
About Me

About Me: 
Welcome! My name is Heather and I am the writer here at Mommy's Favorite Things. I started this blog in January 2009 as a way to earn extra entries in other giveaways I was entering. However, it has grown into so much more than that in those 9 years. I started blogging more about my life and then started hosting my own blog reviews and giveaways in September 2009. My blog has grown so much in the past 9 years and I am thrilled with its success to date. My blog is Mommy's Favorite Things because I have three wonderful children. My children are my Favorite Things, but the products I review are as well. It has a double meaning. Avery is almost 10, Emerson is 6 and Liam is 4.

This blog is mainly for reviews and giveaways but I do write a little about my life as well. I'm a SAHM so I have a LOT to say most of the time. And it's also here for me to write about my endeavors with different things, such as, cloth diapering, everything green and going green and much, much more.
We're a family that eats healthy and are trying to go paleo. I like to knit, sew and read as my hobbies. We love to travel and I am a travel blogger and love having new experiences with my family.





  1. I love how your blog began. I keep trying to tell my mom... who keeps complaining about missed entries because she doesn't have a blog... to start one of her own. I have a gut feeling she'd be good at it.

    You have a beautiful family!

  2. Visiting from
    Hope you have a nice day.

  3. love the blog. im glad to see a blogs bring so many people together. i just started mine last week and yours is certainly something to strave for.

  4. You have a beautiful family and I love how clean your blog is. Its not cluttered up like a lot of them I have seen.

  5. What adorable kids. You have such a beautiful family!

  6. It's nice to meet you & your sweet family. Keep up the good work

  7. You have a beautiful family and I love your blog. Also got my Free Country jacket in today that I won on your blog and my husband and I love it. Thanks so much.

  8. You have such beautiful children and I love reading your reviews in my email! I look forward to more!

  9. Love your blog! You have such a beautiful family.

  10. I love your blog. I also love reading your reviews they are very insightful. Thanks

  11. I love your blog, giveaways and reviews. What a beautiful family you have.

  12. I have entered so many of your giveaways, it was nice to read about you, your family and your blog. Thank you for all of the giveaways you have sponsored.

  13. Your blog looks great! I hope to be able to get more into mine. I need to find more time to work on it.


  14. What cute kids you have and a beautiful family. I like to read about bloggers families and their story as it personalizes the experience when I go to the various blogs each day. I am disabled and I read blogs all day long.

  15. You have a beautiful family! I started my blog a over a year ago and really enjoy it as well! I love reviewing products and taking photos.

  16. Your children are adorable and I love all of your names. Very beautiful family.

  17. I love all your children's names. :)

  18. Thx for adding me,love to be apart of something that shares the same interest(mommyhood)

  19. very nice to meet you and your lovely family!

  20. You have a cute family. I was a single parent of 3 for years and I always wished that I could have been able to stay at home with my children while they were growing up. Working full-time, I missed out on so many milestones as well as school programs and athletic events. I love it when a mother gets to stay at home to enjoy in the moments that working mom's generally miss.

  21. I just discovered your blog yesterday. I love it! And you have a beautiful family.

  22. Blogging is a wonderful way for SAHM to earn money while caring for their children. I am considering to start a blog next year. You have a nice family.

  23. Nice to meet you and your family! I love your blog.

  24. Your kids are beautiful! I just recently found your blog. I appreciate your great giveaways!

  25. You have a beautiful family, they look wonderful.

  26. You have a very beautiful family. I sure miss my kids now that they are grown and have families of their own.

  27. the kids are cute and you have some great kid and then ilike the givveways

  28. It's so wonderful that you created such a fantastic blog out of entering giveaways! Thank you for sharing a little about yourself and all of the awesome giveaways that are going on. The "Green Movement" is growing and so are the products surrounding it! :-) Happy blogging!

  29. Your kids are precious! I have no idea how you keep up with a blog while having a little under the age of one. My daughter is 8 months and I hardly have time to take a shower, let alone write an amazing blog!?

  30. 've been toying with starting a blog, too, for the same reason. Thanks for the inspiration!

  31. I started reading blogs very recently as I've been researching cloth diapers. I've really been getting very interested in starting my own blog, but wouldn't know where to begin. Any suggestions?

  32. I think it's great that your children and husband are your Favorite Things. It is fleshing to here someone talk positively about the home life. I love the missing tooth.

  33. I think it's great that your children and husband are your Favorite Things. It is fleshing to here someone talk positively about the home life. I love the missing tooth.

  34. A lovely family. I quite enjoy having found your blog!

  35. Your blog is wonderful and you have a beautiful family!

  36. Your children are so cute!! Not to mention I just love their names!

  37. I adore your blog and we also try to raise our kids naturally and cloth diaper:)

  38. My family likes to travel too. We have a shihtzu that goes everywhere with us.

  39. I love your blog. It is very inspiring!
    You have a beautiful family. Please, keep inspiring all mommies out there!

  40. Beautiful family... love your eating healthy, travel .. be safe... from Edmonton, Alberta Canada
