I like bath and body items. I like the smell they give off and I like smelling good, as anyone does ( I hope?).
Breathless Beauty sent me a Sweetness Shea Souffle and a Sweetness and Oats soap. I like the Smell of the Sweetness. It's so nice and isn't too strong. I don't like products that are TOO strong, but have a nice smell to them.
The souffle felt real soft and smooth on my hands, it was a little oily at first, but I dabbed off some of the excess and it was still enough to soak in and give me a good soft hand. I think if I was sleeping at night though I would leave it all on, but for me to come out here on the computer and stuff it was better to get off the excess.
The soap is very nice as well. It's nice and soft, again not too strong and is very nice. It's strong while in the shower, but isn't nearly as strong once you get out and I like that!! It definitely cleaned well and it rinsed off well. There was no residue left behind!
Price: The Souffle is $8 which is AWESOME! And the soaps are $3.50!
Overall: **** Very happy with this company and it's an Etsy store so it's supporting a Work At Home Mom!! Which is great!
*Disclaimer* I received these products directly from the Company for Review. I was not paid to try out these products!*

Amber said...
The Healthy Hair Tea Rinse look really cool - I'd love to try it!
Thank you for the giveaway :)
Amber said...
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Thank you for the giveaway :)
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Thank you for the giveaway :)
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Thank you for the giveaway :)
Anonymous said...
I like the Momma Body Souffle.
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
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Follow you on Twitter: rhoneygee
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
Stephanie WAHM24 said...
Spiritual KINGS Incense and Simply Honey Lip Butter are the ones I would love to have!
stephsweeps at gmail dot com
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Sharon Harmon said...
I would like to try the Healthy Hair Tea Rinse! ;)
Anonymous said...
Nicole C. said...
I would like to try the Busy Hands Busy Bee Hand Scrub.
Nicole C. said...
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redfuzzycow said...
i like the Yummy Hand and Foot Soak
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Miss Spoken said...
Dead Sea Salt Scrub
Miss Spoken said...
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gkstratos at yahoo dot com
Miss Spoken said...
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gkstratos at yahoo dot com
llinda29 said...
I like IN SEASON Simply Baby Souffle
Anonymous said...
I like the simply better shea balm
one frugal lady said...
The yummy hand and foot soak looks great!
one frugal lady said...
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vboackle said...
i like the Yummy Hand and Foot Soak.
julis55 said...
Spiritual KINGS Incense and Simply Honey Lip Butter are the ones I would love to have
elaine said...
The Healthy Hair Tea Rinse sounds like an interesting hair product.
Elaine R
Missybeez said...
I like the Simply Better Shea Balm.
Missybeez said...
follow on twitter (Missybeez80)
Katie R. said...
I like the Healthy Hair Tea Rinse.
Dancehottie1621 @ aol dot com
Huguette En said...
I like the Simply Honey Lip Butter
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Carries Rambles said...
I like the 8 Soft Skin Please Bath Soak Bags.
I hate cleaning those oatmeal soaks off the sides of the tubs, so this seems like a great idea!
carriesrambles @ yahoo dot com
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bison61 said...
I'd like the Simply Shea Relax
Anonymous said...
I would like to try the hand and foot soak.
Anonymous said...
The Healthy Hair Tea Rinse piques my interest!
digicat {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net
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Carol Anderson Ezovski
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Edyta said...
I like the Yummy Hand and Foot Soak.
edyta_c01 at yahoo dot com
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Sarah said...
I'd like to try the Yummy Hand and Foot Soak.
demmi said...
the simply relax pillow spray
demmi said...
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Kat C. said...
I am intrigued by the walnut brownie artisan soap :)
katch05 at gmail dot com
Belinda M said...
I am also interested in Simply Honey Lip Butter
bluebelle0367 @ hotmail dot com
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Belinda M said...
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Robin T said...
I would love to try their Dead Sea Salt Scrub
hanzabean said...
I think I wouldn't mind trying Cloveberry Artisan Soap.
ennuigotme @ gmail dot com
hanzabean said...
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Charlene S. said...
I could really use the simply honey lip butter :)
Charlene S. said...
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susan1215 said...
Cloveberry Artisan Soap
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Karen P said...
I would love to try the temple balm
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