Mommy's Favorite Things: Wet Paint Review & GIVEAWAY

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Wet Paint Review & GIVEAWAY

I'm a nail polish whore. I admit it! I always have polish on my fingers and toes. I love it and I love that it can express how I'm feeling. I don't really change my nail color often. I usually wait a couple weeks for it to wear off and then paint a different color, but my toes are almost always red. Love red!! 

When I got the opportunity to try out the Wet Paint system, I just couldn't wait to get it.
It comes with 3 base colors and 3 top colors, and it lets you create colors by mixing the two. So you use a base color and let it dry, and then paint the top color on top and let it dry. It's amazing how it works!

Then it wore off pretty quickly. I'd say quicker than any nail polish. So yesterday I opted for a Plum color!

I really like this shade. I'm a red fan like I said, but I also wear a lot of purple, so this really brought out both colors.
One thing I don't like is that if you don't wait for the Base color to dry fully, once you paint on the top color it melts the under layer and you will have a bare spot. This happened to me!!

The Wet Paint Nail Glaze System offers flexibility and individuality by creating custom polish colors by layering base colors and topcoat glazes together. With the system, you can cross over from beauty to fashion and match any outfit, handbag or pair of shoes. You can choose from our 2 Collections, "Hearts &; Daggers", a 6 Pack of Pastel Nail Polish containing 3 Basecoats and 3 Topcoat Glazes and "Comfortably Fun", a 6 Pack of Bold Nail Polish containing 3 Basecoats and 3 Topcoat Glazes. Check out the endless possibilities and other collections

Price: $29.99 for 6 colors which is 18 different shades. Pretty good!!

Overall: **** It wore off kind of fast and I think it's a little weird to have to paint 2 different colors, but other than that I like the idea!

*Disclaimer* I received these products directly from the Company for Review. I was not paid to try out these products!*


deb c said...

I really like the pastels.
Thanks for the chance.

Amber said...

I would prefer the pastels!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said...

follow #2
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said...

I voted for you as the best giveaway blog - good luck! #1
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said...

voted #2
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said...

voted #3
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said...

voted #5
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Kia89 said...

I like the pastels.

Mysharona said...

I like the bolds.

monky said...
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monky said...

I would love the bolds

:) Thank you for the wonderful giveaway! :)


monky said...


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Tiffany819 said...

I would love to try the Pastel nail color system.

Tiffanys819 at gmail dot com

Tiffany819 said...

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Tiffanys819 at gmail .com

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EDRing said...

I loved the Bold but my granddaughter says the Pastels are best.


Katy said...

I think this is a great idea! I love the bolds.

Thanks for the great giveaway!!! :)

kmorris at wildcatdiscovery dot com

Katy said...

I follow you on Twitter (as katygmorris).

Thanks!!! :)

kmorris at wildcatdiscovery dot com

wildcat32 said...

I would like to try the Pastels.

wildcat32 said...

follow on twitter @5memb

littlelatina said...

sounds great

Tracey said...

I'd like the pastels.

Missybeez said...

I like the pastels.

Missybeez said...

twitter follower(Missyebez80

Jean said...

I'd like the pastels

Jennifer said...

I would choose the bold set!

jennylovesjeff (at) hotmail (dot) com

Sharon Harmon said...

I would choose the Pastels. They would go great with my skin color and the colors of clothing I usually wear.

Alicia said...

The bolds

Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<

bloggyig at gmail dot com

mogrill said...

I like the bold set. Thanks for the chance!

Huguette En said...

I like the bold system.

Rhea said...

I would like the pastels =)

Rhea said...

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I follow you on twitter as ChainNailBlog.

Rhea said...

posted about the giveaway in this post:


Anonymous said...

I would LOVE the pastels!

boobiesbabiesandablog AT gmail DOT com

Anonymous said...

#1 I follow your blog! (BoobiesBabies&ABlog)

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vboackle said...

i like the pastels.

sweetsue said...

I'm shy, so I would choose the pastels.
smchester at gmail dot com

sweetsue said...

I follow your blog.
smchester at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

BOLDS! :) janel_marie at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Button janel_marie at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Voted 4 you! janel_marie at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

voted 2 janel_marie at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

voted 3 janel_marie at yahoo dot com

Huguette En said...

Following blog (2)

Huguette En said...

Following blog (3)

Anonymous said...

I would pick the BOLD. I am a nail polish junkie and would love this. Thanks.

turboterp said...

I'd love the Bolds! Thank you!

Belinda M said...

My favorite are the bold

bluebelle0367 @ hotmail dot com

Belinda M said...

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bluebelle0367 @ hotmail dot com


Belinda M said...


bluebelle0367 @ hotmail dot com

Huguette En said...

Following on twitter as @henglish

Swag Bag said...

I would love to try the Pastels. Both systems create wonderful shades! Thanks for the giveaway!
swaggbag @ gmail . com

Swag Bag said...

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Swag Bag said...

I follow your blog.

Swag Bag said...
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Swag Bag said...

I follow you on Twitter (@SwaggBag)
swaggbag @ gmail . com

Swag Bag said...


swaggbag @ gmail . com

Huguette En said...

Unknown said...

I like the bold!

fatmeatloaf1 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

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denyse said...

I love the Bolds.


denyse said...

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denyse said...



Oneangel said...

I would love the pastels!

erma said...

I like the Pastels.

Happi Shopr said...

I like the Bolds.

Happi Shopr said...

#1 Follow.

Happi Shopr said...

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Happi Shopr said...

#3 Follow.

Happi Shopr said...

follow on twitter (@happishopr).

chlorinebrain said...

I would really like the Pastels system

trixx said...
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trixx said...
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trixx said...

How fun! I'd love to experiment with the Bold system! peanut @ nyc dot rr dot com

trixx said...

I follow your blog!
peanut @ nyc dot rr dot com

trixx said...

2 I follow your blog!
peanut @ nyc dot rr dot com

trixx said...

3 I follow your blog!
peanut @ nyc dot rr dot com

Melissa B. said...

I would like the Bold System. I've got teenaged girls.

Tylerpants said...

I'd love the pastels set please! tylerpants @ gmail dot com

Tylerpants said...

I'm a follower. #1 tylerpants @ gmail dot com

Tylerpants said...

I'm a follower. #2 tylerpants @ gmail dot com

Tylerpants said...

I'm a follower. #3 tylerpants @ gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I would pick the bold colors.

Anonymous said...

count me in as Bold

fancyfeet48 said...

I like the pastels

Jenn S. said...

I like the pastels the best.

Anonymous said...

usually I'd wear softer colors but I want the BOLDS for this system. O_Leo_5(at)hotmail(dot)com

dispatcher_kristy said...

I would love the pastels

Aisling said...

I'd choose the pastels.

Roseann K. said...

I like the bright colors best! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I like the pastel set. Thanks.

president dot peaches@hotmail dot com

Terri Dell said...

I loke the bold colors the best Ziggywag at yahoo dot com

Terri Dell said...

1 Google Friend Connect follower Ziggywag at yahoo dot com

Terri Dell said...
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Terri Dell said...

3 Google Friend Connect follower Ziggywag at yahoo dot com

Terri Dell said...

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Hotsnotty2 said...

I love the Pastels, thanks!

Terri Dell said...

Ziggywag at yahoo dot com


Charity S said...

I like the Bold. Thanks

charisscharity at yahoo dot com

Charity S said...

following your blog.


Charity S said...

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charisscharity at yahoo dot com

Charity S said...

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charisscharity at yahoo dot com

Charity S said...

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charisscharity at yahoo dot com

Charity S said...


Anonymous said...

Would love to win !!

sadkins said...

I would love to get the Bolds!

Lisa P. said...

I would love the pastels.

lafittelady @ gmail dot com

Lisa P. said...

Google Friend Connect follower
Entry #1

lafittelady @ gmail dot com

Lisa P. said...

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Entry #2

lafittelady @ gmail dot com

Lisa P. said...

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Entry #3

lafittelady @ gmail dot com

Lisa P. said...


lafittelady @ gmail dot com

Kathy P said...

i like the bolds :)

klp1965 @ myfairpoint dot net

Kathy P said...

1 following your blog as klp1965

klp1965 @ myfairpoint dot net

Kathy P said...

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klp1965 @ myfairpoint dot net

Kathy P said...

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klp1965 @ myfairpoint dot net

Kathy P said...

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klp1965 @ myfairpoint dot net

Kathy P said...

klp1965 @ myfairpoint dot net

Sand said...

I'd like the The Bolds.

atreau @ gmail dot com.

Charlene Kuser said...

I like the Pastel System the best


Charlene Kuser said...

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Charlene Kuser said...

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Charlene Kuser said...

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Charlene Kuser said...



Unknown said...


cman said...


Nancy S. said...

I would like the pastels.
ncschools at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Pastels are lovely

ardy22 at earthlink dot net

Nancy S. said...

I follow your blog with google friend.

Nancy S. said...

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Anonymous said...

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Nancy S. said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Nancy S. said...

I follow you on twitter - ncschools

Anonymous said...

follow on twitter


Anonymous said...

I'd like the Bolds.

Nancy S. said...

I tweeted.

lilyk said...

I love the Pastels!

Anonymous said...

Which Wet Paint Nail Glaze System I'd like: The Bolds.