1. Who would you like not to stand so close to you? Marilyn Manson
2. Which of the following aspects of your life would you think rates the highest: mind, body or spirit? Mind definitely
3. What is your favorite movie line? "That Would Be ridiculous" - Religulous "Opinions are like Assholes, Everybody's got one" -Dead Pool
4. What is your favorite movie title? Tomorrow Never Dies
5. What is something that has happened to you that you would consider a miracle? My daughter being born.
6. What do you try to stay away from? Smoking... YUCK
7. What is it too late for? A good Relationship with my family
8. Give someone credit for something and name it if you can. Myself.
9. Would you rather be famous now & forgotten after you die or forgotten now & famous after you die, forever? And why? Famous Now, I'd want people to recognize who I am. I wouldn't want to be dead and then have people recognize me. I want the fame while I'm alive Dammit!
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