Mommy's Favorite Things: CBD and Hemp Tea – Comparison and Differences

Monday, February 21, 2022

CBD and Hemp Tea – Comparison and Differences

 If you are a connoisseur of CBD edibles, you might be wondering what is CBD tea-like. Well, CBD tea is just like regular tea, however, with a little CBD sprinkled in!

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a substance naturally found in hemp plants. The hemp plants that are used for CBD tea and other supplements are naturally richer in CBD. However, the psychoactive THC will have been removed to at least acceptable levels, or completely. This is what makes CBD very different from the illegal sort of hemp that people smoke.

CBD tea's effects have not been fully explored yet. There are different teas that can be pretty powerful in their own right. If you are adding CBD and its own potential benefits, these combinations can be very interesting. Whatever the case, CBD teas are a new rage. They are a very popular consumable and there are a few different brands that stand out from the rest.

Along with this, hemp tea benefits the mind, body, and soul in a multitude of ways. In its essence, it is just a type of herbal tea. Even so, it is unlike any other and it has become popular only very recently.

What is CBD tea?

If you are thinking of trying out CBD or Hemp tea, you would want to know the differences between the two first. For thousands of years, people in many cultures have used hemp for its healing and therapeutic properties. It was used very often in traditional medicine in China. The use of cannabis as a medicine in history is well documented.

However, in those times, there was no clear distinction between the psychoactive hemp strains and the non-psychoactive hemp strains as there is today. Today we know that THC is what makes hemp psychoactive, while CBD does not. Today we know the composition of the plant in detail and we are discovering the effect of CBD and THC on the human body. Since CBD was discovered in hemp, the popularity of this plant increased greatly.

So, on the topic of tea, CBD tea refers to tea that contains CBD. That is straightforward. While all hemp flowers contain CBD every tea that contains hemp flowers can be qualified as CBD tea. However, some manufacturers add extra CBD extracts artificially to the tea and decrease further, or completely neutralize, the content of THC. This can increase the CBD content of the tea.

What is Hemp tea?

While very similar to one another, there is a small difference between CBD tea and hemp tea. Namely, hemp tea is made from the Cannabis Sativa plant, using the leaves, the hemp flower, and seeds. This plant is not artificially treated and CBD extracts are not added to hemp teas. Also, it is possible that hemp teas will contain a small percentage of THC.

We know that cannabis Sativa originates from the Indian subcontinent. However, this plan has now spread to much of Asia, Europe, Africa, and the Americas. Despite requiring full light, it thrives in most soil types, provided they are damp.

The leaves of the hemp plant, but also flowers and seeds are ground into a powder that releases CBD into hot water, creating a health-boosting hemp herbal tea. Some hemp tea infusions contain less than 0.3% THC content. Similar to CBD tea, this tea is completely legal and safe.

While there is a percentage of it, the THC in hemp tea is negligible. Most companies make their hemp tea from “fiber hemp”. These plants are officially allowed to have a THC content of 0.2%.

Benefits of CBD tea

If you are thinking of purchasing CBD in your local dispensary, here are some of the benefits of this consumable that you might be interested in:

This tea is easy to make.

 If you are a fan of tea already, all it’s going to take to get your daily dose of CBD is swapping one of your normal tea breaks for a CBD tea break. It doesn’t take anything special to make this tea, as most manufacturers sell it as tea bags or tea leaves, like any other type of tea.

This tea is tasty.

With so many companies making CBS teas, you can find a CBD tea with the flavors you like. This is how you can enjoy your CBD tea, while still experimenting with tastes that you love. You can even enhance your top teas with a CBD food enhancer if you prefer to transform regular tea into CBD tea.

It’s a treat.

CBD tea is not so much a supplement as it is a treat, even with all the benefits that it has. It is not the same as taking out your vitamin case.

Benefits of Hemp tea

Hemp, and CBD, contain a wealth of vitamins, minerals, and other antioxidants capable of improving life in small yet significant ways. CBD is one of the most prevalent cannabinoids found in the trichomes of the female cannabis plant and hemp. It is not psychoactive and, as such, doesn’t have any mind-altering side effects.

However, if I wanted to buy it I can still do so in dispensaries near me. CBD offers is impressive health benefits that are not yet explored to their full potential. CBD can help to treat or alleviate health conditions and supports a generally healthy lifestyle.

There are also studies that suggest that it can relieve anxiety, offer pain relief, improve sleep quality and alleviate nausea. It might even prevent seizures while reducing inflammation and supporting those living with IBS. Those are all quite handy for something that can be taken in as a comforting, hot drink.

Insomnia is one of the top reasons why someone might curl up with a cup of hemp tea at night. In a recent study, 66.7% of people experienced better sleep when taking CBD each day.

Along with this, CBD interacts with receptors in the brain that govern the body’s daily sleep/wake cycle, so it works similarly to lavender when it comes to improving sleep quality. Hemp tea benefits are similar to chamomile tea benefits in this respect as well.

However, it is advised to be cautious when using hemp tea for pain relief or any other benefits. There is still research to be done, and while current studies have had promising results, it’s best to make sure CBD tea is a good option for you by doing further research or consulting your doctor.

Things to Look Out for When Buying CBD or Hemp Tea

How much of CBD do you need per day? This is not an easy question to answer. Everyone’s CBD requirements will vary. As with supplements, CBD needs can depend on your height, weight, medical history, experience with CBD, the condition you’re trying to treat, and similar. CBD in teas, as with other edibles, will not be of a significant percentage, however, you can still try out CBD tea as a tasty warm beverage.

Also, take in mind that CBD has poor bioavailability in water. This means that teas aren’t as efficient as gummies, tinctures, or capsules. If tea has 60 mg in each teabag, it doesn’t mean that all of that will diffuse in the water. For most teas, 60mg of CBD is equivalent to around 30 mg of CBD from tinctures of gummies. 

There are also companies that use much lower concentrations of CBD. A thing to note is that not all the CBD will be absorbed, so if you are looking for tea in your local dispensary, you’ll need to use a higher dose than you would for other product categories. 

In general, a hemp or CBD tea is going to be much more subtle than other forms anyway. Because of their gentle nature, CBD teas are great for first-time users. 

If you’re just looking for something to help you wind down at the end of the day, a teabag containing between 30 and 60 mg of CBD is going to be perfectly sufficient.