Mommy's Favorite Things: Midi Dress Styling Tips

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Midi Dress Styling Tips

You may already have heard about midi dresses. It's possible you have even owned some. They are any dresses of a length ending at approximately the middle of your calves. What you may not know is how to choose the best midi dress for you or how to style it successfully. Here are some helpful midi dress styling tips.

Midi Dress Length Variations Can Help You
Strictly speaking, a midi dress is one designed to end at the mid point of you lower legs. However, that can give your legs a very short appearance. It can also look almost as if your legs are cut off. Choosing a midi dress that hangs to a point just below or above your mid calves can help you avoid having that cut off or stumpy-legged appearance.

Choose a Midi Dress Color and Pattern for Your Body Type
If you are tall, you can afford to select a patterned midi dress, but try to keep it simple. If you are short, most fabric patterns will only make you look shorter. Selecting a single-color midi dress gives the appearance that you have a longer, taller silhouette. No matter what your height is, selecting patterns that are too elaborate or feature large components is rarely flattering. Small, delicate designs like little polka dots or flowers are often pretty.

Choose Shoes to Wear with You Midi Dress Wisely
A midi dress has the ability to make you look taller or shorter, but the footwear choices you make have a a large impact on that outcome. For example, wearing boots covers your ankles. Although the boots may be pretty, that will make your legs look shorter. If you are already tall, that type of footwear may be fine. However, when you want to look taller you need to leave as much ankle exposed as possible. A flat or a very slight heel is a better option, if that is the case. Similarly, any type of footwear with ankle straps makes legs look shorter when paired with a midi dress.

Select the Midi Dress Skirt Style That Suits Your Frame
Midi dresses can vary in designs. For example, some have form-hugging pencil skirts. Others have A-line skirts or full, flowing skirts. A loose, flowing skirt is often most comfortable, but it may not look as flattering as you might expect, especially if you are height challenged. The reality is a clean, streamlined midi dress with a simple skirt is likely to look best on a shorter frame.

Opt for an A-Line Midi Dress for Versatility
A midi dress with a simple A-Line skirt is often best in terms of versatility. For example, you can wear such a dress while running routine errands or when going out with friends. Depending on your chosen pattern and the general style of the dress, such as whether it has sleeves, it may also be appropriate work attire.

Select a Sexier Midi Dress Style for Date Night
An A-Line midi dress may be versatile, but it may not show off your figure the way you want it to. If you are seeking a dress to wear on a date, consider a midi dress with a little more pop and style. A dress with a slit up one side or a form-fitting skirt may attract more attention. Choosing a dress with an accent around the waist, such as a sash, can also help you capture a special someone's attention.

Accessorize Midi Dresses to Give Them Longer Lives
Nobody wants to buy a dress and only wear it once. Most midi dresses are perfect picks because you can wear them over and over again. But do not mistake the ability to wear the same midi dress again for the suggestion that you repeatedly wear it the exact same way. Instead, swap out your accessories to give it a completely different look each time. Sunglasses, scarves, purses and jewelry can make all the difference when trying to get several unique looks out of one midi dress.