultra quiet.
smchester at gmail dot com
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